How do YOU feel about Bolt Escape?

  • NordJitsu
    Completely fine. Players should find counters to the skill if they plan to catch a sorcerer.
    I love this poll because it shows that most of the player base is sensible and that the whiners are just a loud minority.

    Faith in humanity restored.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Selodaoc
    Completely Overpowered. Sorcerers abuse this skill both defensively and offensively and is too strong compared to other classes.
    Absinthe wrote: »
    So let me get this straight....NB's can lock you down or stealth away if they can't kill you outright.

    Wrong. A NB cant lock you down. Everything gives CC immunity so cant chaincc.
    NB cant stealth away either, use one AoE and it breaks the stealth and they cant restealth if you keep running after spamming AoE.

    The skill si probably fine in PvE, but in PvP its probably the most overpowered skill right now. Its a "get out of jail for free" card that can be used over and over.
    Edited by Selodaoc on May 29, 2014 1:23AM
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    Completely fine. Players should find counters to the skill if they plan to catch a sorcerer.
    It's fine. Makes me proud not to have rolled a dk and rushed to be a dirty dead vampire. Now who is laughing? Oh , well not me, I cant even log in now with the latest 301 error but anyways. Yeah, love bolt- now go away. Don't roll flavour of the month classes and you will not be left with flavour of vomit when it is adjusted.
  • TheBull
    Somewhat too strong. While the skill is good, it seems a bit too strong in a pvp environment.
    Well, it's pretty obvious what's the most played class.
  • Gilvoth
    i strugle with answering this, but i feel the need to comment.

    if a person is a dedicated healer then they will probably become the target of constant and immediate hot kill. this reason alone they should have and MUST have a way to escape if death is imminant.
    not only healers but also (in this mmo because they are way too weak and bugged) nightblades. nightblades are meant as assassin stealthed characters and will easily die if you target them because thier builds are all about stealth atack and zero tanking, atleast that's what would seem realistic in my opinion.

    should bolt escape be nerfed or removed? no, what i think should happen is that bolt escape should only be available to certain builds.

    1) if you only do 100 damage or less then you can access bolt escape. once you exceed 101 damage or greater then your bolt escape will become inactive, or greyed out.
    (the amount of 100 damage was only an example)

    2) if you are an assasin build and do only have 100 health or lower, and your main focus is damage output then you should be able to access 2 minute invisibility or a "bolt escape" type of method to protect yourself from death and not become a burden to the group your with to constantly have to resurect you.
    (again the example of 100 health is only being used in this case as an example)

    basicly all im saying is that certain classes have certain abilities that are greatly needed in certain circumstances. but, in other places like pvp it's not easy to place those same skills. complicated in nature, but main focus should be that those who are weaker can and will be targets in pvp, therfore they should have aditional protections to thier weaknesses.
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    i strugle with answering this, but i feel the need to comment.

    if a person is a dedicated healer then they will probably become the target of constant and immediate hot kill. this reason alone they should have and MUST have a way to escape if death is imminant.

    what you dont think spamming blazing shield and praying your dumb enough to kill yourself on it is a valid defense tactic?
  • Gilvoth
    i strugle with answering this, but i feel the need to comment.

    if a person is a dedicated healer then they will probably become the target of constant and immediate hot kill. this reason alone they should have and MUST have a way to escape if death is imminant.

    what you dont think spamming blazing shield and praying your dumb enough to kill yourself on it is a valid defense tactic?

    well, no, that was also kind of my point. if we get the help we need as weak or easily killed builds then people use it and exploit it. wasnt intended to be used in the manner in which we have seen with shields. mainly just balancing and strict pvp attention is needed but its hard to imagine the amount of thought involved in helping for weaker or easily killed builds like healers and nighblade duel wield assasin types are targeted alot.
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