How to report bots like a boss.

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
Hopefully this will simple it up for people so they can spend less time aggravated by ZOS's failed efforts to develop a pattern engine to auto-ban these exploits, while giving ZOS more customer feedback to work with in archaically doing it by hand. Of course this all relies on the ASSUMPTION they are actually banning ACCOUNTS and not just locking characters, and that they are NOT issuing refunds for these clear violations of a legally binding CONTRACT.

Initial setup:

OK, first off you will need a few things:

Download the free version of FRAPS video recording software. Install it, and configure a key to start/stop recording as well as one to toggle the position of the in-game FPS indicator. The FPS indicator button you choose will toggle through placing the FPS numbers in the top left, right, bottom left, and bottom right corners, and also hide it altogether. The numbers will turn red while recording so you know that you are. You can record 30 seconds at a time in the free version which is more than enough to grab the names of all the bots.

Now, download the free video editing software, Virtual Dub. Install it, and you will have the option to right-click your FRAPS'd movies and edit them in Virtual Dub (may have to restart computer after install.) You can use the left and right arrow keys to advance your movies ONE FRAME AT A TIME, which will let you pick out the bot names easily, and write them down.

(OPTIONAL) Download the Wykkyd's Framework addon to display the zone name (along with many other useful stats) in a bar along the top of your screen, so you can include that information along with the bot names.

Catching them in the act:

Now that you are set up, simply hit the FRAPS record button when you encounter bots and quickly mouse over each of their names. No need to pause over them. Once you have seen them it will be enough to pick out going frame by frame in Virtual Dub (you can also hold the arrows in virtual dub to move faster, or grab the slider). Once you are finished mousing over all their names hit the FRAPS record button again to stop recording.

Preparing the report:

Log out of the game at your earliest convenience and open up the video you made from your FRAPS movies folder (option to select where this is in the program) by right clicking it and opening in Virtual Dub. Now, use the arrows or scroll through the movie to pick out the individual names of the bots, and write them down along with the zone they appear in (optional.) Copy the entire contents of your report by selecting it all and pressing control+c to copy it.

Load the game, press F1 to start a report, and when you get to the point where you have selected to report a player for cheating and exploiting, hit control+v to past your report in the text area. Delete your FRAPS'd movies when done to save drive space.

Nail in the coffin:

You could optionally compress your movies and upload them to a private Youtube account and include a link to them in your report for ZOS to review themselves as "evidence" (which is what I have been doing.)
Edited by Phinix1 on May 15, 2014 5:16PM
  • Monyan
    I was recording with Open Broadcaster Software. It's lighter for the graphic card than Fraps. And I've never used video editing software just to write down those names. They was seen clearly in my video player.

    But as the bot reporting every now and then is in itself very troublesome during the adventure, now I prefer to simply write down their long terrible names by chasing them. And I'm good at this so beware bots :trollface: On this point I can train my memory at least.
    Hail Sithis!
  • Phinix1

    The more evidence we collect for ZOS, the more we can see whether or not they are REALLY banning these accounts.
  • IronMaiden_burnout

    The more evidence we collect for ZOS, the more we can see whether or not they are REALLY banning these accounts.

    You think they don't know already, trust me I feel like I should be getting paid with all the reporting with exact location and what it is they are doing. They either are so freaking stumped that they cannot do anything but ban a few here and there, or they just don't want to cause they are making money off them.

    They just love banning them since they know 3 more will sub soon after "kaching"
    If they do not implement an aggressive anti cheat system soon this game is going down the shitter!
  • ItsMeToo
    That is a lot of work to go through. Why not just make a report that says, "There are a lot of bots here." Then use the send a screen shot option in the bug report and send the report.

    The screen shot option sends the game coordinates with the report.

    The bots will still be there when the GM shows up and they can chase and ban them.

    That's what I do and it saves me a lot of time.
    Edited by ItsMeToo on May 17, 2014 11:02PM
    FYI - There is no such thing as 'night capping' in a world wide MMO.
    FYI - There was no paid Beta. When they launched the game the Beta was over, even if you don't think it was.
    FYI - It's B2P not F2P. There is a difference.
    FYI - It doesn't take any player skill to mash keys or buttons in this game. The ones that stay alive longer have the better internet connection and speed.
    FYI - The game is not broken, it still works. It just has 'bugs' that need to be fixed.
    Balance is a "Bad" thing.

    Example: There were hundreds of Jedi and only two Sith in Star Wars. The Jedi wanted, "Balance in the Force" and they got it. Now there are only two Jedi and two Sith.

