Draconiuos wrote: »I think you are thinking the wrong game some where. There is no Tank class any class can tank, and there is no Healer class any class can heal. The Tank is only meant to tank the hardest hitting mobs in a pack and the bosses, hence the reason they have no AOE taunts. The normal mobs are the same as the mobs in the world at the same level. I do agree something should be done about people abusing the LFG system.
DakotaCoty wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »I think you are thinking the wrong game some where. There is no Tank class any class can tank, and there is no Healer class any class can heal. The Tank is only meant to tank the hardest hitting mobs in a pack and the bosses, hence the reason they have no AOE taunts. The normal mobs are the same as the mobs in the world at the same level. I do agree something should be done about people abusing the LFG system.
Hardly, a normal monster has 2,008 health, in a dungeon 1-5 they have over 3k-4k depending on which monster, the tank mobs are at 11k+...
And what do you mean, this isn't the wrong game. Any class can be a tank and be effective at it, on the other hand, healers can only be Templars for many reasons, one of the most obvious one is that restoration staff provides no direct healing unless the person is standing still in your wave heal or in your AoE bubble, which is most likely NEVER going to happen with all the AoE ***.
In a public dungeon, made for like groups and groups of people you can go swiftly through it, in an instanced dungeon, hell no... you will struggle. Monsters hitting for 60% of your health in 1 hit, what's the point having a 'tank' and 'healer' role if other classes are going to be equally *** at playing it if they aren't built for it?..
Draconiuos wrote: »DakotaCoty wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »I think you are thinking the wrong game some where. There is no Tank class any class can tank, and there is no Healer class any class can heal. The Tank is only meant to tank the hardest hitting mobs in a pack and the bosses, hence the reason they have no AOE taunts. The normal mobs are the same as the mobs in the world at the same level. I do agree something should be done about people abusing the LFG system.
Hardly, a normal monster has 2,008 health, in a dungeon 1-5 they have over 3k-4k depending on which monster, the tank mobs are at 11k+...
And what do you mean, this isn't the wrong game. Any class can be a tank and be effective at it, on the other hand, healers can only be Templars for many reasons, one of the most obvious one is that restoration staff provides no direct healing unless the person is standing still in your wave heal or in your AoE bubble, which is most likely NEVER going to happen with all the AoE ***.
In a public dungeon, made for like groups and groups of people you can go swiftly through it, in an instanced dungeon, hell no... you will struggle. Monsters hitting for 60% of your health in 1 hit, what's the point having a 'tank' and 'healer' role if other classes are going to be equally *** at playing it if they aren't built for it?..
Just because your experinces with random people hasn't worked out all the time doesn't mean every person that plays a NB,Sorc,DK healer sucks at it, or all NB,Sorc,Templar tank sucks at it. DK is not a tank class at all there are no taunts in the class at all. Templars do have class heals and make it easier for someone playing them to heal, but doesn't mean no other class can. You are stuck with these preconceived notions that there is a tank class and a healer class.
Load of Bull, like i said there very good healers in the right hands.
I personally liked the challenge that the dungeoned offered, fair enough the repair prices can be a bit costly but its nothing too high unless you are shockingly bad. And it is all about skill, you can get bad tanks and good tanks, I myself am a tank and good timed fiery breath or talon can aggro or keep a group of adds/trash at bay. With full health glyphs, full health attributes you can reach upto 4k+ health which is more than enough. What you need to do is find a raiding group or a group of friends to play with if you aren't happy with group finder. With that being said, spindle was the easiest for me, fungal was pretty hard, 2 quits and eventually managed to complete on the 3rd and it felt like a real accomplishment not just something I could complete easily on the first try.
DakotaCoty wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »DakotaCoty wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »I think you are thinking the wrong game some where. There is no Tank class any class can tank, and there is no Healer class any class can heal. The Tank is only meant to tank the hardest hitting mobs in a pack and the bosses, hence the reason they have no AOE taunts. The normal mobs are the same as the mobs in the world at the same level. I do agree something should be done about people abusing the LFG system.
Hardly, a normal monster has 2,008 health, in a dungeon 1-5 they have over 3k-4k depending on which monster, the tank mobs are at 11k+...
