I suggested this in another forum but I would be curious to see if people would like to see something like this put into the game. What I have noticed in cities like Wayrest and Coldharbor are bot trains. There is a continuous chain of lvl 3 characters with names like ksjdn spawning into these towns with prison rags. If you follow them you notice they hit a few points of interest and turn in a non combat quest for gold. They then send that gold to the bank and log out. When they log out they delete said character, and reroll a new one to complete the same quest. My idea is to put a 3 day CD timer on the Delete Character function. That way they could only create one new character every three days to abuse this form of botting. In my eyes they would just abandon this method and our cities would no longer be over run with disposable bots. This will not do anything to ease the enemy and node farming bots but it is a step in the right direction. It will still take a combination of changes and efforts to make the situation manageable. What do you guys think yes or no on a delete character 3 day cooldown? I tried to think of a fix that would leave the smallest footprint to legit players, unlike the fix they put in of just removing the quest reward, mind you they found a different quest.
Edited by Xnemesis on May 15, 2014 6:15PM
Delete Character CD 70 votes