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Broken Achievements

  • Sasky
    "True Legendary" as well doesn't award as indicated by the achievement. The achievement indicates you can apply any player-crafted legendary achievement to any player-crafted legendary gear, but it doesn't always fire that way.

    Last night I went through these steps expecting the achievement:
    1. Crafted restoration staff on character A
    2. Improve to gold on character A
    3. Switch to character B and construct legendary glyph
    4. Switch back to character A and apply glyph to the gold staff

    Someone in guild indicated it seems to be only for if the same character crafts both the enchant and the weapon. If that's the case, the tooltip needs to be updated (though it'd definitely be preferable to work as currently listed).
    Sasky (Zaniira, Daggerfall Covenant)
    Addons: AutoInvite, CyrHUD, Others
  • LonePirate
    Do Imperial characters need to loot the Imperial motif in order to tick off the Imperial entry in the Rare Styles Master achievement or does being an Imperial automatically qualify as knowing it? I play an Imperial and the Imperial item in this list is not checked/ticked.
  • kungmoo
    found another broken achievement, think it was called Truly Legendary (the one where you put the legendary glyph on a legendary armor or weapon piece)

    it might be because of the fact that the toon that put the glyph on the item didnt make either piece, but the achievement doesnt state that you have to make both and then place them

    Some men are alive simply because it is against the law to kill them. -Edward W. Howe
  • _subjectnamehere_
    found another broken achievement, think it was called Truly Legendary (the one where you put the legendary glyph on a legendary armor or weapon piece)

    it might be because of the fact that the toon that put the glyph on the item didnt make either piece, but the achievement doesnt state that you have to make both and then place them

    All of these "Legendary" achievements you guys are listing since Jason's post do work for me. I don't believe they were tracked prior to v1.3.3, so unfortunately, you will have to craft them and apply the appropriate glyph to them to earn the achievement. When I did this on my clothier yesterday, it worked with no issues.

    It should be noted, too, that these items were all crafted by me.

    So, I did not test it under all circumstances. If you have crafted and/or enchanted legendary gear since v1.3.3 and it did not pop, then I guess it is only working in some situations.

    And, FYI, the motif achievements were awarded to me retroactively. So...I wish I could help you there. Might not be working for some.

    The provisioning recipe achievement "Recipe Card" is most definitely not working for me. Hope they fix that soon.
  • Tonnopesce
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ i'm not mad for this .... but i tink the emperor archievement as still some little bugs... actualy i dont have the archivement but i can dye my armour in the emperor red color

  • usura
    Be sure to let us know if there are other achievements not listed in the original post that do not appear to be fixed so we can investigate, and be sure to "/bug" these as well so we can collect additional information. Thanks!

    im missing most of the public dungeon conquerer and vanquisher achievements, actually i had done all of these achievements except for two dungeons (bugged).

    this also blocks the pact/covenant/dominion conquerer achievements - including the dye reward.
    . . : usura - woodelf nightblade - aldmeri dominion : . .
  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    We've updated the original post with the "Rare Styles Master" achievement, which we are currently testing a fix for. Thanks for reporting this to us.

    You are correct, @astal360b14_ESO. In order to receive the Truly Legendary achievement, you must craft both the enchant and the weapon yourself. This will not be rewarded if using another player's weapon.
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • Zed
    You are correct, @astal360b14_ESO. In order to receive the Truly Legendary achievement, you must craft both the enchant and the weapon yourself. This will not be rewarded if using another player's weapon.

    The text for this achievement doesn't make that clear.
    Spend spend spend! 'Cause you don't know any better.
  • Zury1001ub17_ESO
    We've updated the original post with the "Rare Styles Master" achievement, which we are currently testing a fix for. Thanks for reporting this to us.

    You are correct, @astal360b14_ESO. In order to receive the Truly Legendary achievement, you must craft both the enchant and the weapon yourself. This will not be rewarded if using another player's weapon.

    there are multiple achievements that should be marked as done on my end but they arent. Public Dungeon explorer in each alliance, recipes, and deconstructing armor.
  • quarnyrwb17_ESO
    You are correct, @astal360b14_ESO. In order to receive the Truly Legendary achievement, you must craft both the enchant and the weapon yourself. This will not be rewarded if using another player's weapon.

