Are poisons bugged?

I love using my poisons that I create throughout the game, I'm a huge fan of the assassin-like gameplay. However, it suddenly seems like poisons are not working. Whenever I try to use my Ravage Anythings, it negatively affects my character rather than the enemy. Whether using it from the quick slot menu or from the inventory itself, all my poisons do damage to me only. Granted I have just started to figure out way-cool combinations that create poisons that will hurt my enemy AND restore my stats, so maybe doing so actually breaks the potions somehow?...

Anyways, I've tried multiple times to figure out how to use my poisons correctly such as right-clicking for more options or dragging to poison directly to my currently equipped weapon having the message "can't be equipped" popping up to embarrass me. I've even tried to wait until I'm already in combat to use my poisons to no avail. This has been going on for about 3 days to my knowledge, and I'm sad that I have so many really cool but seemingly useless poisons sitting on my inventory taking up space.

Any help on this? Is this truly bugged and am I the only one that's experiencing this? Or have I seriously forgotten how to use poisons? :/ lol, anyhow, thank you for your attention. For now I'll be resorting to enchanted weapons that do poison damage.
Tell the daen! Tell the daen! Karn sky is relfing!
  • SirAndy
    They have never worked. Sell 'em.

    ZOS will probably eventually implement a use for them ...
  • Roxvenlove125
    Never? :confused: I could have sworn they had been working at some point forever ago which led me to create even more.
    Tell the daen! Tell the daen! Karn sky is relfing!
  • SirAndy
    Nope, never worked in ESO. Are you sure you weren't playing Skyrim? :D
    Edited by SirAndy on May 10, 2014 10:22PM
  • Sakiri
    I can make a potion thatll stun me for 3s. Yay!
  • babylon
    Maybe pickpocket the target and drop in their pocket, then just wait for them to get thirsty :3
  • Roxvenlove125
    All of my potion making was a lie?? Lol, well, at least I know. Now I know why no one has been picking up my really cool potions from the guild banks.

    And lol, if pick pocketing arrives before a fix for potions, I may resort to that tactic.
    Tell the daen! Tell the daen! Karn sky is relfing!
  • Mortuum
    Not sure, but think Zeni mentioned adding poisons with Dark Brotherhood, which will make perfect sense. Poisons do exist now, there is just no way to apply them to weapon and use on player/npc.
    Tested on self, friends, players in Cyrodiil, human NPCs and animals etc etc-they indeed never worked. If they were, we alchemists will be richest people in game(which still can happen later...;) )
    Poisons like stun+damage health+damage magicka will be one of most wanted items in game. For now we can only craft them, but there is no market for it now.
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