Gold spammers:
Yep, that's number 1 on my whine list. They are persistent, spamming over and over. Filling my screen chatbox and not allowing me to actually talk to other people. As fast as I /ignore them, they come right back. Zenimax has made the problem worse by attempting to filter out web addresses, as a result the spammers simply fill in weird characters making their spam go from two lines to a wall of text. What I do not understand is why Zenimax wont simply Ban IP blocks to get rid of them, or better yet, just lock out non-US IP's. Why they have to play this 'game' back and forth I just don't get. Heres a thought: Why do we allow trading of gold between characters in the first place? Its not necessary, gold is very easy to obtain through normal means in the game. Besides a horse, what is there that we need gold for in any large quantities? I say just close down gold trading between characters and the gold spammers will vanish instantly.
I play a nightblade, spent points in DPS skills and things, yet there are quests I cannot do. Temple of the worm is an example; I just get slaughtered over and over, so I gave up on the main quest line and have no plans to ever finish it now. I did contact the GM's about it, and did get a very nice reply from a GM who played a nightblade, he told me how he did it, what skills to use and what kinds of things to do to complete the quest. (FYI: He did not provide spoilers, just what his build was to get it done) While that is really nice, I have no intention of playing his way, I don't like what his build is, and I want to play my character my way, and while I don't mind hard encounters, I detest impossible ones.
The Void & World objects:
Third place is the world itself, it feels unfinished and rushed, a lot of cookie cutter stuff and repetition. Oh don't get me wrong here, I love the world and the detail, its just that it looks like they put a TON of time into a few building types, and they look really awesome, but ran dry and simply repeated the same building over and over in areas. I am really tired of seeing the VOID everywhere. (That might be the developer side in me) Every door I open with a hand gesture reveals the VOID behind it, not to mention that each door opens and shuts partially which drives me insane when I see it as I know some person actually had to design it that way and it looks so wonky. Every time I see someone poking around in their bag, there's the VOID, every city well I see shows the VOID.... I look up and there are trees floating above my head in mid-air...Theres a quest I abandoned (due to #2 above) where I can literally fall off the edge of the world into the void, and its just a matter of swimming a short distance to do it.
Horrible names:
Heres a story for you, use it to determine if a name is poor, bad or just plain stupid.
The hearth-wife placed her hand upon the womans tummy, feeling the spasm of the convulsion. "It's time, you need to push this one out while you still have the strength." The woman tried to focus her eyes on the hearth-wife, but gave up and just shouted. "Ahhhh...Ooof.... I did not know it was this bad. I think this one must be the next chief, his head is so big" The hearth-wife knelt down, ready to assist. "Enough talk, Push now or this one will claw his way into Tamriel over your dead body" The woman surged, gathering her last vestiges of strength, managed to produce the child. The hearth-wife cleaned and swaddled the child, handing it to the mother. "What will you name this one?" The mother thought about it a moment, and looked into the eyes of the child with love. "This one will be called 'MurderYourAss' after his father, 'TeabagYourChin' ".............
Seriously, I don't expect everyone to Roleplay, but when I see just horrible names like those it just makes me want to shake some sense into people. I remember when I worked for sony and EQ, every name generated by a player had to be approved by a GM. It was a simple process, when the GM's were on, they would get a quick line on their screen with the name a player had chosen. They could quickly hit 'approve' or 'deny'. (If there were no GM's on a server at the time, the name would auto-approve if it passed the list check)
Ok, that's my whine/rant for the moment. I feel a little better stating what I want to say. This is more for Zenimax than players. I don't care one iota what other players thing about my post....