DK solos VR Group Dungeons - Bogdan, Hive, Etc

  • Wifeaggro13
    vicNBitis wrote: »
    I will say light armor does help significantly. My DK which I've said many times leveled with absolutely zero attention paid to anything was re-outfitted in all lights and the spammability is now off the charts. Simple fact remains though that Talons has no place in the game. It was on my DKs bars since like level 7 and will be there through VR10(which will get here way sooner & easier than with my 3 NBs).
    Put on some heavy armor hen come tell me how much you use it
  • Wifeaggro13
    vicNBitis wrote: »
    I'll post my list again just to point out DK OPness isn't about set bonuses and armor types.

    Dark Talons:
    1) crowd control
    2) damage-over-time or debuff
    3) direct damage
    4) synergy
    5) non-ultimate
    6) tier 2
    7) spammable cost
    8) instant cast

    Any of your skills have all that? Don't bother checking. They don't. DKs were supposed to be OP. That was Zenimax's intent. People who need to play OP classes will continue to say it's anything but the class. It's the class.

    Remove the dd remove the synergy move it to 5th tier. The only reason its spammable is light armor. Put on some heavy armor or med. Then you cast it 3 times and your tapped. For every change you make for pvp will seriously affect PVE. I say fix magica soft cap. Cap hit points in light armor at 1400 you will never see another DK video again. Nor will you have issues in pvp
  • vicNBitis
    My DK had heavy armor. Three or four and did just fine. Thanks.

    As I've said before I itemized to maximize magicka and paid zero attention to armor type. At some point I even had mediums equiped judging from my skill level in that.
  • vicNBitis
    Remove the dd remove the synergy move it to 5th tier. The only reason its spammable is light armor. Put on some heavy armor or med. Then you cast it 3 times and your tapped. For every change you make for pvp will seriously affect PVE. I say fix magica soft cap. Cap hit points in light armor at 1400 you will never see another DK video again. Nor will you have issues in pvp

    If I were god of Zenimax I'd scrap Magma Armor completely, make Talons a low-cost ultimate, re-adjust light armor and magicka-reduction so that they're not so easy to abuse, and implement some ICD on ultimate generation to effectively cap that at some sane amount.

    You want fixes that will hit Sorcerers harder than they'd hit DKs. I don't.

    But. anyways, DKs are most-favored-class status and I don't see that changing any time soon.
  • Erock25
    Put on some heavy armor hen come tell me how much you use it

    This DK logic of 'It isn't us that is OP, it is light armor/ultimate generation/etc' is flawed because you want to nerf something that other classes are also using and they are not overpowered.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
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  • Jarnhand
    For PvP Sorcs are in need of a nerf more then DKs! it is getting really boring with close to infinite escape spam + at the same time enough magica to kill off several people with kiting. Escape should be just that; escape. Once you engage in combat you should not have enough magica to spam escape spells, it is broken logic!

    Heavy tanks have always been a PvE balance issues. Nerf em too much and PvE becomes a problem for groups/raids. Boost em too much and the minmaxers come up with tactics to solo group content.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Jarnhand wrote: »
    For PvP Sorcs are in need of a nerf more then DKs! it is getting really boring with close to infinite escape spam + at the same time enough magica to kill off several people with kiting. Escape should be just that; escape. Once you engage in combat you should not have enough magica to spam escape spells, it is broken logic!

    Heavy tanks have always been a PvE balance issues. Nerf em too much and PvE becomes a problem for groups/raids. Boost em too much and the minmaxers come up with tactics to solo group content.

