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Weapon Damage Tweaks Needed

Dear ZOS,

Have you looked at your PVP metrics lately? Have you wondered why everyone is carrying a resto or destro staff? Have you wondered why so many people wear cloth? Read this closely. This one issue is the root of most weapon balance issues. While I'm no expert, nor do I have your numbers and privy to your metrics, this seems to be both the issues of balance and my recommendations on how to start fixing them.

As it stands the DPS of a destro staff is BETTER than the DPS of any other weapon in the game. That's right, any other weapon, including a 2handed sword, a dual wield, and of course sword and board.

Lets not go into the shenanigans that this isn't the case and I'm not going to bore you with parses or the finer details (such as aoe damage vs single target and efficiency)

ZOS is well aware that when it comes to DSP and efficiency, destro staves win the gold medal in every metric. This means most people and guilds in PVP lean heavily on the most OP items so you don't see swords in PVP any longer in elite guilds and groups (its very rare actually) and you don't see medium or heavy armor, you see only light.

The reason these metrics are like this is because melee weapon damage is so weak; sure the attack and abilities are only say 20 less DPS, but look at the one major advantage of a destro staff -- RANGE. This trickles down to why heavy armor is useless -- which is because its just not needed, at all because most fights in PVP are at range and if they're not at range, you can't find a fight that doesn't have impulse spam on-going.

The proposal is this: Sword and Board serves its purpose as providing the wielder with the sole purpose of tanking. However dual wield and two-handed weapons are SEVERELY lacking in damage. To be honest a two-handed weapon should be the best damage and dps in the game however requiring the wielder to be toe-to-toe with his/her foes.

How does one go about balancing this without really screwing up the numbers? Its actually a lot simpler than one might think.

1) Grant a base critical chance of 10%
2) Grant a critical bonus of 100% (a crit is 2x the damage)
3) Abilities should be increased in damage by a factor of 30% <-- this is huge and needed
4) Increase armor penetration of abilities and weapon damage by 5%
5) Unsoftcap weapon damage -- this is dumb, nuff said
6) Allow for a secondary enchantment (this is in the works I believe)

1) Grant a base critical chance of 15%
2) Grant a critical bonus of 50% (a crit is 1.5x the damage)
3) Abilities should be increased in damage by a factor of 30%
4) Real Flurries (a type of "critical" that will unleash 2 additional light attacks also capable of critting)

1) Allow AOE's to be blocked
2) Reduce DPS momentarily after blocking

QQ more. As someone who wields this, you have the highest capability for armor; you can block effortlessly.
1) Leave it as is.

The Balance
We must first of all attempt to quantify the benefits of ranged attacks. I'm not going to do that, but to be fair, any time you are at range, your survivability increases exponentially. Once you can quantify this, you have to factor this into why melee weapons and skills need such a large buff.

The Trickling Down of Fixes
Guess what? This would also FIX Nightblades and give them a reason to build on stamina.

This would also likely fix many DK issues -- as they would likely want to gravitate back to stamina builds and have less magika for things like dragon blood and talon spam.

This one little issue, again is the root of so many problems of balance in the game. It is the reason why people push so far from the cookie cutter with outlandish builds such as a nightblade that looks like a sorc and it can be fixed with these few simple tweaks.
  • Witar
    Keep dreaming, kid.
    It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
    Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt,
    It lies behind stars and under hills,
    And empty holes it fills,
    It comes first and follows after,
    Ends life, kills laughter.
  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    I agreed with Zenimax should buff stamina builds but I don't like the most of your changes. Problem isn't weapon damage, the real problem is AOEs are far better than single target skills plus you can't block them..... Skills like pulsar, dark talons, bat swarm.... make weapons skills (single target skills) simply useless.

    While AOEs skills keep being so strong, stamina builds will continue being completely useless.
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • Infraction
    I agreed with Zenimax should buff stamina builds but I don't like the most of your changes. Problem isn't weapon damage, the real problem is AOEs are far better than single target skills plus you can't block them..... Skills like pulsar, dark talons, bat swarm.... make weapons skills (single target skills) simply useless.

