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Lich Concept

So I was bored while waiting for respawns doing the vampire quest on a lvl 7 alt, and was thinking up a Lich concept. It's probably totally OP, but was fun thinking it up.

EDIT: Edit with suggested changes/ideas. Obviously numbers would definitely have to be tweaked.


Not housing your soul in your body comes with advantages. Hungry for the power this allows you, you decide to perform a dark ritual to forever house your soul in an external receptacle.

Visual: The lich stage is merely cosmetic. Lich lich may perform a dark meditation over the body of a recently slain enemy to reestablish their illusion of humanity. Each stage last 24 hours.

Stage 1: Visually the Lich will look like a normal player but with their eyes the undead glowing blue or powerful undead creatures/liches (Draug'r style)

Stage 2: The toll of being undead and housing a powerful soul begins to wear on the Lich's body. The body and face begin to take on a more gaunt, emaciated look.

Stage 3: The lich ritual preservating their normal appearance is on the wane. The Lich now looks like a skeleton covered with sallow skin.

Stage 4: The lich forgoes the illusion of humanity. They become but a skeletal frame housing the furance of their soul. (Eye glow brighter... slight aura glow of their soul spilling from their frame).

Lichdom: All weapon attacks apply the plague effect allowing caster to heal 5% weapon and weapon feat damage done.

Plague effect: Dealing damage to plagued target heals attacker for 5% damage done for 10 seconds.

Weakness: Liches take 25% 35% less healing from all sources except from plague effect. Liches take 20% 25% more damage from fire. Cannot gain healing from potion effects.


Defile: Defile the ground in a 20 yard radius immobilizing target and dealing damage over time. Applies plague effect. (Effect would be spectral hands coming out ground and grasping targets)


Desolation: Defile the ground in a 20 yard radius immobilizing targets and dealing damage over time. Applies plague effect. Affected targets take 10% more damage from all sources.

Chained Spirit: Defile the ground in a 20 yard radius immobilizing targets and dealing damage over time. Applies plague effect. Targets killed while under effect will spawn a spectre to fight for caster.

Spectre: Spectres undauntingly attack your foe for 30 seconds. Spectres cannot be fooled by stealth or invisibility. Only 4 spectres can be summoned at a time. (Spectres prioritize Player > Boss > Normal mob)

Plague Zombie: Summons a zombie to attack enemies. Zombies occasionally performs a cone disease attack dealing X disease damage. Toggle to active. Reduces Max Magicka by 10%


Bone Colossus: Summon a Bone Colossus to attack enemies. Bone Colossus performs a cleave attack that causes additional threat. This is a tanky pet. Toggle to activate. Reduced Max Magicka by 10%

Draugr Frostmage: Summon a Draugr Frostmage to attack enemies. Draugr Frostmage frost attacks may apply frost status effect. Toggle to activate. Reduce Max Magicka by 10%

Deep Freeze: Flash freeze the blood in target stunning it for 3 seconds in a block of ice.


Hypothermia: Flash freeze the blood in target stunning it for 2 seconds in a block of ice. When stun wears off target is slowed for X seconds.

Brittle Ice: Flash freeze the blood in target stunning it for 3 seconds. If target is below 20% health there’s 15% chance to shatter the block of ice killing target. (Bosses immune to this effect)

Death Tap: Caster drains X amount of magicka from nearby corpses. Each corpse may only be used once for this effect.


Unholy Well: Caster turns nearby corpses into a well of magicka 15 seconds. Friendly players within 5 yards of corpse will regain 2% magicka per second but suppress incoming healing while standing in the well. Players that pass through the well will be linked to its magic retaining 50% of the effect for duration of well's effect. (Stay on the well get a lot of magicka regain, but can't receive heals. Step off it, get part of the effect over time but able to be healed.)

Transient Veil: Caster rips the souls from nearby corpses, gaining soul rush charges for 45 seconds. Casting a spell will expend one charge of soul rush to cause an additional instance of the spell for 15% of it’s effect. (The souls would come to orbit around the lich. A spell will cast the effect again at 15% of the dmg or healing done.)


1. Savant 1/1 – Spells now apply the plague effect allowing spell damage to heal caster. Enemies killed with this effect may spawn a spectre to fight for the caster for 10 seconds. Cannot be learned if Death Knight is taken.

2. Death Knight 1/1 – Melee attacks spread plague effect to nearby enemies. Nearby plagued enemies will take 25% of weapon damage and feat. Only 10% of aoe damage spreads. Cannot be learned if Savant is taken.

3. Dark Symbiosis - Gain 5% 10% in-combat magicka and stamina regen for every target with plague effect within 15 yards. Enemies that die with plague on them return 3% caster's max magicka.