    This is no excuse in this game , they said all classes would be able to tank/heal/dps , if anything , it is because of how unbalanced the game is , that the DK can do so much more than others.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Maverick827
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Put on some heavy armor hen come tell me how much you use it

    This DK logic of 'It isn't us that is OP, it is light armor/ultimate generation/etc' is flawed because you want to nerf something that other classes are also using and they are not overpowered.
    Light Armor/Destro/Resto is 90% of what you see in all of these videos. Just because DKs might have the final piece of the puzzle in Magma Armlr doesn't mean that Magma Armor and DKs are the problem.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Put on some heavy armor hen come tell me how much you use it

    This DK logic of 'It isn't us that is OP, it is light armor/ultimate generation/etc' is flawed because you want to nerf something that other classes are also using and they are not overpowered.
    Light Armor/Destro/Resto is 90% of what you see in all of these videos. Just because DKs might have the final piece of the puzzle in Magma Armlr doesn't mean that Magma Armor and DKs are the problem.

    Yeah , it is funny , they always got the last piece of the puzzle mate.

    Before it was the vampires fault , now it is the light armor/destro/resto , next will be the next weapons fault.

    At some point devs will have to admit , the game offers tons of atk options , but very few survival options outside our classes , the fact that the DK is a freaking monster when it comes to mitigation and survivability is the problem , because they can then resort to the other weapons for atk. Light armor/destro/resto is something any class can use mate , the DKs just get the most out of it , like they did with vampire.

    Unless they add a new tree , that offer the same to the other classes (which they probably will someday) , this will not disappear. It will just be moved to the next best option and so on.

    Ofc , tons of players will not remain waiting for this tree that will balance the game someday to hit.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Wifeaggro13
    vicNBitis wrote: »
    My DK had heavy armor. Three or four and did just fine. Thanks.

    As I've said before I itemized to maximize magicka and paid zero attention to armor type. At some point I even had mediums equiped judging from my skill level in that.
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Put on some heavy armor hen come tell me how much you use it

    This DK logic of 'It isn't us that is OP, it is light armor/ultimate generation/etc' is flawed because you want to nerf something that other classes are also using and they are not overpowered.
    Light Armor/Destro/Resto is 90% of what you see in all of these videos. Just because DKs might have the final piece of the puzzle in Magma Armlr doesn't mean that Magma Armor and DKs are the problem.

    Yeah , it is funny , they always got the last piece of the puzzle mate.

    Before it was the vampires fault , now it is the light armor/destro/resto , next will be the next weapons fault.

    At some point devs will have to admit , the game offers tons of atk options , but very few survival options outside our classes , the fact that the DK is a freaking monster when it comes to mitigation and survivability is the problem , because they can then resort to the other weapons for atk. Light armor/destro/resto is something any class can use mate , the DKs just get the most out of it , like they did with vampire.

    Unless they add a new tree , that offer the same to the other classes (which they probably will someday) , this will not disappear. It will just be moved to the next best option and so on.

    Ofc , tons of players will not remain waiting for this tree that will balance the game someday to hit.
    We dont get heals and we dont get ST dps at all. what the issue is is the Fact you can wear light armor buff yourself to the Armor cap, and still have the benfits of light armor magica Regen which is infact broken. there are viedo's showing how to get around the soft cap for magica. Yes the DK's main perk is its survivablity. its why we are the prefered tank. its why templars are prefered heal , sorcs are or should be prefered AOE dps and why NB should be prefered ST dps.

    The problem is DK's in light armor being able to buff them selves to indestructible standards aoe the crap out of things in melee range and regain ultimate to spam Banner. No DK can do this in heavy, no sorc can do it in heavy. put a DK in heavy armor with a two hander . and he aint soloing in VR dungeons
    Edited by Wifeaggro13 on May 21, 2014 6:46PM
  • Wifeaggro13
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Put on some heavy armor hen come tell me how much you use it

    This DK logic of 'It isn't us that is OP, it is light armor/ultimate generation/etc' is flawed because you want to nerf something that other classes are also using and they are not overpowered.
    No im fine with them leaving as it is and baring DK's from getting any light armor passives. then fix stamina and melee because at the heart of the matter thats what the issue is. with out Light armor DK's are struggling just like anyone else in VR content. and are *** in PVP

  • vicNBitis
    Puh-lease with the "DKs don't get ST dps" BS. They do. Igneous Weapons, Razor Armor, Molten Whip spam. Dead whatever.

