DK solos VR Group Dungeons - Bogdan, Hive, Etc

Playing around with destro/resto infinitank spec.

7 light: 5 pc magicka furnace, 3pc willow's path, 3 pc wrath of the imperium.




Hive Lord

CC Immune World Bosses
Edited by davidhorstub17_ESO on May 20, 2014 4:34AM
  • Harbingers
    Nice ^_^
    ~ Immersion is no substitute for Exposition ~
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  • Yusuf
    gotta admit, im a bit jelly :|
  • tengri
    And did your... head just grow two sizes because of posting this here?
    Edited by tengri on May 18, 2014 12:59AM
  • Xexpo
    I think he was displaying how balanced Dragonknights are, and how staffs are working correctly.
    Kiki Dickson ~~~ Dixmanian Devil ~~~ Cornelius Buckshank Jr.
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  • alexj4596b14_ESO
    I think he just have the deve's another reason too nerf DKs
  • Maverick827
    I think he just have the deve's another reason too nerf DKs
    Poignantly spoken.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Just nerf the [snip] banner and light armor sets / staff's and be done with it. Its not even really the class its the damn synergy between Light armor and Restro/ destro swaps. The only reason a DK is doing this is because we have survivability. Take away the light armor and the staff and this guy would be eating Daedra nuts all day long. he wouldn't have enough Magica or regen to cast more then 3 or four spells in any given pull. My greatest hope is they nerf it and all these exploit spec DK 's willl quit because they are not skilled enough to do it the way it was designed.
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on May 18, 2014 6:49PM
  • Niffo
    Just nerf the [snip] banner and light armor sets / staff's and be done with it. Its not even really the class its the damn synergy between Light armor and Restro/ destro swaps. The only reason a DK is doing this is because we have survivability. Take away the light armor and the staff and this guy would be eating Daedra nuts all day long. he wouldn't have enough Magica or regen to cast more then 3 or four spells in any given pull. My greatest hope is they nerf it and all these exploit spec DK 's willl quit because they are not skilled enough to do it the way it was designed.

    Great idea, lets nerf something that will hurt the other classes just to bring the Dragonknight down.
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on May 18, 2014 6:48PM
  • davidhorstub17_ESO
    Just nerf the [snip] banner and light armor sets / staff's and be done with it. Its not even really the class its the damn synergy between Light armor and Restro/ destro swaps. The only reason a DK is doing this is because we have survivability. Take away the light armor and the staff and this guy would be eating Daedra nuts all day long. he wouldn't have enough Magica or regen to cast more then 3 or four spells in any given pull. My greatest hope is they nerf it and all these exploit spec DK 's willl quit because they are not skilled enough to do it the way it was designed.

    well that escalated quickly... ive soloed the centurian army in vr darkshade caverns while naked with a bow as a joke to the group i was in. put up spike armor then casted fragmented shield and cinderstorm over and over while healing with corrosive armor battle roar spam so uh yeah... i dont eat any nuts let alone daedras thank you very much. now go rub your wifes feet and stop being such a random [snip] on the internet.
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on May 18, 2014 6:43PM
  • Maverick827
    Niffo wrote: »
    Just nerf the f ing banner and light armor sets / staff's and be done with it. Its not even really the class its the damn synergy between Light armor and Restro/ destro swaps. The only reason a DK is doing this is because we have survivability. Take away the light armor and the staff and this guy would be eating Daedra nuts all day long. he wouldn't have enough Magica or regen to cast more then 3 or four spells in any given pull. My greatest hope is they nerf it and all these exploit spec DK 's willl quit because they are not skilled enough to do it the way it was designed.

    Great idea, lets nerf something that will hurt the other classes just to bring the Dragonknight down.
    Great idea, let's nerf the class when it's light armor/resto/destro staff that's actually allowing this to happen.
  • Halrloprillalar
    banner is OP. I say this as a DK alt. It needs a nerf. 30% +/- for that long?? yea, no. It's even worse in pvp with stacking.

    some other DK things are too but light armor? lol no.

    Staff is borderline because of the weird synergy it has (magika cost but weapon damage scaling). Don't think it's the real problem here though.

    The last thing this game needs is kneejerk nerfbats to random things that have no connection to the real problems. In fact, I'd keep the kneejerk nerf symptom down to less than 5% at a time to really evaluate the effects.

