Hopefully this will simple it up for people so they can spend less time aggravated by ZOS's failed efforts to develop a pattern engine to auto-ban these exploits, while giving ZOS more customer feedback to work with in archaically doing it by hand. Of course this all relies on the ASSUMPTION they are actually banning ACCOUNTS and not just locking characters, and that they are NOT issuing refunds for these clear violations of a legally binding CONTRACT.
Initial setup:
OK, first off you will need a few things:
Download the free version of
FRAPS video recording software. Install it, and configure a key to start/stop recording as well as one to toggle the position of the in-game FPS indicator. The FPS indicator button you choose will toggle through placing the FPS numbers in the top left, right, bottom left, and bottom right corners, and also hide it altogether. The numbers will turn red while recording so you know that you are. You can record 30 seconds at a time in the free version which is more than enough to grab the names of all the bots.
Now, download the free video editing software,
Virtual Dub. Install it, and you will have the option to right-click your FRAPS'd movies and edit them in Virtual Dub (may have to restart computer after install.) You can use the left and right arrow keys to advance your movies ONE FRAME AT A TIME, which will let you pick out the bot names easily, and write them down.
(OPTIONAL) Download the
Wykkyd's Framework addon to display the zone name (along with many other useful stats) in a bar along the top of your screen, so you can include that information along with the bot names.
Catching them in the act:
Now that you are set up, simply hit the FRAPS record button when you encounter bots and quickly mouse over each of their names. No need to pause over them. Once you have seen them it will be enough to pick out going frame by frame in Virtual Dub (you can also hold the arrows in virtual dub to move faster, or grab the slider). Once you are finished mousing over all their names hit the FRAPS record button again to stop recording.
Preparing the report:
Log out of the game at your earliest convenience and open up the video you made from your FRAPS movies folder (option to select where this is in the program) by right clicking it and opening in Virtual Dub. Now, use the arrows or scroll through the movie to pick out the individual names of the bots, and write them down along with the zone they appear in (optional.) Copy the entire contents of your report by selecting it all and pressing control+c to copy it.
Load the game, press F1 to start a report, and when you get to the point where you have selected to report a player for cheating and exploiting, hit control+v to past your report in the text area. Delete your FRAPS'd movies when done to save drive space.
Nail in the coffin:
You could optionally compress your movies and upload them to a private Youtube account and include a link to them in your report for ZOS to review themselves as "evidence" (which is what I have been doing.)