    To clarify more: You must craft both the enchant and the gear yourself on the SAME character and apply the enchant to the gear on the SAME character.

    The description for "Truly Legendary" states "Apply player-created Legendary Enchantment to player-created Legendary armor piece or weapon." Either the description needs to be changed or to be made work like the description (preferably the latter as leveling enchanting is a huge pain I don't want to do again or make all your own characters count).
    Edited by quarnyrwb17_ESO on August 8, 2014 12:28AM
  • _subjectnamehere_
    AnteCoyote wrote: »
    What about the Emperor Achievement.
    I have been Emperor but I didn't get the Achievement (I guess it has been implemented later on?)
    I can confirm that I didn't get the emperor achievement as well, and neither have any of the other former emperors I've asked.
    I did ;)

    However, I was lucky enough to find one of the new collectibles, but that didn't update the appropriate achievement.


    I believe in order to get credit you must double click the collectable (this will consume it).

    Correct. You must "use" the item (E key) in order to get credit for the achievement.
  • Super_Sonico
    We've updated the original post with the "Rare Styles Master" achievement, which we are currently testing a fix for. Thanks for reporting this to us.

    Please add broken recipe achievement to the list. I have 116 recipes, but I'm getting credit for zero.
  • ZOS_JasonLeavey
    We updated the original post with some of the achievements that you guys asked about. We'll continue to investigate any others that you'd like some clarification on.

    Also, thank you all for your reports on the confusion surrounding the "Truly Legendary" achievement. We will be updating the tooltip in the future to be more clear.
    Jason Leavey
    Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
    Staff Post
  • Skewki
    "Treasure Chest Hunter" count is not going up.. been stuck at 319 for who knows how long.. not sure if this is new with this patch or not
  • Mondrely
    You are correct, @astal360b14_ESO. In order to receive the Truly Legendary achievement, you must craft both the enchant and the weapon yourself. This will not be rewarded if using another player's weapon.

    To clarify more: You must craft both the enchant and the gear yourself on the SAME character and apply the enchant to the gear on the SAME character.

    The description for "Truly Legendary" states "Apply player-created Legendary Enchantment to player-created Legendary armor piece or weapon." Either the description needs to be changed or to be made work like the description (preferably the latter as leveling enchanting is a huge pain I don't want to do again or make all your own characters count).

    Well this sucks. I already have four professions maxed out on my main character. Now they're telling me I need to level enchanting if I want that achievement? Not worth my time.
  • Sunrock
    We've updated the original post with the "Rare Styles Master" achievement, which we are currently testing a fix for. Thanks for reporting this to us.

    You are correct, @astal360b14_ESO. In order to receive the Truly Legendary achievement, you must craft both the enchant and the weapon yourself. This will not be rewarded if using another player's weapon.

    You need to word the achievement requirement better. Because grammatically it does not specify what player that have to make it, "player made" does technically mean any player.
  • Savitar
    Wow, the Truly Legendary achievement just Truly Sucks to get then. I would go out on a limb here and say that 90% of the community would want it to function the way we thought it would work rather than the way you're inferring it would work.
    Making a legendary gear item and a legendary enchant yourself and then applying the legendary enchant to the item you made. I don't think anyone read the tooltip that way.
    The system already knows when something is made by a player due to the names on all the player crafted items, I think this arbitrary limitiation on this achievement is just silly.
  • Anath_Q
    You are correct, @astal360b14_ESO. In order to receive the Truly Legendary achievement, you must craft both the enchant and the weapon yourself. This will not be rewarded if using another player's weapon.

    To clarify more: You must craft both the enchant and the gear yourself on the SAME character and apply the enchant to the gear on the SAME character.

    The description for "Truly Legendary" states "Apply player-created Legendary Enchantment to player-created Legendary armor piece or weapon." Either the description needs to be changed or to be made work like the description (preferably the latter as leveling enchanting is a huge pain I don't want to do again or make all your own characters count).

