Targeted healing spells would be pretty awkward to use since you have to point your character at your target. It makes sense in other MMOs since you can use your mouse to target people.
For example, Say you have 2 dps in between you and the tank and you need to throw a shield on the tank to save their life. You wouldn't be able to do it because the dps would be in the way. Not to mention the fact that there could be multiple mobs between you and your target also blocking you from selecting them. I personally love the healing in this game and find it a refreshing change from the standard watching health bars in other MMOs.
RustyBlades wrote: »I've been in at least one party where my aoe healing healed only 1-2 folks since the rest ran away like Sir Robin being chased by a tame beaver. So I am like, run towards me for my aoe heals, but they didn't listen.
Anyways, it would be nice if it were just a group heal spell vs an aoe heal, or increase the range.. The targeted heal definitely isn't going to work well since my range attacks usually don't hit the target I am trying to hit anyways.
I have no issues with healing, it took me a few dungeons to get used to but i find it very straight forward now, however I'm only level 33 but all the dungeons so far have been easy. healed EH at 25 also. (recommeneded 28-30)
The way around it I found was not to use the bubbles. use the aoe spells, healing is all about your positioning, making sure you attack the boss / monsters whenever you can to regen your mana, once you get the hang of that you will find it very simple to do.
However I am a templar so it's a lot easier than sorc healing imo, you have a lot more fire power available, I never use the bubbles they are a waste of time. (until rune focus unlocks)
My healing bar is as follows.
1 - Combat Prayer (resto line)
2 - Healing springs (resto line)
3 - Lingering ritual (templar line)
4 - Breath of life (templar line)
5 - Cleansed ritual (templar line)
This set up allows you to have great hps when needed to keep people alive quickly, also allows you to stop incoming / reduce damage with the armour / spell resistance buff and increase the dps of your group.
healing springs gives a little mana back but is a very useful/powerful short aoe dot heal.
lingering ritual is one of the best heals in the game imo, allowing you to keep members alive as long as they are not out of range (short range is the only down side)
Breath of life, is just an instant 3 heal win.
Cleansed ritual allows players to instantly heal themselves also by pressing "x" (default key) which takes a bit of pressure off you, but also regens hp over a wide radius for a long period of time.
Soon I will be able to get rune focus, when morphed to give mana back to everybody inside it sounds like a must have which will probably replace either 2 or 5.
Hope this helps.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »Templars do more dps than DK's.
No you dont. ESO automatically turn your character to where you aim your mouse. Yes, that include doing a 180 spin in 0.1 seconds. Yes it stupid but that's how it work. You can see this is at an extreme if you use first person view - your weapons will rotate with the view and you can hit anything "in front" of your 1st person view... but your actual character will just stand there staring in whatever direction you where staring at before you switched to 1st person.Targeted healing spells would be pretty awkward to use since you have to point your character at your target. It makes sense in other MMOs since you can use your mouse to target people.
Millionaires wrote: »I think that fits nicely..
I main the role healer, I have in every MMO game that allows it, even in Skyrim.. I went full healer and let my follower do all the damage, you see the morphing system is great, it revives those old spells and rewards you for leveling up, however half the spells are fully RNG based!
One spell, I cannot remember the name however it heals a random ally over 20s, you unlock it second, this spell is useless because a) it's not reliable and b) it tends to heal the wrong people. For instance I was in a boss fight, there was a crystal in the middle of the room, no matter what this spell hit the crystal, every time.
Don't even get me started on the ward before it can be morphed, this is a shield, it should be a targeted spell and not random. Something you throw on your tank before he initiates, cannot do this as it puts it on yourself.
RNG healing is terrible, flawed and aggravating.. almost as bad as when a spell is instant, but has a 1.5s animation before it casts. Now I'm not complaining, but the lack of HUD or targeted healing just makes it so much harder to save that near dead ally.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »And this is what it comes down to in every thread like this. Half the people come in and say, the dungeons ive run i havent had a problem. And the other half say yeah it stinks, in pvp or the punlic dungeons i have run.
Not trying to be a ***, but it sort of proves the point, when the people who say it works great are the ones using the experiences they have had without other people around. I can see why it would work awesome when there is no one else around.
Millionaires wrote: »Targeted healing spells would be pretty awkward to use since you have to point your character at your target. It makes sense in other MMOs since you can use your mouse to target people.