  • Still_Mind
    The One of the two things that needs to be nerfed is Furnace. Down to 5, or even 3%, I say. It completely eliminates a DK's main weakness - mana management, which translates into both, damage and sustainance.

    The second one is hilarious Ultimate gain on AoE, which synergizes too well with Battle Roar.

    Nerf furnace, and I guarantee that you nerf DKs hard, since they benefit from it most. Nerf Ulti gain, and you will nerf DKs, since they gain so much sustainability from it with Battle Roar.

    Banner is very strong, but it's stationary. DK is designed to be a choke point class. Do you stick both of your hands in a blender, or do you unplug it from a safe distance with two fingers?

    Talons are getting fixed in 1.1, so I wouldn't worry about those.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • jackub17_ESO23
    Soul Shriven
    I enjoyed the videos - thanks for taking the time to put them up. For some reason the 1080p quality is somewhat blurry but I tried to put together the spec you used on the Grobull fight - here is my best estimate (I'm not sure what ultimate you are using). It appears you are moving some skills around between the diff bosses but the general idea is the same.

    Here is what I see happening - please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Light Armor:
    - Great passives but not the true reason this build works – it just helps overall nicely.

    Mage Guild:
    - Inner light really helps the dps big time.

    Destro Fire staff (bar 2).
    - Elemental drain - this is the key to magicka and one heck of a dps boost.
    - Elemental ring - dps and returns mana from elemental drain.

    Restro staff:
    - I'm not sure but I think this is on the 1 bar but I can't tell if you are using any of those attacks - if so then maybe you are using the light/instant combo to avoid the animation. So I'm not sure how this is really playing with the build other than the passives from it.

    DK specific:
    - Cinder storm with elemental drain is just more massive mana, but more importantly - that aoe slow plus dmg reduction keeps survivability.
    - Draw Essence - nice self heal and more mana.
    - unstable flame - nice dps and more mana due to elemental drain.
    - flame lash - dps, life, and mana from elemental drain.
    - engulfing flames - big dps boost, and more mana from elemental drain.
    - Coagulating Blood - self heal and survivability.

    Overall - great synergy with the DK class skills and light armor, destro staff. What I really enjoyed watching was the cooldown management – nice.

    I was really surprised to see how much self heal this brought you.

    I’m trying to think if any other class would be able to duplicate but can’t come up with equivalents to the DK abilities.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Just nerf the [snip] banner and light armor sets / staff's and be done with it. Its not even really the class its the damn synergy between Light armor and Restro/ destro swaps. The only reason a DK is doing this is because we have survivability. Take away the light armor and the staff and this guy would be eating Daedra nuts all day long. he wouldn't have enough Magica or regen to cast more then 3 or four spells in any given pull. My greatest hope is they nerf it and all these exploit spec DK 's willl quit because they are not skilled enough to do it the way it was designed.

    well that escalated quickly... ive soloed the centurian army in vr darkshade caverns while naked with a bow as a joke to the group i was in. put up spike armor then casted fragmented shield and cinderstorm over and over while healing with corrosive armor battle roar spam so uh yeah... i dont eat any nuts let alone daedras thank you very much. now go rub your wife's feet and stop being such a random *** on the internet.
    no thank you. But obviously every other thread is kill the DK class . And im not a random *** i am *** full time. And everytime one of you ultra cool guys post's a brag video we here weeks of crying from NB and temps.
    And i cant rub my wife's feet im busy with yours. Baaa dum dum
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on May 18, 2014 7:01PM
  • Ashchild
    This is very clever use of the rules presented to us at the moment. Are there also exemplar videos for the other three classes? Or can only the DK truly solo vet dungeons? :)

    I'm thinking of doing a perma-death run of the game. And seeing this makes me want to be a DK. Though it's my least fave class, aesthetically. Dragon-blood is just a great skill, but looks kinda..meh :P
    Edited by Ashchild on May 19, 2014 5:05PM
  • Evergreen
    I think he just have the deve's another reason too nerf DKs

    Or another reason to just fix Nightblades so they can do these sorts of feats as well?

    Don't nerf the Dragon Knight just bring up the Nightblade and Templar do be able to perform at the same level to achieve such feats the OP posted.

