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Werewolves are officially useless. (Patch notes said so)

Based upon the last three fixes for werewolves (Savage Strength adjustment, sprint bug fix, and devour glitch) I've conclude Zenimax doesn't care about werewolves and isn't interested in making them viable anytime soon.

List of Bugs:
* Werewolf Pounce: glitches out for 25 seconds and freezes the player in place for the majority of their werewolf time.

* Howl: Doesn't always activate, but will still use stamina.

* Ultimate Charge: Ultimate charge will reset. This isn't specific to werewolves but it makes racking up 1000 ultimate nearly impossible seeing as it tends to bug around 500-600 points.

* I've heard the Pack Leader form is bugged so bad it kicks the player out as soon as they transform.

* EDIT * Unable to break Crowd Control, forgot to mention that one.

And quite a few more.
What a Werewolf Should Be:
* First and foremost - A Werewolf.
If the form must be bound to the ultimate slot, then Werewolf should cost 50-150 ultimate, then have it be a simple "on/off" toggle during the night. 30 skill points shouldn't be limited to 30 seconds "of hairball," as another player said.

* The should passives carry over to human form, but with a weakened version. That way I can take advantage of some of those 30 skill points I invested, even while not in werewolf form. (This would reduce alot of angst amongst Werewolf players.)

* Have some kind of bonus to Health/stam/magika regeneration after devouring a body that lasts for an hour or two and stays active once in human form again. Think of it like an epic food buff, but specifically for Werewolves. This would give the player a reason to go into Werewolf form or even a reason to use it in Dungeons.

I told myself I wouldn't pay for an Elder Scrolls MMO unless I could make my character that I played in the other Elder Scrolls games, werewolf being a focal point of that.
Seeing as Werewolves are the reason I paid for this game, I've decided to unsubscribe until they actually fix it.

I'm as much of as an Elder Scrolls fanboy as an MMO fanboy. I played and subscribed to WoW for 6 years (Nov 2004 - January 2011) and had more than one account as well as paying for character transfers, race changes, and even a little Lich pet.

As silly as it sounds, Werewolves are one of the main reasons I paid for this game.
If Werewolves aren't a part of the game, or at least barely viable (which it is not), the game ain't worth paying for in this gamer's eyes.

Thank you for all you've done and I'll continue to play and enjoy the game for the next 29 days to see if any changes will be made but more than likely, my angst with the game will just grow more because of some half-assed dismissive Customer Service post/reply or another Werewolf "fix" *cough* nerf *cough*

Please give me a reason to want to give ZOS money.
(Hint) Any one of those suggestions I listed would make me resubscribe in a heartbeat, as well as make alot of players happy.
Edited by drowned.thought_ESO on May 12, 2014 9:10PM
  • Phantax
    Agreed, agreed, agreed !
    I've just dropped my werewolf form from my hotbar, its just not worth bothering with now (as it currently stands). Hopefully we will get it fixed and it will allow us to play the werewolf 'as we wish' !
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • drowned.thought_ESO
    Phantax wrote: »
    Agreed, agreed, agreed !
    I've just dropped my werewolf form from my hotbar, its just not worth bothering with now (as it currently stands). Hopefully we will get it fixed and it will allow us to play the werewolf 'as we wish' !

    Yes exactly my point!
    It's not so much about it being bugged that's bothering me, it's about being able to play as we wish.
    And right now, many of us Werewolf lovers aren't able to do that.

    We aren't asking to be OP or for infinite werewolf form (except at night :) like it should be), we just want to be a werewolf.
    (And we want something to make up for %50 increased damage from Poison to justify being a Werewolf and a tank to your raiding guild.)
    Edited by drowned.thought_ESO on May 12, 2014 8:26PM
  • Tion

    * I've heard the Pack Leader form is bugged so bad it kicks the player out as soon as they transform.

    And quite a few more.

    Indeed. I've choosed it & after 2 weeks of being WW, I wasn't able to get higher then lvl 5,5 <.<'
    2 of 3 times i change back while I press the jump or attack. It's a bit annoying.

    Schwarzer Humor ist, wenn du noch lachst während andere schon weinen.
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    Indeed. Just like so many other parts of the game, I want to like it. But I really cant. Werewolf is completely and utterly broken in its current state. IMO ZOS need to make up their damn mind:

    Do they want a strong and powerfull but shortlived rampaging berserker type skill or do they want a decently balanced shapeshifter that can maintain itself for a long period.

    Because right now, the Werewolf is bloody nothing. It has a huge cost, its weak as all *** and last seconds. My nightblade can take on 3 mobs fairly easy at veteran 5, loosing little to no HP. I can totally destroy them. When I shift into my OMGZERKERMONSTERWEREWOLF I die. Its embarassing. I cant even say "hue hue at least the animations are awesome!". Because they suck. They arent even 1/10th as good as whats in Skyrim.