    Balance is a "Bad" thing.
    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    I say, "Get a smaller glass."
  • Phinix1
    Because with the bot trains it is virtually impossible to follow them closely enough to report them that way, and make sure you get screenshots. With a Youtube video it is UNDENIABLE. You can link the video in your report to ZOS in-game with all the names, and the video clearly shows not only a still screenshot but a full motion video of their exploits. There can then be no mistake of their guilt. It is also PUBLIC.
  • Korozenn
    This is not a good method at all to report bots.

    All it does is put both your forum account and YouTube videos at risk of getting action taken towards them for naming and shaming players. On top of that, reporting bots through a public environment as open as YouTube or these forums just isn't smart at all.

    Sure, they may see your video and the area that is troubled, but they aren't going to pause it every second a new bot name shows up in the video. That's not how you report a situation like this well at all. As I've said numerous times before, try to keep things like reporting bots as private as you possibly can.

    There is an in-game method you can take to reporting botting, cheating, or exploiting activities. If you use their e-mail submission form from the Support section of this website, you will get far better results and your feedback will reach the GMs desks faster than they would if you posted videos on these forums naming and shaming other players (which go against forum rules, to begin with). While I would honestly respect the work you did in recording the video, if I was in their shoes, I know it certainly wouldn't help me as a GM to keep pausing your video every second a new bot name showed up on-screen. At that point, you should just take @ItsMeToo‌ advice and take a screenshot to send to them (either in-game or not through their emailing options).
    Edited by Korozenn on May 17, 2014 11:15PM
  • Phinix1
    The names and accounts are included in my report, along with the Youtube link. The Youtube link is just evidence of what the names in my report are doing. Also, I am NOT "naming and shaming." I have not posted any of the names here on the forum.

    As to your point about it being best to keep reporting as private as possible, I could not disagree with you more. The more public it is, and the more people are aware of it, the more pressure is on ZOS to actually do something about it.
  • mowind
    This seems like a lot of work....i think the work should be done by ZoS!

    Premium - a sum above the nominal or par value of a thing.
    Service - an act of helpful activity; help; aid: to do someone a service.

    as it stands, i feel like im offering ZoS a premium service, im paying monthly for a beta game...
    Edited by mowind on May 17, 2014 11:23PM
  • Phinix1
  • Phinix1
    Edited by Phinix1 on May 26, 2014 1:41AM
  • RubyTigress
    Or, you could use the add on fastreport from esoui, if, like me, you are fraps challenged.
  • Phinix1
    That addon is the next best thing to FRAPS. It can just be hard running after the bot trains of five or more trying to catch and report every one. Plus, it is hard to argue they were banned unfairly with video evidence.

    NOTE: This is why I add the names to my ignore list. Because when you do, it shows you the actual ACCOUNT name that was banned. THAT is what you want to make note of. Check to see from time to time if ZOS is actually banning these accounts as promised.
    Edited by Phinix1 on May 26, 2014 1:41AM
  • AbraCadabra
    I think we should get a discount or account credit per # of bots reported. :smiley: I have reported so many and spend so much time reporting that it feels like a job.
    Edited by AbraCadabra on May 20, 2014 11:10PM
  • YourNameHere
    I use FRAPS and this add-on below to report bots. Quite helpful

    Here is an add-on that was suggested to me by another forum user.

    I got it, and it works wonderfully.

    If you haven't already, get the addon client used Minion:

    Then you can search there for FastReport by thelegendaryof

    Once you install that in Minion, go into TESO then go to settings. You'll need to set up the report key (I used F5 in the key bindings).

    So when you hover over someone, it will save the last name you captured, even if they disappear quickly. Hitting the key you chose for the report will bring up two windows, as shown in the screenshot

    Highlight and CTRL + C the information on the left hand window into the report window on the right hand side, then fill in the rest of what you saw, making sure to click from the drop down menu.

    Hope this helps!
    NA Megaserver / RPer
    Alinyssa Gaethar - AD || Raahni-do - AD || Wind-In-Tree's-Shadow - DC
  • mike.crewsb14_ESO
    Someone should make a bot to report bots. In fact, why don't we just accept the game as it is, get off the forums, and go play Neuromancer Online: Evil Bots From Hell vs. God's Own AI.

    Or, if you prefer: The Matrix: Tamriel Plugged In
    Edited by mike.crewsb14_ESO on May 21, 2014 2:27AM
  • skeletorz_ESO
    Or... when you see a bot, you can put your crossheir on them and hit print-screen. Now you can load up the pic and write down the bot's name to report it.