And what do you mean, this isn't the wrong game. Any class can be a tank and be effective at it, on the other hand, healers can only be Templars for many reasons, one of the most obvious one is that restoration staff provides no direct healing unless the person is standing still in your wave heal or in your AoE bubble, which is most likely NEVER going to happen with all the AoE ***.
In a public dungeon, made for like groups and groups of people you can go swiftly through it, in an instanced dungeon, hell no... you will struggle. Monsters hitting for 60% of your health in 1 hit, what's the point having a 'tank' and 'healer' role if other classes are going to be equally *** at playing it if they aren't built for it?..
Just because your experinces with random people hasn't worked out all the time doesn't mean every person that plays a NB,Sorc,DK healer sucks at it, or all NB,Sorc,Templar tank sucks at it. DK is not a tank class at all there are no taunts in the class at all. Templars do have class heals and make it easier for someone playing them to heal, but doesn't mean no other class can. You are stuck with these preconceived notions that there is a tank class and a healer class.
That's why the population is falling rapidly.
I joined a trade guild about 2 weeks ago it is still thriving with 500 members and the guild store getting more pages of items all the time. My main guild always has at least 15+ people on even during off times for the guild.Amfijakerwb17_ESO wrote: »I would agree that the population seem to be dropping quite fast. If i look on last online in my 5 guilds it seems to be more than 50% that stopped playing. I know thats very isolated numbers, but still an indication.
DakotaCoty wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »DakotaCoty wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »I think you are thinking the wrong game some where. There is no Tank class any class can tank, and there is no Healer class any class can heal. The Tank is only meant to tank the hardest hitting mobs in a pack and the bosses, hence the reason they have no AOE taunts. The normal mobs are the same as the mobs in the world at the same level. I do agree something should be done about people abusing the LFG system.
Hardly, a normal monster has 2,008 health, in a dungeon 1-5 they have over 3k-4k depending on which monster, the tank mobs are at 11k+...
And what do you mean, this isn't the wrong game. Any class can be a tank and be effective at it, on the other hand, healers can only be Templars for many reasons, one of the most obvious one is that restoration staff provides no direct healing unless the person is standing still in your wave heal or in your AoE bubble, which is most likely NEVER going to happen with all the AoE ***.
In a public dungeon, made for like groups and groups of people you can go swiftly through it, in an instanced dungeon, hell no... you will struggle. Monsters hitting for 60% of your health in 1 hit, what's the point having a 'tank' and 'healer' role if other classes are going to be equally *** at playing it if they aren't built for it?..
Just because your experinces with random people hasn't worked out all the time doesn't mean every person that plays a NB,Sorc,DK healer sucks at it, or all NB,Sorc,Templar tank sucks at it. DK is not a tank class at all there are no taunts in the class at all. Templars do have class heals and make it easier for someone playing them to heal, but doesn't mean no other class can. You are stuck with these preconceived notions that there is a tank class and a healer class.
That's why the population is falling rapidly.
Draconiuos wrote: »I joined a trade guild about 2 weeks ago it is still thriving with 500 members and the guild store getting more pages of items all the time. My main guild always has at least 15+ people on even during off times for the guild.Amfijakerwb17_ESO wrote: »I would agree that the population seem to be dropping quite fast. If i look on last online in my 5 guilds it seems to be more than 50% that stopped playing. I know thats very isolated numbers, but still an indication.
Amfijakerwb17_ESO wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »I joined a trade guild about 2 weeks ago it is still thriving with 500 members and the guild store getting more pages of items all the time. My main guild always has at least 15+ people on even during off times for the guild.Amfijakerwb17_ESO wrote: »I would agree that the population seem to be dropping quite fast. If i look on last online in my 5 guilds it seems to be more than 50% that stopped playing. I know thats very isolated numbers, but still an indication.
Well i have guilds with 500 members as well. Most of them just havent been online for a while.
isengrimb16_ESO wrote: »DakotaCoty wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »DakotaCoty wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »I think you are thinking the wrong game some where. There is no Tank class any class can tank, and there is no Healer class any class can heal. The Tank is only meant to tank the hardest hitting mobs in a pack and the bosses, hence the reason they have no AOE taunts. The normal mobs are the same as the mobs in the world at the same level. I do agree something should be done about people abusing the LFG system.
