infraction2008b16_ESO wrote: »The next up is actually going to be at least to VR15 (it actually states VR15 in group finder atm) and it'll probably be for the second half of craglorn.
Breg_Magol wrote: »At the moment class and skill lines are on rails; meaning that our choices are constrained by the class and to a lesser degree by the race. Mind you, I'm fine with racial trait's but don't think they should extend to class. If ESO were serious about play as you want ... they'd do away with the rigidity imposed by predefined skill lines.
Breg_Magol wrote: »I reckon that instead of extending VR ranks to infinity and beyond (what comes after VR14 .. VR16? <chortle-chortle>), this would be a perfect place to open the class abilities and the skill lines; so that people can develop their characters similar to the way skill lines and abilities are chosen in Skyrim (ES V).
At the moment class and skill lines are on rails; meaning that our choices are constrained by the class and to a lesser degree by the race. Mind you, I'm fine with racial trait's but don't think they should extend to class. If ESO were serious about play as you want ... they'd do away with the rigidity imposed by predefined skill lines ...
and, wait for it ... free respecs from VR12 onwards to sweeten the deal so that people who might conceivably be a little jaded by the game at this stage are inspired to play around a little more and keep their subs going far into the future.
Now, you can't say this isn't a humdinger of an idea? Yes?
There will never be a V14, they are changing the whole Vet level process.
jelliedsoup wrote: »Never would be good, I've played since day 1, done what I wanted to and am vr5. Playing PvP with the strong advantage to a higher level is bad enough without adding even more inequity to the mix.
Has there ever been an MMO that HAVEN'T increased the max. level with each update? LoTRO sure does, WoW does, EverQuest does... Of course they're going to add to vet levels.
Has there ever been an MMO that HAVEN'T increased the max. level with each update? LoTRO sure does, WoW does, EverQuest does... Of course they're going to add to vet levels.
steveb16_ESO46 wrote: »
Sure. LOTRO does it. But it doesn't make you play through the entire game over again, twice to get them.