    Much simpler.
    “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” -- René Descartes
  • GreySix
    Reported a teleporting bot and a subterranean bot on Stros M'Kai tonight.

    Well, if the GMs act on those reports, that'll be two down out of several hundred ... well, until the next account they open with stolen money anyway.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Carnage2K4
    I thought I bought the game to play it... not prepare reports on bots that will be deleted by the time I send off the list...

    If report prep is what I paid for when I bought ESO than there is something seriously wrong with this game...
    Edited by Carnage2K4 on May 21, 2014 5:07AM
    Human Infant Connoisseur
  • Phinix1
    Carnage2K4 wrote: »
    I thought I bought the game to play it... not prepare reports on bots that will be deleted by the time I send off the list...

    If it is any consolation, the bots I reported in this thread were still there 9 hours after I reported them. XD
  • Phantax
    Or... when you see a bot, you can put your crossheir on them and hit print-screen. Now you can load up the pic and write down the bot's name to report it.

    Much simpler.

    No you can't. When you do that you get you're thread closed with some feeble excuse about mistakenly hurting players. Because a lot of players know are able to run through walls, levitate, teleport and run at a million miles per hour.
    But hey... lets not protect the legitimate players... lets help the bots ! ! !
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • KerinKor
    Because with the bot trains it is virtually impossible to follow them closely enough to report them that way, and make sure you get screenshots. With a Youtube video it is UNDENIABLE. You can link the video in your report to ZOS in-game with all the names, and the video clearly shows not only a still screenshot but a full motion video of their exploits. There can then be no mistake of their guilt. It is also PUBLIC.
    Until ZOS allow us to see NAMEPLATES then any photo evidence is almost worthless as you only ever see ONE name and you have to run after the bloody bots in order to focus/target them to see that one name.

    And why the hell should I spent my play time running after bot trains and harvesting bots trying to expose a nameplate when ZOS has it in their power to hugely make ME doing THEIR job easier but they refuse to do it due to all the immerssionists whining that OPTIONAL nameplate ruing their lolimmersion: of course never-ending bot trains I guess is entirely helpful to their lolimmersion.

    Edited by KerinKor on May 21, 2014 7:45AM
  • Phantax
    Take this for example-
    (don't wet your pants moderators, I've edited out the name !)

    Anyway, this sort of thing you are not allowed to do. After all its obviously just a legitimate player just out for a stroll doing nothing wrong. But lets not upset any obvious bots/exploiters... hell no, lets make the forum user/player (that IS trying to help) feel like c.rap !
    As for the right click on player names and report, yeah that's right, no problems. Just give me a skill line that allows me to fly, travel at super-speed and move through solid objects and I'll gladly do that.
    But I won't take any more pics.... so everybody is happy !
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • rafael.filbyprb19_ESO
    Over the last 10 days or so I must have reported something close to a hundred bots and hackers. And I've seen way more. It feels like for every bot/cheater/gold spammer I report, two new ones start the game.

    While its easy to report a single bot in public dungeons, there are certain issues when trying to report 30 bots farming - be it leather or a boss. I believe those problems were already mentioned in at least one of the upper posts.

    In overland zones its hard finding ore or wood because speed hack bots are just so much faster. Even fighter pilots couldn't steer chars moving that speed :-) Its not many, but they are hard to even see and very hard to report.

    I can't see how the reporting system will fix hacking/bot/spamming issues.
    Other games also had those problems and it's the programmers who have to fix them. Hacking is a issue to be adressed by the programmers. Gold Spam can be reduced when you disallow chat and in game mails to low level chars. Tbh I don't know what *all* the other MMORPGs did against bots, but obviously its working better than what
  • kitsinni
    If ZOS even cared they would have in game GM's at the most heavily botted areas taking care of it when it happens. If ZOS even cared the bots would put at least some effort in to trying to cover up what they are doing. If ZOS cared and you report 20+ in an area where 40+ are runnig the same exact circle within inches of eachother a GM would have shown up within the hour of the 20+ reports. If ZOS cared there would be a way to flag an area as loaded with bots and someone from the company would show up and take a look at the area. As it is they don't do any of that.
  • Maestro_Sartori
    Hopefully this will simple it up for people so they can spend less time aggravated by ZOS's failed efforts to develop a pattern engine to auto-ban these exploits, while giving ZOS more customer feedback to work with in archaically doing it by hand. Of course this all relies on the ASSUMPTION they are actually banning ACCOUNTS and not just locking characters, and that they are NOT issuing refunds for these clear violations of a legally binding CONTRACT.

