No Day and Night cycle

Hello, I have been playing in night cycle for over a week, while I asked other players they say its day cycle.
Tried to reloadUI logging in/off but each time I play its night for me :/
  • Loxy37
    That sure is a strange one. If you have other characters, do they do the same? Have you tried doing a repair?
    Edited by Loxy37 on May 18, 2014 9:53AM
  • Bangstin
    You sure it's a night and your not stuck in the 'shadow world' after doing quests in Greenshade?
  • Father
    Well I have advanced in other quests. and lvl up also but. still always night.
    I do have 1 quest which im stuck in...its called "to Valyn Harbor" which belongs to Greenshade. npc won't show in valyn harbor :/
    and Yes its always night on 1 character my main.
  • Bangstin
    If it is the bugged 'shadow world' issue after leaving the certain quest area in Greenshade you might want to try out this solution.
    edup_2004 wrote: »
    Oh dear lord!!!! It worked.

    Just wonder around like an idiot in Verrant Morras and the flash happened.

    I couldn't be so happier.

    I tried everything!!!!! But this only worked.

    1) Go to Wayshrine of Verrant Morras
    2) Circler around like an idiot or however you want.
    3)Get to this place
    4)Just keep going around until flash happens.

    I tried everything but only this worked.

    Hope it works for you too!

  • Noswell
    Those sound like every set of driving directions I ever gave my wife.
  • Father
    Thanks alot Bangstin !!!! it worked !! after running for 2 min in that area a flash happend and its daytime again !! Thanks a lot man :D

    But im still stuck in "To Velyn Harbor" quest where I need to talk to someone in charge...the npc just wont show up... :/
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