You completely ignored the main reason a lot of EU players are leaving, the bold faced lie we got that the servers will be moved after the initial launch, and as of now, we are getting nothing, no progress report, nada. While I agree that all bugs and whatnot need addressing, ignoring 50 percent of your player base is kind of an idiotic move.darkphoenix77b14_ESO wrote: »I see you changed your title.....wise decision I think. On to the topic, I can't say I disagree with your premise. I did manage to convince a few friends to make the leap from the mmo that shall not be named when the game was first released as well. I recommended the game because I knew of the potential and was hoping that all the things that were reported in beta were addressed. I am still finding things here and there that have been an issue since beta, and finding new things that would have been impossible for us to detect based on the fact that we were only allowed to test limited amounts of content. The aforementioned friends I fear may have left the game as I haven't seen them log in now for about 2 weeks.
I still have faith that this can be turned around, but silence does not inspire confidence and that is a commodity that is being lost with many. I am baffled personally by many of the issues that continue to plague the game and hope to see things addressed soon and better communication forthcoming. I still see enough good things to keep me around, but I am not representative of more than myself. Top priority is bug fixes, balance issues, and dealing with the rampant botting and spam issue. In my opinion, Craglorn should have been put on the back burner or delayed a few weeks until these problems are taken care of first and foremost. Zeni promised content patches every 4-6 weeks minimum, to me this does not necessarily mean new things to do (though admittedly new stuff is always good). A patch that fixes and deals with problems the game has is still in my opinion vastly more important and in the strictest sense is still content. They seem worried about the very limited amount that have gotten to Vet 10 which is a vast minority (some of which exploited their way to the current end level) and are seemingly willing to risk a majority of the rest to ensure that the minority don't get bored and leave the game. At this point I can really only recommend the game based on the lore and my faith but will have to be honest about the games problems which may turn off people that I could tell about what game I have been playing of late.
Bollerlotte wrote: »Looking past 4 weeks, i can tell bot-developer are smarter then game developer.
Desdemonte wrote: »They need to hire some of the bot devs. Fight fire with fire.
Just No. I want the Devs to know that I love their game - and I'm rooting for them to get these hiccups fixed.
I grant you: Its obvious Zeni were taken by surprise, and I read an article that said that over 75% of their time was dealing with support issues due to bots and sellers.
They ARE REALLY FOCUSED ON THIS ISSUE. Everything else gets sidelined a bit, including other bugs I suppose.
Having thunk a bit about it I think its really smart they don't comment on bots - even tho it makes all of us edgy because WE think we're being ignored. Of course we're not: If they make any kinda "Yeah we got this" announcement it might antagonise the botters.
At the moment I hope they play a smart game and gather all the info they can about how the botters work, so that when they do bring a hammer down it will be decisive.
I want to believe that very badly - I have faith in the developers. I know others in the community do and - OK our patience is being tested - but ESO can be everything I want it to be.
Fingers crossed - and GO DEVS!!!!!! Knock 'em back to fecking Oblivion.
/Signed - optimistic and proud cheerleader for the Dev team.
Yeah, it's the developers who decide when the game will release...
Fairydragon3 wrote: »Desdemonte wrote: »They need to hire some of the bot devs. Fight fire with fire.
that analogy is perfect...mostly becasue when you fight fire with fire, EVERYBODY BURNS.....except the fire which just gets bigger.
not a good idea to hire the people that have proven they have no respect for contracts when it comes to personal gain.
DrywFiltiarn wrote: »Fairydragon3 wrote: »Desdemonte wrote: »They need to hire some of the bot devs. Fight fire with fire.
that analogy is perfect...mostly becasue when you fight fire with fire, EVERYBODY BURNS.....except the fire which just gets bigger.
not a good idea to hire the people that have proven they have no respect for contracts when it comes to personal gain.
Wouldn't say that to be honest. There are loads of examples of hackers that intruded networks of large organisations and got rewarded afterwards with a job with that company getting responsibility for fixing the security
DrywFiltiarn wrote: »Fairydragon3 wrote: »Desdemonte wrote: »They need to hire some of the bot devs. Fight fire with fire.
that analogy is perfect...mostly becasue when you fight fire with fire, EVERYBODY BURNS.....except the fire which just gets bigger.
not a good idea to hire the people that have proven they have no respect for contracts when it comes to personal gain.
Wouldn't say that to be honest. There are loads of examples of hackers that intruded networks of large organisations and got rewarded afterwards with a job with that company getting responsibility for fixing the security
But at that point, do you trust them not to use the insider knowledge they gain for nefarious purposes?
DrywFiltiarn wrote: »DrywFiltiarn wrote: »Fairydragon3 wrote: »Desdemonte wrote: »They need to hire some of the bot devs. Fight fire with fire.
that analogy is perfect...mostly becasue when you fight fire with fire, EVERYBODY BURNS.....except the fire which just gets bigger.
not a good idea to hire the people that have proven they have no respect for contracts when it comes to personal gain.
Wouldn't say that to be honest. There are loads of examples of hackers that intruded networks of large organisations and got rewarded afterwards with a job with that company getting responsibility for fixing the security
But at that point, do you trust them not to use the insider knowledge they gain for nefarious purposes?
Depends on the type of hacker you're dealing with, black-hat or white-hat makes a lot off difference. The first category is criminal mostly and only doing it for personal gain, the second category is just trying to prove flaws and make things better without doing any harm to anyone
And it's always good to have insider knowledge. This means that you can be prepared for what may be coming due to evolvement of technology and techniques.
Reignskream wrote: »i feel welcomed by the gaming community
Reignskream wrote: »i feel welcomed by the gaming community
Probably not the community at large, more like 2 or 3 guys who think like you.
Reignskream wrote: »i feel welcomed by the gaming community
Probably not the community at large, more like 2 or 3 guys who think like you.
I'm not your friend, and you're the minority here bro.Reignskream wrote: »Reignskream wrote: »i feel welcomed by the gaming community
Probably not the community at large, more like 2 or 3 guys who think like you.
Nah, i think your the minority here friend, as millions enjoy this MMO. I think its more like 2 or 3 guys who think like you.
I'm not your friend, and you're the minority here bro.Reignskream wrote: »Reignskream wrote: »i feel welcomed by the gaming community
Probably not the community at large, more like 2 or 3 guys who think like you.
Nah, i think your the minority here friend, as millions enjoy this MMO. I think its more like 2 or 3 guys who think like you.
You're a stalker, and I reported you for stalking.Reignskream wrote: »I'm not your friend, and you're the minority here bro.Reignskream wrote: »Reignskream wrote: »i feel welcomed by the gaming community
Probably not the community at large, more like 2 or 3 guys who think like you.
Nah, i think your the minority here friend, as millions enjoy this MMO. I think its more like 2 or 3 guys who think like you.
Your angry, but thats alright, I've dealt with you before, and if anybody disagrees with you even in a respectful way, you immediately go on the defensive.
Sorry you cant hold a normal conversation without getting personal.
Btw, pretty sure more people enjoy the game than complain about it. But whatever helps you sleep at night.