You have seen them, and in ever increasing numbers it seems.......A lvl 2-3 guy in prison clothes with a random character string for a name pulls up at an NPC, waits for a few mins, levels up and then runs away at warp speed (sometimes through the AIR). They are making a straight shot at their next destination and ignoring all terrain! Then another clone and ANOTHER runs up, sometimes there's a whole pile of 'em, all look the same, all in prison outfits, all doing the same thing. I saw this happen in Windhelm in front of Thane Mera and again in front of Sahria in Rifter.
I experienced the boss camping first hand and while very irritating, I think this is much worse because they are doing it in towns in complete safety where I can't grief them.
The thing that concerns me most however is where these accounts are coming from? There are so many they can't possibly be legit accounts because that would be some serious money for access keys. So I have to wonder if these are illegally set up accounts and the programmers/botters have complete control of the game client, just how safe is my data? Should I be concerned that my inventory and gold will be removed tomorrow or what about that reoccurring CC info you have on file to bill me every month? Just how safe is my information considering the hacking that is present?
Zenimax DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. And I don't mean next month or in an upcoming patch. If I don't feel my data is safe, it's not worth possible identity theft to play a game. If I don't see some improvement or extreme efforts made soon, VERY soon, I'm afraid I will have to leave.