    While AOEs skills keep being so strong, stamina builds will continue being completely useless.

    I think his point is to make the weapons do enough single target damage that it becomes silly to aoe a single target and more efficient to single target dps someone. Currently the aoe abilities are just as strong, even stronger in most cases than a single target ability.

  • Witar
    Infraction wrote: »
    I think his point is to make the weapons do enough single target damage that it becomes silly to aoe a single target
    They do enough damage, AOE single person is silly and will lead to defeat. Unless you're a vampire with the bat swarm ultimate, but that is completely different case. And you definitely can block AOE. It would require to press one button though, can be difficult for someone who can't outdamage AOE with single target skills :D
    It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
    Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt,
    It lies behind stars and under hills,
    And empty holes it fills,
    It comes first and follows after,
    Ends life, kills laughter.
  • Cody
    I agree with block AOEs. this would stop some lame player from AOE spamming one person to death., which happens constantly. if not that, make impulse cost about 3 or 4 times as much as it does now, but increase its damage. it would still be blockable, and could take out a group, but would be expensive as heck, and could not be spammed to oblivion
    Edited by Cody on July 6, 2014 5:21PM
  • Gilvoth
    straight up, i dont think zenimax really cares. i hope and begg and pray im wrong.
  • Samadhi
    leewells wrote: »
    The reason these metrics are like this is because melee weapon damage is so weak; sure the attack and abilities are only say 20 less DPS, but look at the one major advantage of a destro staff -- RANGE. ...

    So then what are your feelings on Bow as a Stamina driven ranged weapon?

    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Bashev
    Witar wrote: »
    And you definitely can block AOE. It would require to press one button though, can be difficult for someone who can't outdamage AOE with single target skills :D
    Can you enlighten me which button should I press to block impulse?
    Edited by Bashev on July 6, 2014 6:35PM
    Because I can!
  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    Bashev wrote: »
    Witar wrote: »
    And you definitely can block AOE. It would require to press one button though, can be difficult for someone who can't outdamage AOE with single target skills :D
    Can you enlighten me which button should I press to block impulse?

    He maybe is talking about dodge button, but I think isn't enough. Dodge is more expensive and you can't avoid dmg if you are inside AoE.

    This guy should think he can dodge AoEs the same way in GW2.

    Witar wrote: »
    Infraction wrote: »
    I think his point is to make the weapons do enough single target damage that it becomes silly to aoe a single target
    They do enough damage, AOE single person is silly and will lead to defeat. Unless you're a vampire with the bat swarm ultimate, but that is completely different case. And you definitely can block AOE. It would require to press one button though, can be difficult for someone who can't outdamage AOE with single target skills :D

    You are forgetting that is possible use AoEs while blocking, so is hard outdamage AOE at this moment.

    What I don't see much logic right now, the best option to do close combat is "Pulsar Spam", while warriors have to run to avoid them. The best choice for close combat should be melee weapons, not staffs!!

    This is the only game where warriors are useless in melee range and still some people say it's ok. I really can't understand it.
    Edited by arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO on July 6, 2014 7:59PM
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • Some_Jerk
    or simply increase the damage of all melee weapon abilities, and reduce stamina costs.
  • runagate
    I was hoping there would be a thread like this around right now. I was, for the first time ever, gathering mats in the beginner island Betnihk and came across some level 6 wasps which did not die from my light attacks. I use a VR 12 legendary +10% crit Covenant broadsword. Did I mention it was level 6?
  • Armitas
    Add these here too.
    It's an official thread they have going about improving stamina based skills.
    Nord mDK
  • leewells
    Samadhi wrote: »
    leewells wrote: »
    The reason these metrics are like this is because melee weapon damage is so weak; sure the attack and abilities are only say 20 less DPS, but look at the one major advantage of a destro staff -- RANGE. ...