    If the werewolf remain in its current high cost state, then ffs at least give it more skills. We *need* a strong regen for survival. And feeding should stack minutes, not seconds.
  • ZOS_TristanK
    Hey, all. We've moved this thread from the Support forum to the World Skills forum. Than you for your feedback!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Sidereal
    I've decided to unsubscribe until they actually fix it.

    Can I have your stuff?
  • Korozenn
    Agreed. Werewolves are totally bugged out as they stand now, and it would be great to see these changes made to actually fix Werewolf Form.

    As stated by the OP, waiting until you amass 1000 Ultimate to be a "hairball" for 30-seconds is absolutely absurd when Werewolf Form isn't even as powerful as your normal form would be in most instances (it certainly isn't a viable option when going against large groups of other players in PvP like your normal form would most likely be, for instance).

    Essentially wasting a valuable slot that another Ultimate could have occupied for that form is ridiculous. There needs to be a considerably lessened amount of Ultimate for the form, and the range of 450-650 seems like the sweet spot, rather than something like 1000 that 'does' get terribly glitched and resets every time you try to build up to that amount, more often than not.

    I can't recall correctly when that happens, but I'm pretty sure it happens when switching between zones or using wayshrines at times for me. Heck, I think I remember going into the city to craft with 566 Ultimate, just to come back out of the city with it reset to 0 again. If Ultimate is supposed to build up like some sort of 'rage' meter in which it decreases gradually as you're not in combat, we're not seeing that change reflected in the actual UI, which is a cause for concern (especially in end-game).
  • Neferath
    Well beeing a vamp myself who doesnt like werewolfes at all i have to say ... that you are totally right. Werewolfs need to be "buffed" in order to make them worth beeing played by others.

    But i actually dislike your approach of carrying werwolf boni into the human form, since a human stays a human unless he transforms. So actually the werwolf form itself and only that should be "enhanced".

    I will however agree to at the point that the ultimate costs required in order to transform should be drastically reduced regardless of the existence of a "werewolf-set" wich lowers the costs for doing so (20% red. iirc).
  • drowned.thought_ESO
    Indeed. Just like so many other parts of the game, I want to like it. But I really cant. Werewolf is completely and utterly broken in its current state. IMO ZOS need to make up their damn mind:

    Do they want a strong and powerfull but shortlived rampaging berserker type skill or do they want a decently balanced shapeshifter that can maintain itself for a long period...

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
    The animations do need an improvement for sure.
    For one, the Werewolf should be on all fours when running, not sprinting like his tail is on fire.
    But first things first, like you said, they need to decide what they want werewolf to be.
    I'm a Nightblade (Werewolf first ;) ) as well and can attest to the same thing.
    And god forbid you get stunned while in Werewolf, it's all over then.

    Also has anyone else noticed being unable to sneak while in Werewolf form?
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but sneaking is a vital part of being a "Hunter."

  • Grao
    Hey, all. We've moved this thread from the Support forum to the World Skills forum. Than you for your feedback!

    Are you serious??? We have at least 4 posts going about the Werewolf Situation and instead of a descent reply, that is the best ZOS can do? Relocate our posts so it gets less attention? You can't give us a paragraph about being aware how much you screwed up with the Werewolf skill line, apologize and promise it will be fixed soon? >.> Really??
  • drowned.thought_ESO
    Grao wrote: »
    Hey, all. We've moved this thread from the Support forum to the World Skills forum. Than you for your feedback!

    Are you serious??? We have at least 4 posts going about the Werewolf Situation and instead of a descent reply, that is the best ZOS can do? Relocate our posts so it gets less attention? You can't give us a paragraph about being aware how much you screwed up with the Werewolf skill line, apologize and promise it will be fixed soon? >.> Really??

    Kinda figured this would happen.
    ...my angst with the game will just grow more because of some half-assed dismissive Customer Service post/reply...

    At least it wasn't as bad as this D*uche Canoe, where the Mod just closed down the complaint rather than owning the issue like Customer Support is suppose too.
    One of the other reasons I chose to cancel my subscription for now.
    Edited by drowned.thought_ESO on May 12, 2014 9:55PM
  • Jsatrzab
    Soul Shriven
    Few Ideas that would fix WW (in my humble opinion)
    - Reduce cost of transformation by 50%
    - Make Pursuit passive give u 10% of max stamina in human form
    - move Stamina Overcharge Cap by 500-1000 while in WW form

    - If passives works only when on transformation, poison dmg debuff should work only when in WW form
    - Make Ultimate "eats" 10 ultimate points every second, we are in WW form as long as we have ult points ( gaining ultimate points while in WW form longer the effect)
  • sinisterwaffleb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    What i find completely pathetic and unforgivable is that fact that they just patched the "bug" where a werewolf constantly devour the same corpse, allowing them to stay in wolf form for a very long time.