    This is terrible. I have one craft per toon...with this I have to go back and level either a duplicate enchanter or a duplicate bs/ww/clothier.

    Instead, wouldn't it make more sense to allow this achievement to update with the enchantment and item made by ANY of one's own toons? Apply it account-wide? My woodworker makes a legendary bow and applies a legendary enchant made by my enchanter? Since the colors are unlocked by any one toon for the entire account, I can't see why this can't be reworked to allow for account-wide contribution to updating it.

    | GM Cheesemongers of Nirn |
  • MercyKilling
    And to think...all this could have been bypassed by letting us BUY the dyes at $1.99 per from the store. After all, they are cosmetic only items, which I seem to recall someone on the development team saying would ever be available on the store.


    Also, about a month into play (I started from early access) I found an Imperial motif book and IMMEDIATELY read it. (Well, after linking it in tells to friends to brag, but hey.)
    Now it's not ticking off on the achievement for the rare motifs, but I see you know about that.
    I also JUST found a Gossamer Wing off a wasp I killed...and it's not showing up under the "Chitin Accumulator" achievement. hard is it to track which achievements we already have? I mean we've got achievement points for accomplishing somewhere there's a record of what we've done so far..and yet there's a laundry list of things we'll have to start over on?
    Yeah, that's called dropping the ball, Zenimax. You're making it REALLY difficult for me to white knight for you.

    Even if you don't like the idea of purchasing/selling dyes for actual real world hard would it have been to make them purchasable for those achievement points we've been earning? You could even price dyes according to accomplishments. Some give 5 points, so those are the most common. Go right up the line. 5, 10, 15, etc. with the rarest colors costing the most points. (I'm not ingame right now, but the highest I can recall seeing is 50 point awards.)
    Edited by MercyKilling on August 10, 2014 12:57AM
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Llogwey
    And to think...all this could have been bypassed by letting us BUY the dyes at $1.99 per from the store. After all, they are cosmetic only items, which I seem to recall someone on the development team saying would ever be available on the store.

    I have to disagree with that, dyes may be cosmetic when used/applied, but the fact to OWN a color is not cosmetic, it is achievement/collectible which covers quite a category of people who play to "get achievements". If you provide colors on a money sale, for this aspect of the game it becomes a "pay to win" which is not at all the idea or goal of this game.

    From the point they linked colors to achievements, they cannot provide those colors on a money store, because it would "bypass" the achievment... If those were OTHER colors not possible to gain by achievements, it MAY be ok, but that would also be a bypass because there will always be a "color for sale" that somehow matches the color you want, without the need to make the achievement to get it....

    Solving bugs and making it so it is retroactive for everything that is not individually repeatable (with the same level of complexity...) somehow remains the best option

    Also, for the legendary item enchanted by a legendary glyph....
    It is easy for everybody (with enough money...) to craft a level 1 legendary item...without leveling an outfitter.... This is not the case for the glyph because you have to learn how to use the Kuta rune... which is quite high level. This means this achievement could be realised easily with an enchanter, but not with an outfitter who's not at the same time enchanter... and when we know how difficult it is to level up an enchanter....
    Well this is true only if the achievement works on level 1 items... if it requires VR12... that's ridiculous...

  • Shasti
    I have several achievements that are missing. In crafting I'm a master clothier and provisioner. Can't relearn recipes I already know. I've made everything except legendary gear, no credit. And of course the refine and deconstruct. Also notice several world bosses no longer counted. Public dungeons that were completed no longer there. I do love this game and want to be there for the long haul, but some of these I really do not want to have to redo. Tedious and frustrating.
  • radiostar
    It is easy for everybody (with enough money...) to craft a level 1 legendary item...without leveling an outfitter.... This is not the case for the glyph because you have to learn how to use the Kuta rune... which is quite high level.
    Rekuta is the purple. Kuta is gold. But point still stands, yes.
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • MasterSpatula
    To clarify more: You must craft both the enchant and the gear yourself on the SAME character and apply the enchant to the gear on the SAME character.

