ZakyUchiha wrote: »Account names are there so you can distinguish players if they log on another character.
If you make a guild raid, it's sometimes hard to recognize 'who is who' as their names are different and a lot of people have alts with another name than their main character.
If you don't like your account name, why did you pick it in the first place..
ZakyUchiha wrote: »If you don't like your account name, why did you pick it in the first place..
ZakyUchiha wrote: »Account names are there so you can distinguish players if they log on another character.
If you make a guild raid, it's sometimes hard to recognize 'who is who' as their names are different and a lot of people have alts with another name than their main character.
If you don't like your account name, why did you pick it in the first place..
ZakyUchiha wrote: »P.S
If you don't like your account name, why did you pick it in the first place..
I wasn't aware when I selected my name that it would be on show at all times and I would say that I am not the only one who wasn't aware of it. I have seen some I know someone with a name so long for their @account name that in the chat it take a whole line of chat up and he said he wasn't aware that it would be seen.
ZakyUchiha wrote: »Account names are there so you can distinguish players if they log on another character.
If you make a guild raid, it's sometimes hard to recognize 'who is who' as their names are different and a lot of people have alts with another name than their main character.
If you don't like your account name, why did you pick it in the first place..
I really hardly think ZOS made their account naming for guild raids, guild raids can profit from such a policy but honestly don't think this is the one reason they choose to do it this way.
Vandu83eb17_ESO wrote: »Every mmo sofar i have played the account name was just for logging in so it acted as another "password" so people might use combination of words and numbers and make the account name wierd as of habbit...
Your password must contain at least 8 characters (200 max).
Your password must contain at least one letter (A-Z) and one number (0-9).
Your password can only contain letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and punctuation.
people out there what chose a name thinking nobody else will see it
fyendiarb16_ESO wrote: »You would think after the realid disaster Blizzard went through that no company would think of going with the same idea. I find it surprising there is not as much outrage as there was with wow. The only reason they made it an option was as a result of the huge outrage.
Yet a few years later we are playing an (freaking awesome) mmo with the same moronic system. So weird.
Arsenic_Touch wrote: »fyendiarb16_ESO wrote: »You would think after the realid disaster Blizzard went through that no company would think of going with the same idea. I find it surprising there is not as much outrage as there was with wow. The only reason they made it an option was as a result of the huge outrage.
Yet a few years later we are playing an (freaking awesome) mmo with the same moronic system. So weird.
.....yeah, not even remotely the same thing. The RealID system had your full name as your account name/identity. This is just your account name being visible in guilds and only in guilds.
ZakyUchiha wrote: »ZakyUchiha wrote: »Account names are there so you can distinguish players if they log on another character.
If you make a guild raid, it's sometimes hard to recognize 'who is who' as their names are different and a lot of people have alts with another name than their main character.
If you don't like your account name, why did you pick it in the first place..
I really hardly think ZOS made their account naming for guild raids, guild raids can profit from such a policy but honestly don't think this is the one reason they choose to do it this way.
This is just an example. A lot of people have alts they play on and probably are in 5 guilds. Guilds are account wide and have a cap of 500 members. Imagine all the alts there will be in that guild if it wasn't account wide and the confusion.
You guys worry about getting hacked? There is an authentication code system..