I have been thinking about making this post for a couple of weeks now but I feel like it needs to be said. I was going to give my feedback on the game when I hit VR10 so that way I could give a top to bottom review unlike some people (angry joe) who played the game for like a couple hours before he gave his review.
Anyhow, I wanted to bring some perspective on the game that we have here and give my two cents on the state of the game so far.
From my perspective 98% of the complaints I see come from experiences in the game that demoralize people.
These encounters happen when someone isn't able to play the game in a way that suits them in a fashion that is easily identifiable to them.
I believe though, and I think most of you would agree that its not impossible to figure out how to beat something in this game. If you can't beat something, you change strategy and forge ahead.
This has happened to me several times during my time here, changing tactics and LEARNING and ADAPTING.
Do you see what I said there? We have an MMO that FORCES you to LEARN and ADAPT.
Some people will say Oh bolt escape...so OP... please nerf.
Before you say nerf, please try to learn something. There are countermeasures in this game, more than most players probably realize and the more people we have cry nerf the more of a chance we have of dumbing the game down to something none of us really want.
This game is in it's infancy, there are aspects of this game that I learn everyday and it makes me want to log back in and fight and claw my way to the highest levels.
Is it hard? Yes it is
Is it rewarding? yes it is.
Do you really want a game where being max level means nothing?
Where class distinctions are thin and your reaction upon seeing certain scenarios/players no longer makes your blood pump faster because you know you just might get your teeth kicked in.
We have a diamond in the rough with this game, and after patch 1.1 I think more of you will realize it.
We need to start a culture of learning in MMO's again, and I think ESO is the prime candidate.
Enjoy this MMO, and don't ruin it because you refuse to learn and adapt.
(Sorry for the weird spacing, didn't want it to be a wall.)
(EDIT: Oops...wrong forum. Mods please move)
Edited by Zepheric on May 14, 2014 4:14PM Sanguine's Tester