I've really given this game my all. I've worked with bugs, around bugs, and even written essays to customer services yet nothing seems to get done. Every maintenance my game goes from playable to unplayable and I spend hours trying to get it working again. I now have the same constant lag spikes every few minutes which cause me to die. I'm running a great computer with a great video card and it seems I'm not the only person with a nvidia gtx 760 having issues. Every other mmo I play I have no issues, but this game its a constant problem. I've made the excuses that its a new game and a new mmo company and they'll eventually get it right. But really, why am I paying for this? Why do I have to sit on hold with customer service for hours or send in numerous support tickets on a weekly basis? I guess I'm going to take the advice of all the fan boys who tell me I'm complaining too much and go play something else. Thanks Zenimax for the wasted $80 but you wont get my $15 dollars a month any more.
Edited by kofixb16_ESO on May 16, 2014 1:39AM