So my girlfriend and I were shooting the crap tonight and my phone went off. I checked it and saw that I had received an email from "ESO English Support." Within that email was the following message.
I would like to thank you for subscribing to the game (even if you had to use your GF's card!). I would like to see if you are still having issues with your payment. If you still require assistance, please let me know and I can look into it for you. I will need to verify ownership of your account so if you could answer one of the following, I can discuss your account with you!
Last 4 digits of the credit card number
Paypal transaction ID
Complete Game Time code
The Answer to the Secret Question
The Elder Scrolls Online Team
I didn't think much of it at the time because I only checked it in passing. I thought that perhaps the GM's were taking a more proactive approach to the problems I've been having. Later on, I took a better a look at what was being requested of me.
The worst part about this is that only some one who frequents the threads here on the forums would have known that I used my girlfriends card info for my sub, which I only referenced in ONE post.
I have played many MMO's in the past and I have never had problems like this. The gold seller spam in game is one thing, I've seen it many times, but this, this is unacceptable.
Not only are the bots ruining the game, the gold spammers blowing up the chat box with each new alt, but now my PERSONAL email address has been compromised. It is not available for other members to view.
I don't even know what to do anymore. I am way past angry at this point.
Edited by GlassToTheArson on May 20, 2014 7:46AM