    ...even if i could stay in wolf form ALL BLOODY DAY, it wouldn't be half as strong as vampires. This is pathetic, ZOS...you are bad and should feel bad.

    Oh what bug do we fix first?

    Hmm how bout pounce locking you in place and burning your whole transformation...nahhhh

    Maybe pack leader being just 100% crap and forcing you out of wolf form 3 seconds later....nahhhh

    Oh oh, what about spending 10 frakin minutes building your ultimate bar only to walk out of a building and find its reset...nahhhhhhh

    Oh i know, lets fix the ONE BUG that helps werewolves in some fashion be not complete and utter crap...ya that's the one, get to it boys!

    ZOS what is wrong with you people? Stop fixing *** that gives players some sort of little boost first before fixing the *** that makes the game nearly unplayable at times, how bout that?

    If you guys were mechanics, you would walk into the garage to fix a car, the car barely runs, it can't go more than 30 mph, no air conditioning, no heat, brakes are often choppy and don't always work, sometimes the gas pedal puts you in reverse for the fun of it...

    and you jokers replace the air freshener and say "meh, its good to go for another couple months"
  • Brittany_Joy
    I only decided to play ESO because they said I could be a werewolf. Before when I first heard of ESO and how they said you couldn't be a werewolf I said no to the game. But once ESO said you could become one I became interested in the game. Currently, I am very disappointed at how weak werewolves are and how little I get to actually be a werewolf. I know the OP is looking for reasons to keep subscribing and all I have to say is there is no reason to subscribe. The way they fix the game and the way they nerf it just makes the game more stale and not fun. A stale game is not worth subscribing too. If having fun is not the priority for ZoS then it is not worth subscribing to in the long run.
    Edited by Brittany_Joy on May 13, 2014 12:26AM
  • Ravinsild
    Well I'm sure Blizzard will be happy to know Zenimax just sent another customer (me) running back into their arms.

    This nerf was atrocious and I literally just unsubscribed and uninstalled. Good riddance.
  • Korozenn
    I think people are losing sight of the fact that this game will constantly be undergoing revisions, especially when it comes to the next 3-6 months with continuous updates that are essentially bound to change the game completely from what it used to be (v1.1 being the update I point the most towards to fixing a lot of our current issues with the game). That's typical for an online multiplayer game of this size and proportion, and in TESO's case, even more so because the game has quite possibly the most content to play through in any MMO and participate in to-date from the outset of its launch compared to the launch of other MMOs.

    Give it time. While I myself think things like this shouldn't have happened in the first place, it's difficult for all of these updates to be dealt with in a timely manner when the matter of balancing and adding new content to the game for all other areas of it that are more important (specifically, the huge bugs we're faced with Nightblade class skills, both active and passive, as well as other bugs with passives in other skill lines as well).

    The Werewolf issue is one we all share in common, and while it is certainly a feature I liked in Skyrim, and appreciate having here in ESO, it's certainly not the end-all-be-all of what TES is about as a whole. It's nowhere near as big as other major issues with botting and RMT, plus actives/passives for class, weapon, and even armor skills being completely defunct at times. As I said, just be patient and wait.

    ZeniMax has already been made aware of this issue several times, and if you want to unsubscribe because it's something that prevents you from enjoying the game, then by all means do so. Things like that take time to fix, and I don't blame anyone who decides to unsubscribe because they aren't having fun with the game anymore, but it's not a reason to get on ZeniMax Support's case when the most the forum admins and mods here can do is forward your case to other departments who deal with these issues within ZOS.

    If you want a more effective approach to getting your point across, use ZeniMax's e-mail submission form on their website. State you want a 'REAL' reply to the issue, and that if customer service can't give you an informed reply on the issue, that your issue be forwarded to whoever you can correspond with from that department regarding it (as, while definitely not major, it's not minor bugs that plague the Werewolf skill line either).

    Hope that helps, bro. I know the feeling you're going through because you feel you're not getting the issue solved, and you feel like you were pushed to the side, but if you contact them more directly with a more assertive approach, it will get your point across better when you stand by it firmly.
    Edited by Korozenn on May 13, 2014 12:47AM
  • sinisterwaffleb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    No Koro but that is not an adequate explanation to this, the "this game is new and will need work for some time" argument is not applicable to ZOS' approach to fixing things because they are fixing the WRONG THINGS.

    We have a completely broken skill set...lets fix the 1 bug that was making the skill line halfway tolerable.

    or better yet

    We have a game still at best in BETA...hey lets shove out that new content instead of focusing on fixing this busted ass game...
  • Grao

    Answering to your post, we all understand this is a new game and the content will suffer a lot of changes, re-balancing for the next couple of months. What I, at least, am questioning are ZOS priorities. Don't you think it was strange or even bizarre to target such a minor problem in the werewolf skill line when there are so many other problems not only with WW but with classes *cough* nightblades *cough* and quests? I think Motes in the Moonlight is still bugging for some people.