    So then what are your feelings on Bow as a Stamina driven ranged weapon?

    When I took all the items into consideration the main metric I looked at was "is it ranged or melee" then "How many HPs does it hit for and how much does it cost?"

    Most abilities in this game have a solid ratio; impulse has the same damage/cost ratio as Solar Barrage. The thing is, melee weapons do not. They are WAY lower. For instance. Look at impulse, an AOE; it costs ~200 mana and does ~500 damage to SIX targets. This damage ratio is 200:3,000 or 1:15. Look at the melee aoe, brawler. It costs 250 stamina, and does 120 damage, up to 6 targets a 250:720 ratio (25:72 just shy of 1:3). Lets look at that again; 1:15 vs 1:3.

    Sadly, even the single target ratio's don't add up. Reverse Slash, costs 200 stamina and does 150 damage a 4:3 ratio, while impulse on a single target is a 2:5 ratio -- look at that again, 2:5 vs 4:3, EIGHT TIMES HIGHER than melee,single target.

    As far as bows, from what I've heard, bows got a buff, and I see people using them quite a bit, which means they can't be terribly lacking, however, I do see a lot more people using fire sticks. If the bow ratios aren't in line with something in the realm of 4:3, then I would say they too need a buff. However, melee weapons should have a HIGHER ratio being as they bear the most risk to use; ie being toe-to-toe while a bow or nuke can be safely used behind a secure wall.
    Witar wrote: »
    Infraction wrote: »
    I think his point is to make the weapons do enough single target damage that it becomes silly to aoe a single target
    They do enough damage, AOE single person is silly and will lead to defeat [1]. Unless you're a vampire with the bat swarm ultimate, but that is completely different case. And you definitely can block AOE . It would require to press one button though [2], can be difficult for someone who can't outdamage AOE with single target skills [3] :D

    1. Currently, 6 players can run up to a single player, hit impulse ONCE, and the player melts without any recourse at all. Now imagine this against 6 other players. Now imagine, impulse spamming, which requires only TWO people to hit impulse 3 times (within 2 seconds) against one player. Now, lets talk about critical rush -- say 6 players critical charge one player -- it should kill him right? Wrong -- if that one player blocks, he'll be left with about 80% of his health and still in the fight. Your math isn't adding up.

    2. There is currently NO way to block an AOE except to kill the person AOEing -- if you can.

    3. See above, there is no single target skill in Sword and Board, Dual Wield, or Two Handed that allows for a player to out-damage a magic AOE. None. Nada, Zero, Zilch.
    Edited by leewells on July 7, 2014 1:15PM
  • Aeaeren
    "He maybe is talking about dodge button, but I think isn't enough. Dodge is more expensive and you can't avoid dmg if you are inside AoE."

    Bash works also. It's not the single person who is using AoE spells people complain about, it's the zerg groups. To combat it either use range or get your own group to do it. But asking for a nerf is easier uh?
  • leewells
    Aeaeren wrote: »
    "He maybe is talking about dodge button, but I think isn't enough. Dodge is more expensive and you can't avoid dmg if you are inside AoE."

    Bash works also. It's not the single person who is using AoE spells people complain about, it's the zerg groups. To combat it either use range or get your own group to do it. But asking for a nerf is easier uh?

    Bash only works when there is a cast time. I wasn't aware that solar barrage and impulse had one.
  • Aeaeren
    leewells wrote: »

    1. Currently, 6 players can run up to a single player, hit impulse ONCE, and the player melts without any recourse at all. Now imagine this against 6 other players. Now imagine, impulse spamming, which requires only TWO people to hit impulse 3 times (within 2 seconds) against one player. Now, lets talk about critical rush -- say 6 players critical charge one player -- it should kill him right? Wrong -- if that one player blocks, he'll be left with about 80% of his health and still in the fight. Your math isn't adding up.

