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Looking for help - V1 NB healing

Soul Shriven
I'm taking a big leap of faith here - hoping to get some constructive feedback - without the endless LTP comments.
I'm currently V1, NB, spec'ed for restro/destroy. While leveling I was bow with no 2nd spec (simply did not know what I wanted to do) until the 20's where I slowly added the destro spec (I liked the warlock style - so figured what the heck). When I hit 50 and still working through Coldhabour - being fed up with sitting in LFG forever for runs and guild members said they always want healers - I respec'ed and went heals/destro. For heals, I followed this blood mage build found here:


Respec'ing to heals did not bother me, I was a wow healer for years - so even as I wanted to stay pure dps, I figured to give it a try. Yes, I know as a wood elf I am not the best race for heals but I figured the min/maxing would not be an issue until V10 content. So yea after the respect, killing stuff took forever using the restro but I'm patient. After getting them up a bit, I had no issues finishing up the rest of Coldhabour and moving into v1 zones - mostly questing. There I continue to level - getting close to v2 now and mostly use restro since want it to get the kill xp.

So my skill lines are not yet full at 50 for restro - below is an accurate char build (as of this evening)


I been going back and doing the pre 50 dungeons - simply to get some experience with the ESO healing style - with guild members and needless to say - it has been a non-issue. Just healing springs spam with the siphons running and everyone is always topped off. Only oh-crap moments are when folks stand n fire or don't block stuff - normal expected spike damage. Cyrodiil healing as been just as simple - I'm mostly just spamming springs healing as many as possible and racking up the points hanging in the back and staying with the packs. So far it has been easy mode.

So here is the issue. This evening I felt that while my skills are still not fully leveled up - I figured I had enough runs to try a V1 pug dungeon. So I went into vet FG - tank was V10. As much as I want to suger-coat it - the true is - I failed. I was simply unable to keep the tank up. I could barely handle the trash. The group was mostly nice, the tank simply told me that in his eye's I was a NB healer in PvE gear and thus had no clue how to play the game and told me to leave. No prob - I have done enough healing in wow to know when someone is simply not performing at expected levels - thus I left. Now from what I saw, the tank was skilled, the mobs were mostly on him, I stayed out of fire, he stayed out of fire, he as moving around, so I really don't know exactly what was killing him other than my poor healing.

I was mostly spamming healing springs with the blessing of protection with a funnel health running but I was burning through mana like it was going out of style. Potting etc. I can't tell you how much I miss not having a recount style log of his deaths so I could see what the heck was going on.

Now for healing gear, I'm all in V1 PvE mostly self crafted mostly blues, with 3x3 set bonus (warlock, twilights embrace, seducer) with all enchants for magicka. About the only thing that could be better at my level (other than burning mats for epic versions) would be better rings - mine are spell/fire resist - given I'm a vamp I want that fire resists)

So - given the above - what the heck am I doing wrong as a healer? I failed so bad that either I fix it or give up and go back to dualwield/bow assassination or any of the number of NB dps specs.

Let the LTP flames begin... :)
  • ArRashid
    well, I'm by no means an expert, I was playing NB healer only about 2 days, running just forgotten lvl 35-50 dungeons, but a few general tips (by no means a MUST):

    - leeching strikes is really useless for healers, as for that tiny regen you reduce your weapon damage by 22%.. and since restoration abilities scale with magicka and WEAPON damage, you're therefore reducing your healing output.

    - funnel health, while it heals you for more per tick than rapid regeneration, is currently bugged and has very inconsistent healing on those 2 allies. Since you already have Sap Essence, you can freely get rid of it in favor of Mutagen, which heals 1 less target, a bit less per tick, but lasts twice as long, and if the healed person drops bellow 20% HP, it heals him for a large amount and terminates HoT - which works as a nice buffer for spike or continuous damage

    - Blessing of Protection, while a good spell for any delve, it's small area of effect makes it really hard to effectively use in most situations (aka 20m in front of you, but it's just 4m wide - impossible to hit everyone with it unless you are in a narrow corridor)

    - try to use Siphon Spirit (on bosses, it's not practical to use on trash), if you already have it. It's a really great resto ability that benefits whole group and a lot of minor damage just gets passively healed by attacking for 20 seconds, while also restoring everyone's magicka

    - also, while Steadfast Ward is a REALLY bad spell due to absurd absorb shield mechanics (except really dangerous situations where the bubble has so enormous absorb that you can heal quite a bit while it lasts - especially if that target stays out of fire for a while), it's morph, Healing Ward, makes it bearable.. especially since you have no other large instant single target heal. Heals and shields target that needs it the most, instantly, while you have to aim Blessing of Protection and hope the target won't move a bit to the side till it heals him.
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