So I have been getting some unacceptable combat delay, especially in a game where blocking one attack is the difference between life and death.
Example: Fighting a 1 Mage and 2 Skeleton Warriors, Start off with a Burning Talons and 2 quick Rapid Strikes, decide to regain my stamina with Invigorating Drain(Vampire) on the Mage, Skeleton Warrior starts charging a strike at me, I attempt to block while still draining, nothing happens, I die.
Then I decide to figure out what just happened by testing a theory on a mob, by casting Invigorating Drain and then blocking, turns out it has about 2 second delay.
2 Second Delay is not acceptable in this game.
There are many other instances utilizing other spells against other mobs that have had a lot of combat delay, sometimes even flat out disabling my ability to use spells or fight back or even block, but that's a different bug.
If you are wondering about the status of my computer, I am running Windows 8.1 64bit pro fully updated, 8gb 1600mhz ram, i5 3570k @ 4ghz, 770gtx 4gb overclocked up to 1267mhz and the only other software I had running during that example was, ESO's launcher, ESO obviously and Skype minimized not in a call.
Edit: Also have ESO installed to a Crucial m4 256gb SSD with the latest firmware, getting approximately 70-90fps in the area of the example.
Edited by Daethz on May 11, 2014 4:00AM Waiting, and watching, for the return of Melee Weapons.
-Subsidiary of The Fighters Guild