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How would you feel about a PVE only ranged interrupt passive.

Basically, I find it restrictive, and sometimes quite deadly, to be forced to be in melee range to be able to interrupt attacks (unless I am completely dumb, and I did not figure out the ranged interrupt combo, which is quite possible).

If this is the case, how would you feel with adding a passive for everyone and every class, that if you try to interrupt, out of melee range, and within a reasonable range, it automatically throws a ranged interrupt (could be different depending on what weapon you have equipped: Web for arrows, poisoned knife for daggers/sword, and either ICE/fire/electricity for destroy staff, and a blinding light for healing staff for example).

This skill would not work in PVP, as this would most likely lead to issues, but in PVE, especially for ranged specs, I think this would be a plus. Your views?
Edited by Squishy on May 16, 2014 1:07PM
"In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."

How would you feel about a PVE only ranged interrupt passive. 21 votes

Yes, sounds fine.
LeeshastryderzzSquishydc1509 4 votes
No ( please explain and be constructive :))
ObscureSleepwalkerErock25Jade_Knightblazerb14_ESOM.M.Fuchsb16_ESOkoettyEliteZNiffoTravailKililinOrizurubinaryAegisAoifesan 13 votes
Ponies! (Yes but... "add your modifications/ideas")
dracobains_ESOSleepydanbobbyxkellemdros 4 votes
  • Kililin
    No ( please explain and be constructive :))
    You can use a bow.
    There are no pve or pvp only skills in this game.
    Staffs are the best weapons already, and would be even better.
  • Squishy
    Yes, sounds fine.
    Kililin wrote: »
    You can use a bow.
    There are no pve or pvp only skills in this game.
    Staffs are the best weapons already, and would be even better.

    I'm not sure about staves being the best weapons, but a melee class soloing, with archers 15m away preparing an AOE would also benefit from this in my opinion :smile:

    There are pvp only skills, the support and assault skills, as far as I know, are completely utterly useless in pve :smiley:

    I know I can use a bow, I'm not sure what this has to do with the question asked about ranged interrupt? Is there a bow skill for it? If so, do you have enough time to switch to bow during the fight, then right+left click? if not, then it is not viable, unless bow is to become the only option for this :smiley:
    Edited by Squishy on May 16, 2014 1:13PM
    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • Orizuru
    No ( please explain and be constructive :))
    I don't think it's needed because there are other ways to stop a spellcast from ranged using class abilities and weapon skills that involve knock-down effects.

    DKs can use Stonefist or Fiery Grip.
    Templars can use Piercing Javelin.
    Anyone with a Bow can use morphed Poison Arrow.

    I can't remember all of the other skills that could be used, but I think there are enough ranged abilities that provide a means to stop a spellcast from happening. Given, the range isn't always ideal for everyone, but I think it's fine for classes to have differing amounts of weakness in this regard.
  • Kililin
    No ( please explain and be constructive :))
    weapon switch - instant cast poison arrow morph
    the AvA skill lines are working in PvE, correct me if i am wrong. (Of course a passive skill giving a buff after capturing a lumber mill will be not very usefull, the active ones dont have such requirements)

    There are no skills that work in one environment and not in the other, afaik.

  • Aoifesan
    No ( please explain and be constructive :))
    The Bow weapon line has this in a Poison arrow morph already. What more do you need?
  • Obscure
    No ( please explain and be constructive :))
    I say no but not because I don't like more options. I'm just against PvE/PvP exclusive skills in general, especially in the skill point system in ESO. PvE mobs are really really stupid and interruptible enough as is anyhow.

    Taking away what fraction of skill there is in interrupting a casting target with resource consuming skills (Venom Arrow, Force Shock, or just good old fashioned stuns, knockdowns, knockbacks, and such) will just make an already easy PvE experience even easier. No thanks.
  • Sleepwalker
    No ( please explain and be constructive :))
    Seems a little unnecessary when the templar gap closer interrupts, the nightblade gap closer interrupts (stuns), and the DK and bow powers as mentioned above do it as well.
    "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

    Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
    Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
  • Squishy
    Yes, sounds fine.
    Aoifesan wrote: »
    The Bow weapon line has this in a Poison arrow morph already. What more do you need?

    I do... not.. use... bows... Once again, we seem to fall into if you want to do this, you have to use this specific weapon :disappointed:

    All is well for some classes, but have you played a sorcerer? The cast time is too long to use the actives, and we have little to no time to get to the mobs, unless of course, we are forced to use that teleporting spell... There are only 5 slots, and to play as we want, like it is advertised, it is a virtual impossibility, unless we get down to being forced to use specific weapons/skills predermined :cry:

    Although I do thank the ones that took the time to mentions some skills and stuff, but just remember, not everyone want to be forced to equip a specific weapon, to get a single ability out of it.

    Take a sorc with pets+armor, it takes forever to recast them, mana cost not wistanding, they also already take 3 slots out of 5, and swapping weapons unsummons everything (for obvious reasons).

    The idea is just to give us a tiny bit more freedom for casters, without making us oped (let's not go into that debate again :smiley: ).