    Initial setup:

    OK, first off you will need a few things:

    Download the free version of FRAPS video recording software. Install it, and configure a key to start/stop recording as well as one to toggle the position of the in-game FPS indicator. The FPS indicator button you choose will toggle through placing the FPS numbers in the top left, right, bottom left, and bottom right corners, and also hide it altogether. The numbers will turn red while recording so you know that you are. You can record 30 seconds at a time in the free version which is more than enough to grab the names of all the bots.

    Now, download the free video editing software, Virtual Dub. Install it, and you will have the option to right-click your FRAPS'd movies and edit them in Virtual Dub (may have to restart computer after install.) You can use the left and right arrow keys to advance your movies ONE FRAME AT A TIME, which will let you pick out the bot names easily, and write them down.

    (OPTIONAL) Download the Wykkyd's Framework addon to display the zone name (along with many other useful stats) in a bar along the top of your screen, so you can include that information along with the bot names.

    Catching them in the act:

    Now that you are set up, simply hit the FRAPS record button when you encounter bots and quickly mouse over each of their names. No need to pause over them. Once you have seen them it will be enough to pick out going frame by frame in Virtual Dub (you can also hold the arrows in virtual dub to move faster, or grab the slider). Once you are finished mousing over all their names hit the FRAPS record button again to stop recording.

    Preparing the report:

    Log out of the game at your earliest convenience and open up the video you made from your FRAPS movies folder (option to select where this is in the program) by right clicking it and opening in Virtual Dub. Now, use the arrows or scroll through the movie to pick out the individual names of the bots, and write them down along with the zone they appear in (optional.) Copy the entire contents of your report by selecting it all and pressing control+c to copy it.

    Load the game, press F1 to start a report, and when you get to the point where you have selected to report a player for cheating and exploiting, hit control+v to past your report in the text area. Delete your FRAPS'd movies when done to save drive space.

    Nail in the coffin:

    You could optionally compress your movies and upload them to a private Youtube account and include a link to them in your report for ZOS to review themselves as "evidence" (which is what I have been doing.)

    Seriously, I'm going to go through all that to report a bot...
  • Dolenz
    kitsinni wrote: »
    If ZOS even cared they would have in game GM's at the most heavily botted areas taking care of it when it happens. If ZOS even cared the bots would put at least some effort in to trying to cover up what they are doing. If ZOS cared and you report 20+ in an area where 40+ are runnig the same exact circle within inches of eachother a GM would have shown up within the hour of the 20+ reports. If ZOS cared there would be a way to flag an area as loaded with bots and someone from the company would show up and take a look at the area. As it is they don't do any of that.

    Your nuts if you think they really don't care.

    Just because you think you have all the answers on what they should do and how easy it would be to accomplish those things does not mean you are right.

    I believe GMs are a temporary fix. Banning bots is like playing whack-a-mole. For every bot they ban another one is created. As long as gold selling is profitable the companies will continue to make new accounts.
  • GreySix
    Dolenz wrote: »
    Your nuts if you think they really don't care.
    While they may care, they did launch a game controlled mostly by the client side, which to my knowledge no other MMO does, and for good reason - never trust the client.

    Yeah, they wanted to boast a mostly lag-free launch, but hackers absolutely adore client-controlled games, since they can exploit the heck out of them.

    Not really sure they can fix the bot issue, save for two ways:
    • Take entire game down for a week or two, and move most control to server
    • Most legitimate players leave, bots lose base of support, and leave on their own. After all, they're a virus, and a virus needs a host.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • teox76
    Soul Shriven
    Reporting Bots and GM's are a placebo to give the impression they are actually doing something. But as everyone knows, it's highly ineffective and can be only temporary.
    Of course, Zeni cannot give away details of the true countermeasures they are taking, or those will be ineffective by the day they are implemented.
    What scares me is that it seems that Zeni does not even have in place some basic alarms that trigger an alert if a player is zipping trough hard rock, flying in the air or running at impossible speed. If there were, we should at least see the most evident hacking being taken care, but is not the case (you still need to Report the bot/hacker).
    Heck, if you check some of the hacking forums around, everyone is laughing at Zeni on how unsecured and easy to hack is the game client (nothing underground, basic Google usage).
  • RubyTigress
    When I see a whole train of bots--running through the public dungeons as a specific example, I capture one and then mention there are a whole herd of them in X location.

    I'm happy to help, but I'm not chasing down each and every bot in a specific dungeon to report them. That should be something Zos can nail down.
  • leandro.800ub17_ESO
    Edited by leandro.800ub17_ESO on May 21, 2014 2:16PM
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