    AOE is just ridiculous at the moment. I mean you have DKs and sorcerers who use AOE abilities on single targets because it just doesn't matter. Yeah I have Whip on my bar. Do I use it? Not unless I'm fighting a boss**. And even then the boss is almost always Talon'd outside melee range so I just snooze right through it. DKs are a never-ending cheese-fest. Troll bosses, Storm Atronach, you name it...they all die. Zero challenge.

    **or if I screw up and find myself in my S&S bar. No worries. ST bar is the exact same as the AOE bar because nothing more is needed.
  • Evergreen
    OP has already been outdone by other Dragon Knights.

    Dragon Knight Soloing VR 10 Razak's Wheel; it is so crazy how much synergy, power and utility this class has. Nightblade with magicka furnace set could not hope to do these overpowered feats. The only unbalanced factor here is the Dragon Knight's skills and how they become even more overpowered with any synergy boost whether it is with a set bonus, vampires, etc.

    Here is another Dragon Knight, I think the same guy from these forums Attorneyatlawl, soloing Cyrodill resources.

  • davidhorstub17_ESO
    Evergreen wrote: »
    OP has already been outdone by other Dragon Knights.

    Dragon Knight Soloing VR 10 Razak's Wheel; it is so crazy how much synergy, power and utility this class has. Nightblade with magicka furnace set could not hope to do these overpowered feats. The only unbalanced factor here is the Dragon Knight's skills and how they become even more overpowered with any synergy boost whether it is with a set bonus, vampires, etc.

    Here is another Dragon Knight, I think the same guy from these forums Attorneyatlawl, soloing Cyrodill resources.

    Umm maybe you dont realize but the first video of razaks wheel is the same dk from the dungeon videos.. my dk and thank you for the link. Attorneys cyrodiil resource video is from beta with the pre-nerf werewolf battle roar passive, but i know he can still solo that. Now im a huge fan of attorney and he is an inspiration, and he is on pts solo'ing craglorn delves as we speak, but at least get your story straight lol.

  • Evergreen

    Umm maybe you dont realize but the first video of razaks wheel is the same dk from the dungeon videos.. my dk and thank you for the link. Attorneys cyrodiil resource video is from beta with the pre-nerf werewolf battle roar passive, but i know he can still solo that. Now im a huge fan of attorney and he is an inspiration, and he is on pts solo'ing craglorn delves as we speak, but at least get your story straight lol.

    If that video was from Beta I wish the devs would have balanced the Dragon Knight back then or did the beta testers think that was balanced what Attorney could do?
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Evergreen wrote: »
    OP has already been outdone by other Dragon Knights.

    Dragon Knight Soloing VR 10 Razak's Wheel; it is so crazy how much synergy, power and utility this class has. Nightblade with magicka furnace set could not hope to do these overpowered feats. The only unbalanced factor here is the Dragon Knight's skills and how they become even more overpowered with any synergy boost whether it is with a set bonus, vampires, etc.

    Here is another Dragon Knight, I think the same guy from these forums Attorneyatlawl, soloing Cyrodill resources.

    Umm maybe you dont realize but the first video of razaks wheel is the same dk from the dungeon videos.. my dk and thank you for the link. Attorneys cyrodiil resource video is from beta with the pre-nerf werewolf battle roar passive, but i know he can still solo that. Now im a huge fan of attorney and he is an inspiration, and he is on pts solo'ing craglorn delves as we speak, but at least get your story straight lol.

    So , you mean to tell me , they did not balance this crap for craglorn :P?

    If i see this crap going on tomorrow , i think i might finally unsub.

    Getting tired of this unbalanced mess they got going here.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • davidhorstub17_ESO
    Evergreen wrote: »
    OP has already been outdone by other Dragon Knights.