    Edited by Squishy on May 16, 2014 6:10PM
    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • Orizuru
    No ( please explain and be constructive :))
    While I agree that Sorc do have more limitations in this regard, they also have the best interupt in the game in Negate Magic. It's an instant cast AoE silence if you have the ultimate points needed to use it. When you combine that with the knockdown effect from Crystal Shard and the disorient/stun effect of Rune Prison, I would hardly consider it to be a disadvantage.
  • Sleepydan
    Ponies! (Yes but... "add your modifications/ideas")
    Pretty sure bows and dstaff are the ranger weapons. Pretty sure each has a ranged interrupt.

    Am I missing something?
  • dracobains_ESO
    Ponies! (Yes but... "add your modifications/ideas")
    Despite claims that you can play as you want, you simply cannot. Especially in the veteran questing. So you either follow the herd or have a pretty miserable experience. There are of course a few exceptional players out there that can kill Molag Bal with a wink and a stick, but most of us are not so special.
    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • dracobains_ESO
    Ponies! (Yes but... "add your modifications/ideas")
    I went into this game longing for my old DAOC scout. For that reason I made a bow based nightblade. So I understand your complaint concerning the limitations of ranged interrupts in comparison to melee. Morphed poison arrow usually gives you a 3 second interrupt on a caster but it doesn't always connect. It works most of the time but trust me it has not worked 100% of the time. I will chalk that up to one of the plethora of bugs.

    The other crowd control I do is snare and knock-back for melee but if I do this it makes Prolonged Suffering very problematic which is one of the nightblades best CC for casters imo. You can make all of it work, when it works as intended, but the skills are not always going to synergize well in various situations like a tight tunnel in a cave where you lack room. Discovering the limitations of builds and working around those limitations can be painful and frustrating but it is absolutely necessary in this game which allows very little if any room for errors.

    You either get an aoe spec going with survivability built in or get very good at swapping targets for CC and dodging. My other suggestion is to not pick a ranged weapon that uses stam as if you do a lot of dodging and blocking you have nothing to use burst dps. I find the general PVE exhausting in this game but a fair portion of players love the intense playstyle. Most people who did not like the intensity have already unsubbed or re-rolled to a class better suited. It is not a game well suited for casual players, again, my opinion.

    I wish you all the luck the gaming gods can muster. All I will add is that as much as I detest PVE in this game the PVP is still very enjoyable to me. Find your happy spot and roll with it as long as possible.
    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • Squishy
    Yes, sounds fine.
    While I agree that Sorc do have more limitations in this regard, they also have the best interupt in the game in Negate Magic. It's an instant cast AoE silence if you have the ultimate points needed to use it. When you combine that with the knockdown effect from Crystal Shard and the disorient/stun effect of Rune Prison, I would hardly consider it to be a disadvantage.

    Indeed, but the ultimate can only be used once, unless you have one of those near 0 ultimate build cost thingy :smile: . Otherwise, well, you use it once every few fights :wink: . In VR content, soloing being what it is, it would really help, especially as a vampire mage, facing several firemages, interrupting them, so they don't 2 shot me, would be well, very much needed :grin: . I keep trying to wait for people to reach my phase, but If I want to wait for a long period of time, playing without actually doing anything, I can go back to eve for that ^-^.

    I don't think this would be gamebreaking, and only those that needs it would use it, for others, it would change nothing at all :smile:

    The reason I suggested PVE only for this passive, is because we all know how the PVP crowd will react if there's a ranged interrupt option in pvp : - ).

    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • binaryAegis
    No ( please explain and be constructive :))
    Squishy wrote: »

    I do... not.. use... bows... Once again, we seem to fall into if you want to do this, you have to use this specific weapon :disappointed:
    Or you could take the Crushing Shock morph under Destruction Staff, which also interrupts casting.

    I voted no because this is unneeded. Both ranged DPS weapons already have a ranged interrupt, Venom arrow for Bows and Crushing Shock for Destro Staff. I suppose an argument could be made for Resto Staff getting a specific one, but every class has access to some kind of ranged stun or knockdown effect already, and there is also Volcanic Rune from the Mages Guild line which is a ranged aoe knockup/stun.

    You already have plenty of options, you just haven't been looking hard enough.

  • Travail
    No ( please explain and be constructive :))
    Bow: Venom Arrow

    Destro Staff: Crushing Shock

    Dragonknight: Fiery Grip, Reflective Scale, Stonefist, Petrify

    Nightblade: Teleport Strike, Agony, Shadow Cloak (will stop enemy from targeting you)

    Sorcerer: Streak, Crystal Fragments (will often be instant cast)

    Templar: Piercing Javelin, Spear Shards, Focused Charge, Eclipse

    The only class that should have any trouble interrupting at range is the Sorcerer, but even they will have access to either Venom Arrow or Crushing Shock, depending on their chosen ranged weapon. If they are using a melee weapon, then 2 of the 3 melee weapons have a charge (and Shield Charge even comes with a built-in stun, which will interrupt casting.)

    Every single build in the game will have access to a ranged interrupt, without exception. This is "playing how you want." If you "want" to interrupt from outside of melee range, the devs have made that possible for every character in the game.

  • bantad87
    You're kidding, right? Both the bow and the destruction staff have skill morphs that are interrupts and stun the target when you interrupt them. What more do you need? If you're not using them, that's your prerogative.

    (Hint: Poison Arrow from bow and Force Shock from staff can be morphed to interrupts).
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