  • Erock25
    Ashchild wrote: »
    This is very clever use of the rules presented to us at the moment. Are there also exemplar videos for the other three classes? Or can only the DK truly solo vet dungeons? :)

    DKs posing as NB keep saying they can solo vet dungeons as well but for some reason their video recording program is busted.
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  • FunkyBudda
    Evergreen wrote: »
    I think he just have the deve's another reason too nerf DKs

    Or another reason to just fix Nightblades so they can do these sorts of feats as well?

    Don't nerf the Dragon Knight just bring up the Nightblade and Templar do be able to perform at the same level to achieve such feats the OP posted.

    I agree, DK's skills and the synergy the class has with various weapons and gears should be used as template for dev to balance the other classes.

    Although, the videos do point out the big question: should the VR group dungeon contents be solo-able?

  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Well in any case, good synergy of existing game elements aside, its pretty imbalanced unless someone can find the same godmode synergy with other classes or other DK builds. I dont see any low-chance of dieing while soloing everything builds that involved heavy armor and a 2h sword. Storm atronachs for example destroy me. That boss the guy in the vid soloed, the storm atroch, killed me rather quickly and I was in a group. I def dont see any nightblades having a Godmode synergy, as they dont even have most of their stuff working as it is.

    Doesn't call for an omega nerf bat to the class tho. They are already hitting inhale and have said they are discussing about alterations to standard of might (on reddit), but that magica furnace set can be seen as problem #1. The day I looted one of those pieces I thought it was way too strong, but I wear heavy armor so I did not seek out any more and rather sold what I found. 10% mp gained back from a melee attack and no cooldown is way too strong, no matter what class you stick it on. Don't see what they were thinking with that one. Maybe thought because it was clothy robes that it was ok, but it grants too much power to many MP using builds.

    Where are the sets that restore 10% Stamina from taking a magic attack? non-existent, and shouldn't be because that would be too damn powerful too. I think as long as they nerf that set, there won't be much more VR dungeon soloing or world boss soloing going on, as I can see the MP just doesn't drop because of it, and that gives infinite healing and damage potential.

    I know he isn't the only DK to do this. I'm fairly sure there are a bunch of other DK's out there who either have done this already, or saw these videos and now set out to mimic the setup. Already see some more zone shouts looking to buy those magica furnace set pieces. It's only a matter of time before every DK breaks down and follows suit, then we really will have "Dragon Knights Online". I did already have the luxury of being slaughtered by one in Cyrodil who did the exact same thing. Spammed that stupid fire wave with elemental drain on me.... Might have been a sorc but im gonna call it a dragon knight after watching this.

    I just wonder if they have seen this and what they really think about it. Do that clap and say good job ol chap, or do they facepalm and say how did they miss that?
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on May 20, 2014 8:14PM
  • Wifeaggro13
    magica furnace set pieces. It's only a matter of time before every DK breaks down and follows suit, then we really will have "Dragon Knights Online". I did already have the luxury of being slaughtered by one in Cyrodil who did the exact same thing. Spammed that stupid fire wave with elemental drain on me.... Might have been a sorc but im gonna call it a dragon knight after watching this.

    I just wonder if they have seen this and what they really think about it. Do that clap and say good job ol chap, or do they facepalm and say how did they miss that?[/quote]
    Finally some one who understands its not the class but the synergy in light armor sets. This is also an issue . magica reduction compared to stam is severly over powered seeing how all class abilites are based of it.
  • Evergreen
    FunkyBudda wrote: »

    I agree, DK's skills and the synergy the class has with various weapons and gears should be used as template for dev to balance the other classes.

    Although, the videos do point out the big question: should the VR group dungeon contents be solo-able?

    Yeah I would rather my class (Nightblade) be brought up to the power and capabilities of a Dragon Knight than Dragon Knights being nerfed. Everyone would be happy as well since classes get buffed up to par and Dragon Knights get to keep all of their utility and power.
    Edited by Evergreen on May 20, 2014 8:58PM
  • Wifeaggro13
    Evergreen wrote: »

    I agree, DK's skills and the synergy the class has with various weapons and gears should be used as template for dev to balance the other classes.

    Although, the videos do point out the big question: should the VR group dungeon contents be solo-able?


