Also, your characters will NEVER be deleted after your subscription ends.
Yes, I'm one of them. You can continue to play, if you want. The question is - do you want ? You're welcome !
Kyle_Roberts wrote: »Yes, I'm one of them. You can continue to play, if you want. The question is - do you want ? You're welcome !
Sigh... another "I've unsubbed, everyone look at me, I need some attention" but still on the forums moaning like a little ***, and still playing in-game, what is the point of playing if your going to quit anyway? just got nothing better to do with your time?
The only reason I'm on this Forum - its because I do enjoy drama and massive failure this game has become (hate money grabbing companies), I'm at work and got nothing better to do to entertain myself. Also - you got an "lol" from me - Have a Nice Day !
The only reason I'm on this Forum - its because I do enjoy drama and massive failure this game has become (hate money grabbing companies)
I'm at work and got nothing better to do to entertain myself
So, like I said, it's an ASSUMPTION, there's no guarantee in the absence of a positive statement.
Kyle_Roberts wrote: »... and isn't every MMO company out for the $, please name one that doesn't have an in-game store or sell unique mounts/pets or any of that ***...
Smells like BS to me.
So, like I said, it's an ASSUMPTION, there's no guarantee in the absence of a positive statement.
Kyle_Roberts wrote: »... and isn't every MMO company out for the $, please name one that doesn't have an in-game store or sell unique mounts/pets or any of that ***...
Smells like BS to me.
Actually I meant a rushed released of the unfinished product, the game wasn't ready, but they released the tittle anyway hoping for a quick money maker, whatever it was done because a shareholders insisted - I don't know.
And if something smells like $hit to you - check your pants first
At least if my assumption proves true I'm not going to be upset, web forums like this are littered with those people who assumed the 'obvious' wailing and screaming like 5-years-olds when there assumption proves to be untrue.
And LOL at your 'Google' reference, I tried "will Zenimax ever delete my character", nothing there either.
Nice try, sorry you failed.
@Fairydragon3 This is going to be my last answer to you, because you seem very upset and angry for some reason, and I don't want to add to it.
If ZOS at very least had a working and functioning & dedicating CS team - I would gladly give them 15$ a month, trust me - its not an issue for me money wise. But I also have principals, and not paying any money just to be ignored, when I have an issue with the or in the game - that's why I unsubscribed.
- Have a very pleasant day !