Constantly have to relaunch.

Soul Shriven
I've only been having this problem for the last month, and I'm not exactly sure what's happening but here's a list of things that stop working:

I can't use the ESC button
I can't improve armor
I can't use skill points
I can't enchant armor

There are probably more but those are the ones I know for sure. This doesn't happen when I'm doing any specific action. I've noticed it happen when I'm fighting or idle or crafting.

This is beginning to be a real issue as it's happening more and more frequently to the point that I spend more time quitting and restarting than I do actually playing, which is more than a little frustrating as I pay to play.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Artemiisia
    try using the repair feature, everytime a patch comes, I have to do it in order to fix what the patch might break. To get regular playing without bugs
  • jordanbentonub17_ESO2
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for your suggestion. It is an addon issue. I am in the process of determining which.
  • Jarth
    Soul Shriven
    Alchemist, by: awesomebilly.

    Sometimes prevents the use of Esc, after exiting the crafting station.
  • jordanbentonub17_ESO2
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't have that one.

    I uninstalled them all the re-installed them and have no had the problem again.
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