Just had some thoughts on this I wanted to throw out into the universe.
On Perceptions of Bolt Escape (+Morphs); I definitely understand a lot of the community outrage at how bolt escape worked in the past. That in mind, I think this has clouded a lot of the issues around bolt escape. Post-nerf bat, as the dust clears and the crying turns to whines of nerfy glee, the problems I've noticed with bolt escape (+morphs) seem to be swept under the matt.
Definite issues I can see that exist;
(1) The morph Streak (and I speculate the other forms as well) can't be cast mid fall, while other skills can. Why can't I jump off a high tower and teleport to a wall?
(2) Bolt Escape (+Morphs) can only go in a straight line, meaning if you go off a cliff or over a hill, you will drop straight down (because you don't have forward momentum), no matter where you point the mouse. If I want to bolt escape straight upward, or down off a cliff face to avoid fall damage, why can't I do this? Maybe even teleport onto keep walls from the ground?
(3) The morph Ball of Lightning drops a huge *** glowy target of doom on the exit point of your teleport point, but only stops range spells. It also only operates in a bubble field, so if you move away from it (for example to the left or right, post teleport) it provides you with no benefit, while continuing to be a giant target. After some testing, I have found the benefit of the unmorphed bolt escape not sticking a giant target on you, far outweighs the benefit of a small spell eating vortex.
(4) The morph Streak provides only utilitary changes, with no actual extra benefit (you lose aoe stun at the start of the cast but gain forward stun).
(5) One thing I have noticed is that bolt escape(+morphs) has become far less effective on non-magika builds. It would be nice if bolt escape would be equally effective for stamina or life builds, and specifically for close range builds (that need a MORE rather than LESS effective bolt escape)
The changes I would make;
(1) I have found that the big issue with bolt escape is that when you need it as an escape move, the resources to use it with stamina/life builds are not usually there when you need them because of magika deficit. How I would achieve this is change the streak morph (commonly used by close range builds) to scale based on %remaining magika that scales up within 3 seconds of each cast. The first cast should have a low cost to maximize its potential as an in combat travel, lets say 10% of remaining mana. The following 3 casts could then consume 20, 30, and then 40% of remaining mana. Generally speaking it takes 3-4 casts to break out of combat completely, 2 with running speed boosts is also pretty reliable. Generally this means you would have to burn 70-100% of remaining mana to escape, but only 10%-30% to move around (in my experience this seems fair for close quarters sorcs, since they have limited effective pvp aoe; I've had more success with single target attacks).
(2) When I chose Streak to test, I was dismayed by the lackluster sideways change it brought me. Mainly this being that the loss of the AoE in favour of a Line stun. Not to say that this is useless, but sacrificing the aoe stun is a huge price tag. I would argue one that isn't worth it after some experience with both (I realize not all will agree). But that's what the real issue for me is; there should at least be a general consensus that the base skill is not as good as the morphed version. The forward stun should really be in addition to the initial aoe stun.
(3) Something with ball of lightning has to give; if your going to paint a huge target on players, it should absorb all projectile types. At the very least, it needs an animation change that doesn't say "THIS IS WHERE I TELEPORTED TO." Perhaps a dark ground texture based animation that is a field rather than a ball that is more subtle, illustrates where the boundaries of protection are, and maybe even covering a larger radius. Or if you like the uniqueness of the animation, make the energy ball huge and blinding so that players can't see where you are. Or perhaps give it the ability to force stealth while in range of it. SOMETHING, ANYTHING better than the game of follow the glow bubbles.
(4) Another direction might be to completely overhaul ball of lightning into straight up long range teleport. First cast should set an exit point, and then casting it again could teleport you to the exit point. 2.5 second cast time, can move while channeling, maximum range 150 meters, can't set exit points in combat. This gives the opportunity to be interupted, while providing a more predictable escape pattern for casters.
(5) Put stun radius ranges on the skill tooltips, please!
(6) Fix pathing issues!
(7) Let me cast it in mid air!
Thanks, thats all good to get that out..
Troll away.
Edited by Cathexis on July 28, 2014 9:36PM