    Yeah I would rather my class be brought up to the power and capabilities of a Dragon Knight than Dragon Knights being nerfed. Everyone would be happy as well since classes get buffed up to par and Dragon Knights get to keep all of their utility and power. [/quote]

    Buff everyone but increase diffculty for Vr dungeons is logical
  • Evergreen
    FunkyBudda wrote: »

    Buff everyone but increase diffculty for Vr dungeons is logical

    Yeah I guess you would have to address everyone being able to solo the hardest content in the game.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Finally some one who understands its not the class but the synergy in light armor sets. This is also an issue . magica reduction compared to stam is severly over powered seeing how all class abilites are based of it.

    Indeed. Magika furnace aside, there are many ways Light armor trumps heavy armor. Another example would be the fact that Armor rating Overcharges way too easily in heavy armor. You don't get the full benefit of it and you barely get any benefit out of any armor increasing skills. A Dragon Knight wearing the all mighty magica furnace set and using Spiked armor Would be way better than a heavy armor dragon knight, no matter what weapon he decided to go with. Not only would he get more Spell resist than they would with heavy armor, but also reduced magica costs for all the actual useful skills in the game, constantly regain magica while tanking, and get a lot more armor out of spiked armor than if he were wearing heavy armor. Plus, he would rarely be in a situation where he could not recast Spiked armor and can just spam Dragon Blood and simply be extremely hard to kill even if the damage output isn't there, but thats perfect for tanking. Even the arguably best taunt, being ranged and having a chance for synergy, uses magika.....

    Melee weapon skill lines have their stamina reductions too. 10% for 1h/shield and 20% for 2h, and I think 20% for dual wield but I don't use that. But its bad because a light armor user can get more magika cost % reduction that you could get stamina reduction % FOR EVERYTHING just from the armor traits. Thats terrible. If they were to change the Resolve trait of heavy armor from armor/base spell resist to Max HP/Stamina use reduction, it would be more balanced than it is now. Heavy armor doesn't even need more armor, its got higher armor than the other sets already, and it overcharges all the time with that trait. That would be a balance fix I'd accept. Magica furnace set still needs to die tho.

    So much is wrong with light armor VS Heavy armor and magica furnace takes it overboard. And they still need to balance out stamina abilities regardless. Its not like they make dodge take magica, or CC break take magica, or sprint take magica.... Stamina abilities as they are are very very situational, because you need stamina for other important things in combat like those mentioned above and also including blocking and sneaking, and given all that you could say stamina abilites cost way too much stamina or the above cost way too much stamina, or both. Just so many lost opportunities to use stamina abilities and meanwhile you have broken sets like magica furnace and very high magika cost reduction potential giving people infinite magika... so frustrating rolling with heavy armor knowing it isn't the best way to go because of how they designed things. Maybe I'll break too and start looking for magika furnace pieces before they MAYBE fix it someday.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on May 20, 2014 10:51PM
  • Crescent
    Stamina skills also do terrible damage, with Flying Blade being the only one of the non crappy skills but it still gets outdone by several class magicka skills.

    Light and heavy attacks in addition to stamina skills need an across the board damage increase.
  • AltusVenifus
    WOW. I did that exact same thing with my nightblade, but I lost the video. Thanks for recreating it... 8)
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I wonder how long it will take for the devs to finally nerf the DKs and balance this game , in which the DK is only one problem really.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Wifeaggro13
    I wonder how long it will take for the devs to finally nerf the DKs and balance this game , in which the DK is only one problem really.
    You truely dont get it . Do some research. Its primarly a light armor issue. I take it your a nightblade. Nerf the Dk sure. Then you will still suck because of stam issues.
  • vicNBitis
    I'll post my list again just to point out DK OPness isn't about set bonuses and armor types.

    Dark Talons:
    1) crowd control
    2) damage-over-time or debuff
    3) direct damage
    4) synergy
    5) non-ultimate
    6) tier 2
    7) spammable cost
    8) instant cast

    Any of your skills have all that? Don't bother checking. They don't. DKs were supposed to be OP. That was Zenimax's intent. People who need to play OP classes will continue to say it's anything but the class. It's the class.
  • vicNBitis
    I will say light armor does help significantly. My DK which I've said many times leveled with absolutely zero attention paid to anything was re-outfitted in all lights and the spammability is now off the charts. Simple fact remains though that Talons has no place in the game. It was on my DKs bars since like level 7 and will be there through VR10(which will get here way sooner & easier than with my 3 NBs).
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