    Is it confirmed that the items must be made, not just by the same player, but by the same character? And this is intentional? Really?

    There's no polite way to discuss how that makes me feel.

    Anyway, the achievement for number of recipes known only seems to tick for ones learned since the patch. This seems like a bad call. Maybe that's already on the list, because I don't remember its title and none of the ones I saw sounded right. If not, it should probably be on the list, because that really can't be right.
    Edited by MasterSpatula on August 11, 2014 7:24PM
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Navuri
    The achievement for the main quest line is broken too. I have almost completed the complete main quest line (over the course of several months) but the achievements all share the same date of completion.
  • Silverminken
    I do not get why it would be so hard to award this achievement retroactively?
    "Apprentice Deconstructor"

    Because this comes from deconstructing armor, weapons and glyphs.

    So it should be fairly simple award a base amount of deconstructed items based on level in each skill-line blacksmithing, clothing, enchanting and woodworking.

    We can make some boad assumptions about leveling, it is not totally unfeasible to level blacksmithing, clothing and woodworking entirely by loot drops that you deconstruct, or trade crafted items with other crafters, but most of us know, the most XP is gaind from deconstruction and not construction.

    Enchanting is be leveled by trading glyphs with other enchanters to deconstruct.

    So if we look at enchanting, and use optimal deconstruction for maximum XP from fewest glyphs, Gold VR12 glyphs, gives ~10k XP per deconstruction.
    That mean that that to get to level 50 you have gathered somewhere around 3,8 million XP!
    So that means that under optimum conditions you have "only" deconstructed 3.8 millon XP/10k XP -> ~380 gold VR12 glyphs!

    That is very unlikely that any normal player even get to recieve 380 golden VR12 glyphs, so if we look at perhaps doing green VR12 glyphs, we need ~double the amount, so ~760 glyphs!

    If yopu look at dropped glyphs, then VR12 gives around 1300-1500 XP or so, gives that just leveling with these kind of glyphs, yields under optimum conditions ~2500 glyphs!!!!

    This is best case using the be XP you can from a deconstruct! and we see that just purely levelling Enchanting to level 50 should give you the Master Deconstructer achievement!

    I have simplified, but we do the same calculations on creating and deconstructing the be level glyphs you can make at any level, we will get a baseline.
    We assume that you will create as many glyphs as you deconstruct, as the best known way to level enchanting is create, trade and deconstruct traded glyphs, and low level glyphs do not give as much XP, and thus requires more deconstructing. And since you will most likely find glyphs as loot, and deconstruct these, aswell, that will only further improve your deconstruct ratio!

    This have only covered Enchanting, so based on your enchanting level, you can get starting amount of of deconstructions in this achievement.

    And as most can see, being level 50 enchanter, then is most likely that you have deconstructed ATLEAST 1000 glyphs!
    But now most enchanters stopped at level 40, then you only have ~2,1 million XP, and so ~210 gold VR12 glyphs or ~410 green VR12 glyphs.

    Now, we can do the same calculations with blacksmithing, clothing and woodworking! here many are level 50, and same logik applies, and many crafters have worked in more than one of these crafting skills, so also here we can give some kind of baseline on how many things you likely have deconstructed to reach level 50. And in most cases, I would bet that anyone that reaches 50 in alteast one of these skull lines have deconstructed 1000 items, but to play it safe, give 500 deconstructed for each skill-line that are level 50! so so level 50 reaches the eachievement goal!

    I do not understand why this should be so hard think of! and I have to rely on memory and old outdated web-pages to get some figures to work by.
    Here we have developers that have access to the actual numbers.

    So I do not get why they claim they cannot reward this achievement for actions already done! based on skill level in the relevant skill trees, it should be fairly simple to come up with a number of "likely" deconstructs that have been done to reach that level. and it seems plausible that you will spend a similiar amount of deconstructs to go from level 20-30 as you will do from level 40-50! assuming you create items if highest level and you have decronstructed "everything" you loot.