    Dragon Knight Soloing VR 10 Razak's Wheel; it is so crazy how much synergy, power and utility this class has. Nightblade with magicka furnace set could not hope to do these overpowered feats. The only unbalanced factor here is the Dragon Knight's skills and how they become even more overpowered with any synergy boost whether it is with a set bonus, vampires, etc.

    Here is another Dragon Knight, I think the same guy from these forums Attorneyatlawl, soloing Cyrodill resources.

    Umm maybe you dont realize but the first video of razaks wheel is the same dk from the dungeon videos.. my dk and thank you for the link. Attorneys cyrodiil resource video is from beta with the pre-nerf werewolf battle roar passive, but i know he can still solo that. Now im a huge fan of attorney and he is an inspiration, and he is on pts solo'ing craglorn delves as we speak, but at least get your story straight lol.

    So , you mean to tell me , they did not balance this crap for craglorn :P?

    If i see this crap going on tomorrow , i think i might finally unsub.

    Getting tired of this unbalanced mess they got going here.

    No no elemental drain is taking a huge hit at patch so this specific build wont work as well and attorney wasnt running the biggusdiccus infinitank spec from what i have seen. However, there are some others way to get mana back without elemental drain :)
  • Godless_Heathen
    Just nerf the [snip] banner and light armor sets / staff's and be done with it. Its not even really the class its the damn synergy between Light armor and Restro/ destro swaps. The only reason a DK is doing this is because we have survivability. Take away the light armor and the staff and this guy would be eating Daedra nuts all day long. he wouldn't have enough Magica or regen to cast more then 3 or four spells in any given pull. My greatest hope is they nerf it and all these exploit spec DK 's willl quit because they are not skilled enough to do it the way it was designed.

    How ridiculous. Did you actually read this before you posted it. HE IS PLAYING IT AS IT WAS DESIGNED! That's the point.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Just nerf the [snip] banner and light armor sets / staff's and be done with it. Its not even really the class its the damn synergy between Light armor and Restro/ destro swaps. The only reason a DK is doing this is because we have survivability. Take away the light armor and the staff and this guy would be eating Daedra nuts all day long. he wouldn't have enough Magica or regen to cast more then 3 or four spells in any given pull. My greatest hope is they nerf it and all these exploit spec DK 's willl quit because they are not skilled enough to do it the way it was designed.

    How ridiculous. Did you actually read this before you posted it. HE IS PLAYING IT AS IT WAS DESIGNED! That's the point.
    And the design is bad and imbalanced. I am a dk by the way. Go do some research plenty of videos showing magica regen and reduction is borked. You should not be able to do this in light armor. I seriously doubt devs intended you to have endless magica , reach the armor cap and spam aoes and ultimates.
  • steelfencing
    Soul Shriven
    just change the armor cap based on armor wearing... each piece of armor gives you a "cap number" add all that you are wearing ( 5 light + 2 heavy) and you get ( lets say 1000...) ( if you go all heavy your cap would be 1800) I think it would help... right now it's just that the cap is the same whatever you are wearing... have the armor you are wearing limit your armor cap and you can have 3 armor boosting ability on your bar you will still be lower than a heavy armor character... right now, with the right passive and a couple of ability the light armor just reach the same cap as the heavy... which is kind of stupid
  • Halrloprillalar
    have the armor buffs on abilities be a % instead of a fixed number: problem solved.
  • Tankqull
    the fix is easy and quickly done but extreamly radical:
    get rid of the DK as class
    and change it to be a world role like vampires or werewolves axcessable by every one then change the vr dungeons to be a challange and not soloable.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Wifeaggro13
    the fix is easy and quickly done but extreamly radical:
    get rid of the DK as class
    and change it to be a world role like vampires or werewolves axcessable by every one then change the vr dungeons to be a challange and not soloable.
    I dont think your even doing VR content. they certainly are only partially doable after craglorn patch by a full group.
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