You didn't see any when starting a new character because they are all in Coldharbour now.
I agree with you., motifs up to 200g (Who's stupid idea was it to nerf the drop rate, sack them now), then there will always be a home for bots in ESO, I'm afraid.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »I agree with you., motifs up to 200g (Who's stupid idea was it to nerf the drop rate, sack them now), then there will always be a home for bots in ESO, I'm afraid.
They should give the motifs as standard reward as you get up on crafting levels/VR levels and be done with it.
The farmers have cornered the market. I have yet to find a single container that isn't empty in VR areas for more than three weeks now. Yet you see them spamming on zone chat selling the Ancient Elf for 150,000 gold, and Daedric 200,000 gold.
A simple player like myself, at VR2 doesn't have more than 60,000 gold, by making everything by myself (and I mean everything) and not spamming WTS messages on zone chat.
And they sell at those prices, because your hard earned gold are going to be cashed on their website.
The inflation they try to impose also, is stupid. When the game started, the gold price advertised was something like 20000g for $10. Now is 100,000g for $11-13.
While the motifs (non racial ones) were going for 10-20K. Until 4 weeks ago they shoot to 40K and last week passed the 150K.
(prices of EU server)
And the sad thing is when you ask them why that stupid price, they reply "everyone else sells so, get on with it and buy gold"
On Saturday on the EU server Bleakrock's bot population outnumbered legit players by at least 5:1 early on. I think the @OP was just lucky to get loaded into a layer with few bots which they never saw.Bots have just leveled and moved on, seen them in coldhabour (L44+ zone)
Kyle_Roberts wrote: »There appears to be so many bots because we are on a Mega-Server, If WoW was to use a Mega-Server instead of having lots of separate ones, you'd notice the number of bots on here is nothing in comparison :P
Westcoast14_ESO wrote: »I leveled an alt today, and unlike all of the past play times on my alt, I didn't see any bots (in around 6 hours of play time). That hasn't happened in quite a while. If the bots were impacted, they will of course be back, but if the 1.08 patch marks the first major coding strike against the bots, then well done ZoS! And please keep assiduously working to mitigate the damage they do to the game.
you have not been to Bleakrock Island...It is overrun with bots... what you missed you will find there.
Yes I have they are making brand new level 3 characters to complete a very small quest for 282g each time (video below shows it)You obviously haven't seen them at the shrines or in coldharbour where they port in and out by the 10s, all day?
You obviously haven't seen them at the shrines or in coldharbour where they port in and out by the 10s, all day?
Kyle_Roberts wrote: »Yes I have they are making brand new level 3 characters to complete a very small quest for 282g each time (video below shows it)You obviously haven't seen them at the shrines or in coldharbour where they port in and out by the 10s, all day?
but like I said In comparison to other MMO's if they were to be on a megaserver, the amount of bots we have would be nothing.
Westcoast14_ESO wrote: »I leveled an alt today, and unlike all of the past play times on my alt, I didn't see any bots (in around 6 hours of play time). That hasn't happened in quite a while. If the bots were impacted, they will of course be back, but if the 1.08 patch marks the first hmajor coding strike against the bots, then well done ZoS! And please keep assiduously working to mitigate the damage they do to the game.
My main is just finishing Rivenspire, when I started playing, every single dungeon had bots in, some quests couldn't be completed
I started an alt, have done the first 2 starter islands and 3/4 through Glenumbra and not found one quest bug or one bot in any dungeon.
I am on the last couple of quests in Rivenspire, having recently completed the excellent quest chain in Doomcrag. Not found one of them bugged, not had to re log to get something to spawn, all been perfect.
I have done all 5 of the scull and crossbones bosses, all public dungeons and I have not come across 1 bot in any of them in fact when I had fun finding obsidian scar very challenging by myself, I joked in guild chat saying if only they hadn't got rid of the bots, I wouldn't keep dying.
Westcoast14_ESO wrote: »I leveled an alt today, and unlike all of the past play times on my alt, I didn't see any bots (in around 6 hours of play time). That hasn't happened in quite a while. If the bots were impacted, they will of course be back, but if the 1.08 patch marks the first hmajor coding strike against the bots, then well done ZoS! And please keep assiduously working to mitigate the damage they do to the game.
I wrote a post a few days ago in another thread saying
My main is just finishing Rivenspire, when I started playing, every single dungeon had bots in, some quests couldn't be completed
I started an alt, have done the first 2 starter islands and 3/4 through Glenumbra and not found one quest bug or one bot in any dungeon.
I am on the last couple of quests in Rivenspire, having recently completed the excellent quest chain in Doomcrag. Not found one of them bugged, not had to re log to get something to spawn, all been perfect.
I have done all 5 of the scull and crossbones bosses, all public dungeons and I have not come across 1 bot in any of them in fact when I had fun finding obsidian scar very challenging by myself, I joked in guild chat saying if only they hadn't got rid of the bots, I wouldn't keep dying.
So I think they got on top of this before the latest patch for the lower level dungeons (not mats) already or it could be that the bots have worked out how to hack into higher level areas, it definitely makes it like playing a completely different and fun game, and the sooner the rest are banned the better, I'm in the EU