    I have for instance a character that is level 50 in blacksmithing, clothing and woodworking, and then level 41 in enchanting. I am 100% sure that I have deconstructed WELL over 1000 items!
    Edited by Silverminken on August 11, 2014 8:14PM
  • LonePirate
    There is something odd going on with the Alliance War Achievements of Bosmer Slayer and Imperial Slayer. Prior to this weekend, my Achievements tab showed only a Bosmer (or Wood Elf) Slayer Achievement and no Imperial Slayer Achievement. I could open the Bosmer Slayer Achievement and there would be a sub-item under it of Imperial Slayer, much like other achievements which require you to do something X times and then the next level of the achievement requires you to do it Y times.

    Over the weekend, I reached my 100th kill on either Bosmers or Imperials and the Achievement now displays as a completed Imperial Slayer Achievement. There is no Bosmer Slayer Achievement in my list - either completed or not. When I open my Imperial Slayer Achievement, it only displays the 100/100 progress bar and nothing about Bosmer.

    At all times, the Bosmer Slayer and the Imperial Slayer should be separate achievements, which they currently are not.
  • TRIP233
    Wow the Emperor Assassination Achievement isn't even listed in the Original Post. I've killed the Emperor several times and still haven't unlocked that achievement. Or the Kill an Emperor from another campaign. Both of those are broken.
  • MercyKilling
    Llogwey wrote: »
    I have to disagree with that, dyes may be cosmetic when used/applied, but the fact to OWN a color is not cosmetic, it is achievement/collectible which covers quite a category of people who play to "get achievements".

    I'm sorry...but if you're playing to "get achievements"then likely you're a completionist and dyes are unimportant insofar as they're tied to the achievements you'd be getting anyway for completion purposes.

    Llogwey wrote: »
    If you provide colors on a money sale, for this aspect of the game it becomes a "pay to win" which is not at all the idea or goal of this game.

    Exactly how are colors "pay to win"? Do they confer some kind of statistical bonus?
    Then they're nowhere NEAR the category of "pay to win".

    Also, there's quite a few achievements I've already accomplished that (after a minipatch today) that are no longer showing for me.
    Also, let's not mention the fact that as of right now, achievement requirements are not being tracked. I -just- got an Ogre's Toe Ring and it's not showing under the achievement listing. Ditto for that already collected Gossamer Wing. Oh, I've got a level 33 character, but the "get a level 30 hero" achievement is still dark. I'm quite sure I could find more if I bothered to look....but I'm a bit too peeved at having what I've already accomplished being taken away from me. Could somebody look into this, @ZOS_GinaBruno ?

    Edited by MercyKilling on August 12, 2014 2:38AM
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Ourorboros
    I do not get why it would be so hard to award this achievement retroactively?
    "Apprentice Deconstructor"

    I have for instance a character that is level 50 in blacksmithing, clothing and woodworking, and then level 41 in enchanting. I am 100% sure that I have deconstructed WELL over 1000 items!

    I agree wholeheartedly that Zenimax could have found a way to credit all or part of the deconstruction count based on a formula for various craft levels towards the Deconstructor achievement. I'm pretty PO'd that I have to deconstruct all my loot again instead of being able to sell or trade it if I want this achievement. I'm level 50 in all professions, and I know I have deconstructed well over 1000 items. I've complained to Zenimax support, but their polite response is 'we weren't tracking deconstructions or mat refinements, so you have to start from scratch'. So here I am, a Master Craftsman with the 10,000 node harvester achievement, running around collecting mats and deconning loot, and looking at a few weeks of this to gain a couple of achievements I, and others like me, should have been granted based on empirical evidence, even if there were no data tracked. Looking at this, I must be OCD to be chasing those achievements. :wink:
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • MercyKilling
    Ourorboros wrote: »
    I've complained to Zenimax support, but their polite response is 'we weren't tracking deconstructions or mat refinements, so you have to start from scratch'.

    And yet they can track them NOW, otherwise starting from scratch wouldn't matter.
    Still say they should've let us PURCHASE the dyes with those useless "achievement points" we've been accumulating.

    Oh...and if they can track the points we've gotten...why couldn't they retroactively credit us with the achievements (and therefore dyes) that earned those points in the first place?
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
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