Destruction Staff, Frost Lightning rant and Sorcerer Rant

  • sarttsarttsarttub17_ESO
    ErykGrimm wrote: »
    The lengths people will go to just to get a "lol" badge on the eso forums.
    you have 2 bades, so im guessing you want more.

  • Merlin13KAGL
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Encase - almost never works in PVP, and gives CC immunity to everyone. Has a short range and it never feels like it stops anything. Unstoppable potions, immovable and purge are 3 easy answers to it. If you are close enough to enemies to use Encase you have more important priorities.

    Oh, and I dare you to encase a zergball of 14 players ;)

    I disagree. My raid leader uses it and stops people from spreading out when we come and nuke them. It's really effective against pugs, as the majority won't use any of the three things you listed xD. When we go up against other organized groups especially the ones we recognize he's not prone to use it as much, he might at the beginning and that'll be it.

    Also 14? You hardly need encase for that, but it wouldn't be hard to do.

    Dampen magicka over harness? Harness is really really good, it's what I see 90% of the sorcs using, at least the ones that streak forever.

    Also that 2nd bar is giving so much health and magicka back to whoever is dropping Absorption Field. Which in turns means I have enough to keep streaking back and forth dropping more and more negates.

    I honestly don't see why people choose Suppression over Absorption.

    @‌ @xsfkxnub19_ESO‌
    For the skillbar slot it takes up, Rune Prison has very limited usefulness in PvP. It only affects one person per cast and is broken when the wind blows.

    If I have to CC a spot, Encase wins, hands down.

    So I don't stop everybody? If I stop 3/5, that helps tremendously. Add the morph that slows for 4+ secs after and it can be a game changer.

    You have to bear in mind, Encase is either an assist or for solo.

    And mob of 14? Encase twice and you've probably stopped all but 4?

    The potions and skills can counter, but not everyone is going to time those things perfectly always.

    @xsfkxnub19_ESO‌, Harness and Absorption all day long.
    Coming from someone with a v12 DK and a v12 Sorc, I'd say the OP is grossly underestimating his class. It's very very powerful.

    I dunno why you guys complain about the Sorc's AoE, Lighting Splash is brilliant for both PvE and group PvP. Sure it's not Sap Essence, but hey. I love the synergy when I play with another DK next to me. He'll Talon, I'll Splash, we'll activate each others synergies and that's ~1.3k AoE in just 2 secs with minimal magicka cost to both :)

    @mike.gaziotisb16_ESO, Lightning splash is awsome if you have someone to follow up with Synergy, mediocre otherwise. I almost swear my familiars synergize on this one (on occasion when I use them).

    I'd like to see friendly NPC's take advantage of synergy too, at least a percentage of the time.

    Not Sorc related, but same with the Undaunted skill line.

    Point being, there are different combos that are more effective given different situations, primarily solo play (even in PvP) vs group play.

    Some of the average spells as solo can be powerful with the synergy assists.

    Pick the right set for the right situation and you can be downright mean as a Sorc.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • sarttsarttsarttub17_ESO
    lightning splashes duration is a giant joke. 2.5 sec duration with the lag on this game the no one gets a chance to activate the synergy.
  • Blooddancer
    I read the OP and immediately thought "TROLL", then I see the lengthy backlash, Wow people and am not referencing a rival title.

    Falling into the "Someone always wants to nerf something" trap, just sayin.
  • MorHawk
    We have no self heals
    Dark Exchange.
    Edited by MorHawk on September 12, 2014 5:27PM
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    lightning splashes duration is a giant joke. 2.5 sec duration with the lag on this game the no one gets a chance to activate the synergy.

    You pretty much expect to drop it in someone's lap, with them expecting it to arrive for 'X.'

    When I use it, I end up dropping multiple's anyway.

    Bone Shield - same way. 5 second effect with 4 second synergy.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Athas24
    Aeratus wrote: »
    Why can't we summon the daedra we want?
    And why can't i summon a unicorn or something?

    Bwahaha YES! I want to summon a Carebear of doooommm!
    ...OverTwerked & Underpaid.
    Rajaat04 in game @Athas24 on forums
  • sarttsarttsarttub17_ESO
    MorHawk wrote: »
    We have no self heals
    Dark Exchange.
    dark exchange is channeled. i don't consider it a self heal like dragons blood or templars self heal,both of those classes can block and self heal, sorcs cant.

  • sarttsarttsarttub17_ESO
    I read the OP and immediately thought "TROLL", then I see the lengthy backlash, Wow people and am not referencing a rival title.

    Falling into the "Someone always wants to nerf something" trap, just saying.
    People like you who read something then immediately think someone is trolling says there's nothing good to be expected from other player on forums

  • sarttsarttsarttub17_ESO
    lightning splashes duration is a giant joke. 2.5 sec duration with the lag on this game the no one gets a chance to activate the synergy.

    You pretty much expect to drop it in someone's lap, with them expecting it to arrive for 'X.'

    When I use it, I end up dropping multiple's anyway.