    2. There is currently NO way to block an AOE except to kill the person AOEing -- if you can.

    3. See above, there is no single target skill in Sword and Board, Dual Wield, or Two Handed that allows for a player to out-damage a magic AOE. None. Nada, Zero, Zilch.

    You can't serious can you? I mean 2/More vs 1 YOU ARE SUPPOSED to lose! And btw Lubboard doesn't use pulsar and he kills millions by himself. I am not asking for a nerf of him whatsoever as there are ways to counter him and as long as there is a way to counter it or use it myself then I deal with it.
  • leewells
    Aeaeren wrote: »
    leewells wrote: »

    1. Currently, 6 players can run up to a single player, hit impulse ONCE, and the player melts without any recourse at all. Now imagine this against 6 other players. Now imagine, impulse spamming, which requires only TWO people to hit impulse 3 times (within 2 seconds) against one player. Now, lets talk about critical rush -- say 6 players critical charge one player -- it should kill him right? Wrong -- if that one player blocks, he'll be left with about 80% of his health and still in the fight. Your math isn't adding up.

    2. There is currently NO way to block an AOE except to kill the person AOEing -- if you can.

    3. See above, there is no single target skill in Sword and Board, Dual Wield, or Two Handed that allows for a player to out-damage a magic AOE. None. Nada, Zero, Zilch.

    You can't serious can you? I mean 2/More vs 1 YOU ARE SUPPOSED to lose! And btw Lubboard doesn't use pulsar and he kills millions by himself. I am not asking for a nerf of him whatsoever as there are ways to counter him and as long as there is a way to counter it or use it myself then I deal with it.

    That's not true, I've won against 3 other VR12's when they're using something I can block. That's the point, you can block anything but a magic AOE, including 6 players critical rushing you at the same time, but you can't block or even live through a SINGLE impulse from 6 players, and that is a problem. Might I add, that I used solar barrage and impulse when those three v12's died.

    Also, re-read my post as well, where I said, "now imagine this against 8 other players" which means a 6v6 where one team uses impulse, will ONESHOT the entire other team.
    Edited by leewells on July 7, 2014 1:49PM
  • Aeaeren
    leewells if you get your way then the only people left in this game would be people like you so what are you going to complain about then? I switched from dual weild to Destro staff early in the game because it was more powerful for the 2 or 3 vs 1s in PvE. It's not as powerful as single target spells at all. You are objecting to when more then 1 person is rolling together and if they use the same skill you die. Oh but you can block that right? Somehow I feel you will be right back here complaining about how BASH is so overpowered ect and how you are losing so much stamina Blocking others who are beating you down with a 2 handed sword skill next and that you need so type of adjustment to help compensate for it. It doesn't matter if you can block it or not. You see you CAN BLOCK it by NOT BEING THERE, Negate Magic, Volcanic Rune and on and on.
  • Xnemesis
    I have two suggestions that would help the game immensely IMO one has to do with the way damage is calculated and the other is changes to block.

    Damage rant
    This may sound crazy but why not Just make all abilities damage scale off weapon damage and total resources. My reasoning is this.
    1) You wouldn't be punished for taking a good combination of stamina and magika based abilities.
    2) You won't be punished for they type of armor you wear.
    3) You won't be gimped by the weapon you choose.
    4) It would encourage a more diversified gear set. More 5/2 splits
    5) Enchants would actually make a difference and balancing would become important again versus just stacking one resource past overcharge.
    6) Different more diverse builds would arise due to less resource restraints.

    Abilities would still cost either Magicka or stamina, but the damage would scale off your weapon damage and total resource pool. This is such a simple fix and would open up so many unique builds its unreal. All you would have to do is....

    - Change the 19 Magicka or 19 Stamina = 1 damage equation and make it a 40 resource of any kind = 1 damage not (sure on the exact numbers)
    - The weapon damage calculations can stay the same
    - Get rid of spell power or change it to crit power instead which I am in much more favor of
    - Put in an overcharge on crit at 45% which imo should have been in game to begin with ( Just to be clear you can still stack crit higher with passives, stones, potions, food whatever it will just be much harder now to crit more than 60% of the time.)
    - Adjust weapon damage of ranged weapons down a bit and bring resto down below that.