Hardly, a normal monster has 2,008 health, in a dungeon 1-5 they have over 3k-4k depending on which monster, the tank mobs are at 11k+...
And what do you mean, this isn't the wrong game. Any class can be a tank and be effective at it, on the other hand, healers can only be Templars for many reasons, one of the most obvious one is that restoration staff provides no direct healing unless the person is standing still in your wave heal or in your AoE bubble, which is most likely NEVER going to happen with all the AoE ***.
In a public dungeon, made for like groups and groups of people you can go swiftly through it, in an instanced dungeon, hell no... you will struggle. Monsters hitting for 60% of your health in 1 hit, what's the point having a 'tank' and 'healer' role if other classes are going to be equally *** at playing it if they aren't built for it?..
Just because your experinces with random people hasn't worked out all the time doesn't mean every person that plays a NB,Sorc,DK healer sucks at it, or all NB,Sorc,Templar tank sucks at it. DK is not a tank class at all there are no taunts in the class at all. Templars do have class heals and make it easier for someone playing them to heal, but doesn't mean no other class can. You are stuck with these preconceived notions that there is a tank class and a healer class.
That's why the population is falling rapidly.
It isn't ESO's fault that WoW and other MMOs poisoned the idea of an RPG. I NEVER heard of any "holy trinity" before I started playing WoW. A priest-type had to be prepared to defend himself as much as the warrior did - because maybe the warrior won't always be glued to your backside. Also, tabletop tends to limit the number of abilities you can use, one way or another, so your level two AD&D healer is NOT going to just stand there and spam healing spells while everyone else gets beat on - because for one thing, RPG monsters shouldn't be so stupid as to only focus on the guy in the heaviest armour.
ESO monsters/fights are more like RPG fights than I've seen in any video game since, oh, Darksun, maybe. Once I kenned on to how stupidly robotic WoW's monsters/bosses were, oh, ugh, never mind.
Everquest had a trinity.
Draconiuos wrote: »
Everquest had a trinity.
Kind of, but it was more like ESO than anything else, at least before WoW corrupted it. I played a Cleric in Everquest and they let us use mail armor. Why would the main healing class need mail armor if the tank was never expected to lose aggro? The fact is I ended up tanking as a Cleric as the tanks did, because it was easier to use my mail to eat damage than the cloth wearing mage/wizard/enchanter.
Draconiuos wrote: »
Everquest had a trinity.
Kind of, but it was more like ESO than anything else, at least before WoW corrupted it. I played a Cleric in Everquest and they let us use mail armor. Why would the main healing class need mail armor if the tank was never expected to lose aggro? The fact is I ended up tanking as a Cleric as the tanks did, because it was easier to use my mail to eat damage than the cloth wearing mage/wizard/enchanter.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »
Everquest had a trinity.
Kind of, but it was more like ESO than anything else, at least before WoW corrupted it. I played a Cleric in Everquest and they let us use mail armor. Why would the main healing class need mail armor if the tank was never expected to lose aggro? The fact is I ended up tanking as a Cleric as the tanks did, because it was easier to use my mail to eat damage than the cloth wearing mage/wizard/enchanter.
EQ is where the trinity came from... tank/healer/dps Warrior/ Cleric / Rogue... I also played a Cleric in EQ from Beta 1998 and won the Cleric BoTB in 99 and 00... a Cleric could not tank, they could survive with CH and Mana stone.
In the big battles Druids could not heal enough, Shammy could not heal enough so you had to use Cleric... SK and Pal could not tank as well as a Warrior... and A Rogue/ Wiz were DPS
Now if you are talking about 2002 EQ they changed the game so a class could fill the (trinity) role, but in Kunark, Velious, Luclin and POP you could only complete big bosses with a War / Cleric... Could a SK and Pal be the main tank? yes but most often then not they were the OT with cleric on heal rotation with mana rods.
WOW wanted the EQ players that like the trinity role and min maxers so they added it to their game... In WOW beta people complained that the roles were not defined enough
starkerealm wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »
Everquest had a trinity.