For example, Say you have 2 dps in between you and the tank and you need to throw a shield on the tank to save their life. You wouldn't be able to do it because the dps would be in the way. Not to mention the fact that there could be multiple mobs between you and your target also blocking you from selecting them. I personally love the healing in this game and find it a refreshing change from the standard watching health bars in other MMOs.
I see your point, and yes it'd be difficult to pull off, but with some thinking with preference.
Lowest HP group member > Group members pet > You > Your pet > other players.
Ignore: NPC's, world objects.
That way the spells have some kind of order and aren't 100% random.
Millionaires wrote: »Targeted healing spells would be pretty awkward to use since you have to point your character at your target. It makes sense in other MMOs since you can use your mouse to target people.
For example, Say you have 2 dps in between you and the tank and you need to throw a shield on the tank to save their life. You wouldn't be able to do it because the dps would be in the way. Not to mention the fact that there could be multiple mobs between you and your target also blocking you from selecting them. I personally love the healing in this game and find it a refreshing change from the standard watching health bars in other MMOs.
I see your point, and yes it'd be difficult to pull off, but with some thinking with preference.
Lowest HP group member > Group members pet > You > Your pet > other players.
Ignore: NPC's, world objects.
That way the spells have some kind of order and aren't 100% random.
i think anyone who has a pet out in a group situation like a dungeon is an idoit tbh.. ive seen heals going to those dwemer pets you get as a quest reward . fair enough sorc pets being out, but even then you risk the owner dying cos his pet gets his heal...
RustyBlades wrote: »I've been in at least one party where my aoe healing healed only 1-2 folks since the rest ran away like Sir Robin being chased by a tame beaver. So I am like, run towards me for my aoe heals, but they didn't listen.
Anyways, it would be nice if it were just a group heal spell vs an aoe heal, or increase the range.. The targeted heal definitely isn't going to work well since my range attacks usually don't hit the target I am trying to hit anyways.
If your party members cant get into your 'Circle of not Dying" then they get whatever painful demise they had coming. I really enjoy healing in this game, it requires some thought and skill. Making it easier with general "group heals"would take a significant part of the grouping challenge away from the game. One of the best parts of this game is the individual responsibility for survival.
This is definitely not a game where the healer is responsible for keeping everyone in the group alive. That responsibility falls on everyone. I realize some people won't like that but I enjoy it immensely (when I'm not healing while grouped with people that don't understand the concept of dodging).daniel.j.whitmoreub17_ESO wrote: »I should preface this by saying I've always been a healer in any MMO I've ever played and I knew things would be a little different in ESO. However, I'm not convinced that healing is effective or worth the stress of trying to meet other people's expectations of what I should or should not be doing. I've had good teams and ONE REALLY BAD pug for a dungeon. They all blamed me. Reading the forums, I realized that they were expecting me to heal through the damage like in WoW. I can't do that.
The healing priorities can definitely be frustrating. As for heals going to people with full health instead of the tank, you may have been out of range. I have done this, myself, when unaware of how far away I am.daniel.j.whitmoreub17_ESO wrote: »I can't tell you how frustrating it is to see my heals going to people's pets when the tank is dying. It got to the point where I was standing right beside him and he wasn't being targeted. He had the lowest health and we wiped because the heals refused to go to him and in some cases kept targeting the same party members who were at full health.
And this is where I start to disagree with what you are saying or at least with what I think you're saying. If people are unable to use teamwork to do dungeons, regardless of any roles they have, they should really reevaluate the way they are playing or choose a different game to play. This doesn't really come down to a failing on the games part but a failing on the players part.daniel.j.whitmoreub17_ESO wrote: »I know this game is meant to be different, but if we group up in certain "roles" then there is an expectation that you will act to that roles norms. DPS can't DPS if they are having to heal. The same can be said for the tank. I need him to keep aggro, not trying to worry about switching out his shield for his Resto Staff. I'm a healer and I want to be the one healing. If my magicka is only sufficient to throw out 3 heals before I'm tapped out then what the heck is the point of being the healer? I've fully invested my points into magicka. I use my HOT and I try to avoid danger and watch everyone's health bars. If the game wants me to DPS at the same time, don't they realize that I'm using Magicka that could have been used for healing. I don't like it. The heals are way too expensive, they don't target the intended individual, and when I go all out I can't even heal the tank for half of his full health. Something's not right. It causes so much friction that it's not worth it. I'm just a casual gamer who plays to have fun and this isn't fun.