    What do you guys think and what would you do to tweak this so it could work better.

    Block rant
    first, is have a debuff over time, call it fatigue, that reduces the amount mitigated by 10% every two seconds with a cap at 45%. So say you have 75% mitigation when blocking, after 2 seconds it would become 65% then 2 more seconds 55% and then 45% at 6 seconds of blocking. This would prevent players from holding block while attacking and making it function as a reactionary tool like it should. Note, this debuff would last for 2 seconds after block is released.

    Second, block should function with a 270 degree front sector. Anything in the 90 degree sector behind you would still have a certain percent mitigated but not the full amount, as if you were hit from the front 270 degree sector. Also any CC applied from the rear 90 degree sector would not be blocked. Not sure on what a fair percentage of mitigation would be for attacks from the rear while blocking, but I am sure if put on the test server the community could come up with something. Maybe even offer a heavy armor perk that increases that rear 90 Degree mitigation.

    Third, make blocking while moving cost stamina cause well shields ain't light. It would function similar to sneaking, but at a reduced rate. Also reduce the cost of stamina exerted after a successful block to counter the ticking down of stamina while blocking and moving.

    Forth, offer a small mitigation buff after a successful block that way tanks will have the ability to weave in light and heavy attacks it could even be a 2 second or 3 second buff. This buff would cancel when the shield is raised again as to prevent stacking the buff on top of regular shield mitigation.

    I would also like to add that a magical shield should not abide by the front 270 degree and rear 90 degree sector rules due to the fact they are just a buff and cannot be sustained throughout the whole fight.

    Any other ideas are welcome as well as feedback. The more we can agree on a solution the better chance of getting it fixed. Block isn't broken it just needs to be made situational while offering risk and reward.

    If you don't have anything nice to say please just don't reply because I really tried to think of ways to make block function as a tool and not just a button you hold down
  • leewells
    Aeaeren wrote: »
    leewells if you get your way then the only people left in this game would be people like you so what are you going to complain about then? I switched from dual weild to Destro staff early in the game because it was more powerful for the 2 or 3 vs 1s in PvE. It's not as powerful as single target spells at all. You are objecting to when more then 1 person is rolling together and if they use the same skill you die. Oh but you can block that right? Somehow I feel you will be right back here complaining about how BASH is so overpowered ect and how you are losing so much stamina Blocking others who are beating you down with a 2 handed sword skill next and that you need so type of adjustment to help compensate for it. It doesn't matter if you can block it or not. You see you CAN BLOCK it by NOT BEING THERE, Negate Magic, Volcanic Rune and on and on.

    Obviously, your definition of block and every other MMO's definition is completely different. But I digress.

    But about AOE single-target not being as efficient as real single-target stamina abilities... Follow me on this, and be ready to be blown away....

    Wrecking blow is the biggest hit a two-hander can hit for, and it has a cast time.

    Its damage is 26 and stamina cost is 60.



    Impulse is the exact same in ratio with solar barrage, and impulse comes backing with...

    Damage of 12 with a cost of 42.

    Now keep in mind that while you can make your weapon do more damage, you cannot make stamina based abilities do more damage. So while you have "Channeled and Casted abilities do 20% more damage" *cough* Soulshine *cough*, stamina based abilities can't do this.



    So, lets assume that you're not a total imbecile, and add 20% to that 12 damage, you would get 3, so now the new number is 15. Now, lets apply the elemental proc (about another 8 damage in total) that procs 40% of the time (that would be 3 damage) and you now have a grand total of 18. The new number is 18.

    So 18 damage with a cost of 42.

    Lets do the ratios:

    Stamina: 5:12 (damge:cost)
    Magic (AOE Single Target): 5:11 (damge:cost)
    ^^ lookie there, less COST for the same damage.

    But lets add insult to injury...