Kind of, but it was more like ESO than anything else, at least before WoW corrupted it. I played a Cleric in Everquest and they let us use mail armor. Why would the main healing class need mail armor if the tank was never expected to lose aggro? The fact is I ended up tanking as a Cleric as the tanks did, because it was easier to use my mail to eat damage than the cloth wearing mage/wizard/enchanter.
Clerics could use mail armor because D&D.
Draconiuos wrote: »Amsel_McKay wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »
Everquest had a trinity.
Kind of, but it was more like ESO than anything else, at least before WoW corrupted it. I played a Cleric in Everquest and they let us use mail armor. Why would the main healing class need mail armor if the tank was never expected to lose aggro? The fact is I ended up tanking as a Cleric as the tanks did, because it was easier to use my mail to eat damage than the cloth wearing mage/wizard/enchanter.
EQ is where the trinity came from... tank/healer/dps Warrior/ Cleric / Rogue... I also played a Cleric in EQ from Beta 1998 and won the Cleric BoTB in 99 and 00... a Cleric could not tank, they could survive with CH and Mana stone.
In the big battles Druids could not heal enough, Shammy could not heal enough so you had to use Cleric... SK and Pal could not tank as well as a Warrior... and A Rogue/ Wiz were DPS
Now if you are talking about 2002 EQ they changed the game so a class could fill the (trinity) role, but in Kunark, Velious, Luclin and POP you could only complete big bosses with a War / Cleric... Could a SK and Pal be the main tank? yes but most often then not they were the OT with cleric on heal rotation with mana rods.
WOW wanted the EQ players that like the trinity role and min maxers so they added it to their game... In WOW beta people complained that the roles were not defined enough
Lol, you remind me of the people that told me I Iksar Dual Wield Warrior could never tank a big boss. There was a lot you could do in EQ if you knew how to work things to your favor. I have watched many of things in EQ and I even got to see a Sleeper raid.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »Amsel_McKay wrote: »Draconiuos wrote: »
Everquest had a trinity.
Kind of, but it was more like ESO than anything else, at least before WoW corrupted it. I played a Cleric in Everquest and they let us use mail armor. Why would the main healing class need mail armor if the tank was never expected to lose aggro? The fact is I ended up tanking as a Cleric as the tanks did, because it was easier to use my mail to eat damage than the cloth wearing mage/wizard/enchanter.
EQ is where the trinity came from... tank/healer/dps Warrior/ Cleric / Rogue... I also played a Cleric in EQ from Beta 1998 and won the Cleric BoTB in 99 and 00... a Cleric could not tank, they could survive with CH and Mana stone.
In the big battles Druids could not heal enough, Shammy could not heal enough so you had to use Cleric... SK and Pal could not tank as well as a Warrior... and A Rogue/ Wiz were DPS
Now if you are talking about 2002 EQ they changed the game so a class could fill the (trinity) role, but in Kunark, Velious, Luclin and POP you could only complete big bosses with a War / Cleric... Could a SK and Pal be the main tank? yes but most often then not they were the OT with cleric on heal rotation with mana rods.
WOW wanted the EQ players that like the trinity role and min maxers so they added it to their game... In WOW beta people complained that the roles were not defined enough
Lol, you remind me of the people that told me I Iksar Dual Wield Warrior could never tank a big boss. There was a lot you could do in EQ if you knew how to work things to your favor. I have watched many of things in EQ and I even got to see a Sleeper raid.
"Iksar Dual Wield Warrior" Thats why you were watching the sleeper raid and not tanking it... lol
Dual wield wars were fine because you where a WARRIOR ... The WAR epic was dual wield... (light sabers)
Amsel_McKay wrote: »You could not read the joke in there I guess...
Anyway my guild FoH actually got in trouble for killing the sleeper before he was supposed to be killed/awoke... because the clerics stayed under the bridge and naked wars would get killed over and over and come for a rez with the necros making mass mana rods. it was a good day...
Does not change the fact that EQ made the holy trinity that ESO is trying not to use but the EQ and WOW min maxers will only go for the trinity.