    And yes, I am aware it was an exploit and those should be fixed, I am also aware ZOS fixed this first because it was probably something easy to fix... Still, do you really think that was a well thought decision? Was it wise to cripple even more a skill line that is already nearly unusable? That is what I am questioning and that is what I would like to hear from ZOS about... How do they decide what goes out on a patch, how do they choose what to focus their dev team on to? Because seriously... Fixing Devour before fixing Pack Leader? Fixing Devour before fixing the many problems with Pounce animation? Fixing Devour before reducing the ridiculous ultimate cost of WW transformation (Seriously... How hard can it be to change the needed amount of energy to activate an ability?) Fixing Devour before fixing the 5 or so core Nightblade abilities that do essentially nothing but consume skill points and stamina? Priorities, Transparency and Communication. ZOS needs to take lessons on those.
  • Singular
    Yuk. I feel sorry for you werewolf people. I hope you get it fixed so you can play.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • Maotti
    I totally agree with the threadstarter. I've been a WW for a long time and my skill is just 3 because of constantly resetting ultimate.

    Gonna cure me when the servers are up again i think.
    Edited by Maotti on May 13, 2014 4:22AM
    PC EU
  • Travail
    Werewolf certainly needs some love. Forget the passives, it takes 6 skill points just to fully unlock the ultimate itself (transformation plus two active skills, and their morphs.) add in all the passives that have no affect on your character (only on the transformation) and we can see this is easily the most expensive ult in the game in terms of skill point investment.

    I think the nature of the ultimate cost definitely needs to be changed. I'd like it to work more in line with the Sorcerer's Overload, where it's a toggle you can turn on and off.

    Activation would cost something like 150 ultimate (it has to cost something, since it fears everything around you.) Then the ability would drain 20 ultimate per second. This means 1000 ultimate would buy you a maximum of 42 seconds in the form, but you wouldn't necessarily have to wait until you gained 1000 ultimate just to transform, and you wouldn't lose all of your ultimate in one shot.

    This would make the form more versatile, and able to be used more often, which I think Werewolf players would appreciate.

    If they make the skill more accessible by adjusting the cost, fix the bugs, and perhaps bump up the dps slightly (currently my WW form deals less damage than my own dps spec... and my spec also has self-heals... and superior CC... and an ultimate I can drop in a split-second, then continue dealing damage) werewolf might actually be a desirable tool.

  • Xarko
    My only hope is that the reason why they dont bother fixing current WW skills, is because they are completely reworking the whole line. Still, this fix wasnt necessary at all, no one was getting anything else out of that bug than little bit of fun.

    The lack of any dev communication with players on forums bothers me more than any bugs in the game tho. Only green posts we get are mods going "Uh, we moved this thread, buh bye." Im afraid this might not work out for you very well ZOS.
  • Aphilas
    Werewolf has only one useful thing about it - passive that gives you 5 ultimate every 3 seconds when you take damage if you have WW ulti slotted. Yes, you sacrifice one ulti slot to be able to spam your real ulti more. Mind you, due to weapon swap delays sometimes even that is not useful all the time.

    Other than that, I can do better DPS with auto attacks with pretty much any weapon in the game, not to mention being able to do AoE damage, proper CC (sorry, enemy running in random direction for 3 seconds is not a proper CC if you yourself can do only melee damage), break CC, heal myself and generally be not a useless ball of fur.

    Btw, the mockery of WW AoE fear to those who aren't WWs: our only 2 skills - AoE fear called Howl and charge like ability called Pounce are supposed to have synergy. AoE fear also puts misbalanced debuff on target which pounce is supposed to turn into stun. However because feared target is running and pounce animation takes 1.5-2 seconds from button press to landing and it lands at location where target _was_ at the time of activation of the skill... Pounce misses 90% of the time, does 0 damage and doesn't benefit from supposed synergy with howl.

    Devour (feeding) doesn't seem to work at all. You can turn back to human within 2 seconds of finishing devouring humanoid corpse.

    Vet 8, WW 7 here with 0 AoE farming, repeatable quest or any other XP exploits, so not just talking out of my arse with 20 levels of "experience".
    Edited by Aphilas on May 13, 2014 10:23AM
  • Valaska
    Vet 1, WW10, just dropped WW from my ult slots waiting for fix... Might get it cured just for PVP as there are no advantages for being a werewolf out of werewolf form.

    There really could be a couple extra skills, such as a mid combat devour a quick little time buff (if they keep it, hopefully it will be a toggle eventually) would be nice, but what it needs is a self heal boost for a half second dip down and rip. This would of course make the body undevourable afterwards for either a time bonus, or a food bonus you would get if they drop the timer.

    And of course someway to break CC.
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