    Magic (AOE x6): 5:2 (damage:cost)

    But you know, lets just hold up a stamina AOE next to a Magic AOE shall we?


    Now, tell me that's balanced again. And please don't give me that "Plus bleed 8!" line like it can somehow be stacked instantly like impulse can and not over-write the duration of the previous bleed.

    ** Keep in mind that magelight was not even factored into this equation, but would add another 10% to the damage because the damage from crits can only be applied to "casted" abilities. Melee gets no such ability.
    Edited by leewells on July 7, 2014 3:11PM
  • Aeaeren
    OMG once again as it has been said over and over and over, Pulsar's with the reduce to enemies health DO NOT STACK. Meaning if 1000000000 people are all using it YOU are only being effected BY 1 and only 1 time! The issue isn't pulsar is OP it's that Stamina skills are UP. Now let's go ahead and nerf and when the zerg rolls in I want you to stand there and stop them. Pulsar is for cutting down GROUPS period. You not being in a group doesn't mean we all stop and say "Hey let's be nice and allow so and so a break because we want to fair and all" Nope I would switch to single target to cut you down faster!
  • leewells
    Aeaeren wrote: »
    OMG once again as it has been said over and over and over, Pulsar's with the reduce to enemies health DO NOT STACK. Meaning if 1000000000 people are all using it YOU are only being effected BY 1 and only 1 time! The issue isn't pulsar is OP it's that Stamina skills are UP. Now let's go ahead and nerf and when the zerg rolls in I want you to stand there and stop them. Pulsar is for cutting down GROUPS period. You not being in a group doesn't mean we all stop and say "Hey let's be nice and allow so and so a break because we want to fair and all" Nope I would switch to single target to cut you down faster!

    Who said it did stack? Also, bleed also doesn't stack.

    Pulsar is still MORE effective on another player as say wrecking blow is on that player which is wrong. I noticed you skipped over all the math and completely changed the subject to something that was never mentioned to begin with. BUT, the elemental proc from Impulse DOES STACK (its on my stream, hitting a group of 3 people with impulse twice, shows burning (x5), which means it hit 2 of the 3 twice..)
    Edited by leewells on July 7, 2014 3:53PM
  • Aeaeren
    I am not changing the subject at all, you are avoiding the subject really. If you want to play your way then you can play your way but understand this if you keep asking and getting these nerfs you might be playing alone more often then not. You don't want to balance anything you WANT to nerf something because YOU haven't figured out a way to counter or you expect the fights to be all even and small engagements which is HOW YOU WANT TO play. Now I disagree and prefer they quit nerfing my toon forcing me to spend gold respecing and all the other stuff that comes along with a nerf. And to want a nerf to a AoE spell that YOU HAVE access too to boot really is just the kicker. If you want improvements to Stam I am with you but I am not with you when you are asking to nerf my chosen way to play to balance them out.
  • Aeaeren
    Oh and nice that you are comparing a UN MORPHED stam skill vs a MORPHED Magic skill. Cleave vs Pulsar
  • leewells
    Aeaeren wrote: »
    I am not changing the subject at all, you are avoiding the subject really. If you want to play your way then you can play your way but understand this if you keep asking and getting these nerfs you might be playing alone more often then not. You don't want to balance anything you WANT to nerf something because YOU haven't figured out a way to counter or you expect the fights to be all even and small engagements which is HOW YOU WANT TO play. Now I disagree and prefer they quit nerfing my toon forcing me to spend gold respecing and all the other stuff that comes along with a nerf. And to want a nerf to a AoE spell that YOU HAVE access too to boot really is just the kicker. If you want improvements to Stam I am with you but I am not with you when you are asking to nerf my chosen way to play to balance them out.

    WTF are you talking about? What nerfs? All I have EVER advocated for is BUFFS.