    Bone Shield - same way. 5 second effect with 4 second synergy.
    no i expect a AOE to at least last for more than 2.5 seconds, and at least give someone time to activate it,this game has serious lag issues and with people playing from all over the world 2.5 sec's is not enough for someone to activate the synergy, When i do cast it and someone actually does activate it they do the animation long after the spell has ended, sometimes i tell people im using synergy moves and let people know to be ready to use them, and they still ask when are you using them i dont see any indicating to press X.

    At least have some kind of lingering effect on the people being hit or make lightning splash longer
  • sarttsarttsarttub17_ESO
    And they just nerfed streak. G G
  • MorHawk
    MorHawk wrote: »
    We have no self heals
    Dark Exchange.
    dark exchange is channeled. i don't consider it a self heal like dragons blood or templars self heal,both of those classes can block and self heal, sorcs cant.'s not a self-heal because you can't block? You have very unique definitions, my friend.
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • sarttsarttsarttub17_ESO
    MorHawk wrote: »
    MorHawk wrote: »
    We have no self heals
    Dark Exchange.
    dark exchange is channeled. i don't consider it a self heal like dragons blood or templars self heal,both of those classes can block and self heal, sorcs cant.'s not a self-heal because you can't block? You have very unique definitions, my friend.
    try to use it when you have venom arrow spam hitting you when dks and temps can cast insta heal when block is up 100% of the time, dark channel can get you killed since you can't block.
  • goatlyonesub17_ESO
    akray21 wrote: »
    I just ditched my V12 NB until they fix dark cloak, and add mobility. I am loving my level 15 lightning sorc, and I dont even have BE yet! Storm calling is the best tree in the game.

    It isn't the nightblade that is underpowered. It is the sorcerer that is underpowered. Really, all ZOS has to do to know that the sorc isn't up to par, in terms of abilities, is run combat simulations, during which they will discover that sorcerers nearly always die when confronting equally high level player opponents from other classes in one-on-one combat.

    I should say that there is probably a build for nightblades that is so disadvantegeous that it would often lose to the optimally built sorcerer. But that isn't really a relevant point, since someone playing either class will discover which builds are the good ones.
    "Argonians have fat, scaly tails." —Rissa Manyclaws.
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    "Your armor looks like underwear." —Shuns-the-Knife.
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    You can't be serious right now? Are you trolling? I'll tell you what, ZoS can give you what you want when you can't stack 28k worth of damage shields every second then bolt escape away when you feel like you're losing the fight.
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • pugyourself
    We have no self heals ,no fears ,no invisibility, the only mass CC we have is streak and that cost a ton of mana and i'm pretty sure that isn't how streak was intended to be used. Daedric Mines has got to be the dumbest thing in the game ATM What is the point of that spell? To waste mana? Fix this game.
    Encase = roots up to 6 enemies, damage or snare on break (depending on morph)
    Rune Prison = mez for 15 seconds, stun on break or +Spell damage on next attack
    Frost AEs (impulse, wall) for AoE snares.

    I can agree with a few things though, the Daedric Summoning tree is pretty lackluster.

    The Destro Staff passive Tri-Focus is terrible. Worse than 2 hander passives :) damage increase would be better, or adding special affects depending on element, IE Magika or Stamina Drains

    I can only get runt cage to snare one enemy per cast. Am I doing it wrong or is it a single enemy spell? Encase seems to grab them all but my rune age doesn't.
  • MorHawk
    Trolling or not, a six month bump is...extraneous.
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • b_archaonpreeb18_ESO
  • Artemiisia
    why bump a thread that has nothing in it worth anything thats in this game anymore?

    New rule should be made in this forum, thread closes after 6 months
  • Emma_Overload
    You what's really funny? Except for Lightning Splash, which HAS been improved, everything this guy was complaining about in September has only gotten WORSE!

    Poor OP never even saw the Crushing Shock and Wall of Elements nerfs coming, and he probably unsubbed when heard about the infamous Critical Surge COOLDOWN :'(
    Edited by Emma_Overload on March 31, 2015 7:06PM
  • Nestor
    I just recently took my Sorcerer out of retirement. She was complaining about lack of exercise being parked at a crafting station. Anyway, pre 1.6 I used a lot of Destro Staff skills and few of the Sorcerer skills. Now, it's the other way around. I run her with two Destro Staffs, one for Destro Skills, and one for Pets/Sorcerer skills. I rarely ever use the Destro Staff skills anymore. I toggle both pets, then send them after the mob(s). Once they draw aggro, then I hit them with Lightening Flood and Endless Fury. Don't even have Magelight on the bar, and I forget to cast Hardened Ward, but I never need it.

    EDIT The other thing, why are you not using a Fire Staff? Lightening and Frost staffs suck, in my opinion. Although part of that opinion comes from the Lightening staff I used to use which would only fire when it felt like it.
    Edited by Nestor on March 31, 2015 7:20PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Mumnoch
    dead thread is dead, not wasting my breath on PVP kiddies who think Sorc's don't need help.
    Edited by Mumnoch on March 31, 2015 7:46PM
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