    But I find it quite hilarious that you seem to indicate that if they remove impulse from the game that you believe it will be unplayable to the point of quitting. Can we say one-trick pony? Lets not take away any "I winz" buttons else mass rage quits.
    Edited by leewells on July 7, 2014 3:58PM
  • leewells
    Aeaeren wrote: »
    Oh and nice that you are comparing a UN MORPHED stam skill vs a MORPHED Magic skill. Cleave vs Pulsar

    OH SHEEEET DUDE! Let me correct that for you as it surely was the most unfair thing I could have done.


    Oh, I guess not.
  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    Aeaeren wrote: »
    I am not changing the subject at all, you are avoiding the subject really. If you want to play your way then you can play your way but understand this if you keep asking and getting these nerfs you might be playing alone more often then not. You don't want to balance anything you WANT to nerf something because YOU haven't figured out a way to counter or you expect the fights to be all even and small engagements which is HOW YOU WANT TO play. Now I disagree and prefer they quit nerfing my toon forcing me to spend gold respecing and all the other stuff that comes along with a nerf. And to want a nerf to a AoE spell that YOU HAVE access too to boot really is just the kicker. If you want improvements to Stam I am with you but I am not with you when you are asking to nerf my chosen way to play to balance them out.

    I think it's easier nerf Pulsar than buff all single target skills.

    I do agree with leewells, he have gave us a good information with numbers. You only don't want zenimax nerf your one button build.
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • leewells
    Aeaeren wrote: »
    I am not changing the subject at all, you are avoiding the subject really. If you want to play your way then you can play your way but understand this if you keep asking and getting these nerfs you might be playing alone more often then not. You don't want to balance anything you WANT to nerf something because YOU haven't figured out a way to counter or you expect the fights to be all even and small engagements which is HOW YOU WANT TO play. Now I disagree and prefer they quit nerfing my toon forcing me to spend gold respecing and all the other stuff that comes along with a nerf. And to want a nerf to a AoE spell that YOU HAVE access too to boot really is just the kicker. If you want improvements to Stam I am with you but I am not with you when you are asking to nerf my chosen way to play to balance them out.

    I think it's easier nerf Pulsar than buff all single target skills.

    I do agree with leewells, he have gave us a good information with numbers. You only don't want zenimax nerf your one button build.

    I haven't even started yet into the necessity of buffing stamina being that CC break is ALL stamina based, and why stamina abilities should be LOADS more efficient than magic abilities.

    I betcha this: If they made cc break and block cost the resource you were currently wielding (ie, a sword costs stamina, a staff costs MAGICKA), we would have so much QQing about it from the impulse crowd while at the same time they tell us to quit QQing.
    Edited by leewells on July 7, 2014 4:13PM
  • Aeaeren
    "You only don't want zenimax nerf your one button build."

    No actually nerf the hell out of it so we can all run around with Sword and boards because I can block all day long and not get killed. When 1 more shows up and there is a 2 on 1 fight then we need a ref to make sure only 1 attacks him at a time. Personally Pulsar ain't my spell of choice.

    But my point is best describe: What is your build? Let me find the way it is OP and come here and spam it over and over until ZOS decides it's OP and needs to be adjusted. I mean they did it to bash, they have tone down DKs spells, I agreed with them on that but those adjustments didn't break or force me to change my play style. What you are asking isn't a toning down it's to BREAK a skill line because for some reason you think you should be able to survive a group rolling on you using it.

    Side note:
    As they haven't fixed the FPS issue I suspect you can have your small non Pulsar groups because I will one of the masses that is off to find another game to play.

  • leewells
    Aeaeren wrote: »
    But my point is best describe: What is your build?

    Resto Templar (out of pvp necessity)
    Destro Templar (out of pvp necessity)
    2-Hand Templar (favorite play style)
    S&B Templar (out of necessity if tank needed)
    Heavy, Medium, Light armors maxed.

    Yes, I really do have all those builds (and maxed) on one toon. And entirely possible with major alliance rank, all skyshards discovered, all/most main quests completed, and all dungeons completed.
    Edited by leewells on July 7, 2014 4:20PM
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