4. Ritual of Endless Night 1/1 – Allows a player to share the ritual of endless night with another player once every 7 days, by returning to the defiled altar site. Enlightened players earn the Lich Skill Line. Players infected with Lycanthropy or Vampirism cannot be turned.

5. Essence Barrier 2/2 – Personal combat fortitude. Damage in excess 40/20% of caster’s total health is reduced by 50% and applied to magicka instead. If caster doesn’t have the magicka, take full damage as usual. (This would mean that the lich would take 20% damage to their health, the excess damage is halved and burns magicka).

6. Plague Feast 2/2 – Boosts heals gained by plague effect by 5/10%.

7. Minion Master 1/1 – Lich's summons gain new permanent spells:

Bone Colossus: Your Bone Colossus now has a damage aura. All enemies within 10 yards will take X amount of disease damage per second. Sneaking or going invisible will suppress the damage aura. (Disease damage and applies slight heal debuff as we know.)

Draugr Frostmage: Your Draugr Frostmage will unleash glacial explosion freezing all enemies and stunning for 2 seconds. This can only occur once every 30 seconds.(Maybe add some priority system. Range target aoe.)

Spectres: Your spectres gain 5% damage for every spectre summoned.
Edited by navystylz_ESO on May 23, 2014 2:11PM
  • WraithAzraiel
    That sounds pretty badass actually. But you gotta make it have a visual effect on characters like dehydrated corpse with glowie eyes or something. Straight up mummy without the wrapper.
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • Brittany_Joy
    It would be cool to have a Lich transformation or a vampire lord transformation. Definitely is an awesome build, in theory.
  • navystylz_ESO
    Thanks guys. After writing this up I'm like disappointed I can't play it.
  • NombreDeLaBeast
    I would love to be a lich of some sort. though I wouldn't want to look full blown ancient undead decaying lich...just some sunken eyes, some glowing here and there, and of course a hollowed voice. I know that liches are supposed to be undead and what not, but nobody has fought a fresh lich in lore have they? (I may have missed something.)
  • navystylz_ESO
    I would love to be a lich of some sort. though I wouldn't want to look full blown ancient undead decaying lich...just some sunken eyes, some glowing here and there, and of course a hollowed voice. I know that liches are supposed to be undead and what not, but nobody has fought a fresh lich in lore have they? (I may have missed something.)

    Considering players would be turning into fresh liches, that's a possibility.

    "Often such a creature is the result of a transformation, as a powerful magician or king striving for eternal life uses spells or rituals to bind his intellect to his animated corpse and thereby achieve a form of immortality"

    And if you want to be technical. A lich is a person who stores their soul in an object, usually a phylactery, so that they stay immortal. That would mean every single person prior to veteran levels are liches. And we all looked normal!
    Edited by navystylz_ESO on May 10, 2014 8:10AM
  • Laura
    hey good thinking. I would actually like to see a lich class in the game and I don't see where it would hurt the lore in any way. There are plenty of liches in ES
  • The_Sadist
    Currently discussing this with someone who is presumably you on the Tamriel Foundry forums, can't be bothered repeating myself but I agree with the concept with a few adjustments.

    @NombreDeLaBeast Mannimarco is meant to be a lich and looks perfectly normal. I was under the impression that you could restore yourself or at least use illusion magic to appear normal.
    Edited by The_Sadist on May 10, 2014 11:04AM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • navystylz_ESO
    Hehe, ya... bout to be putting my head to pillow. Hopefully more joined in when I'm awake.
  • Lord_Hev
    My only criticism is to remove the toggle from the summons. No toggles please. Otherwise, the summons have to be weak to compensate. Better to balance them by making them powerful and threatening, but making them expensive and with a set-duration(30 second base, 60 seconds when fully leveled/morphed)

    Other than that, this looks amazing. Would be thrilled to play a Lich. I have little interest in vampirism, and zero interest in Werewolves.

    Of course, we have to levitate in Lich mode, otherwise it won't feel right. I presume the best way to handle this, would be to make it function similar to werewolves: that is to say, a toggle-ble transformation. Also, magic capabilities in Lich form only. No melee for balance and draw-back's sake.
    Edited by Lord_Hev on May 10, 2014 6:16PM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • navystylz_ESO
    But you're always a lich. Probably best way to handle levitation would be to connect it to sprint or crouch.
  • The_Sadist
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    My only criticism is to remove the toggle from the summons. No toggles please. Otherwise, the summons have to be weak to compensate. Better to balance them by making them powerful and threatening, but making them expensive and with a set-duration(30 second base, 60 seconds when fully leveled/morphed)

    Other than that, this looks amazing. Would be thrilled to play a Lich. I have little interest in vampirism, and zero interest in Werewolves.

    Of course, we have to levitate in Lich mode, otherwise it won't feel right. I presume the best way to handle this, would be to make it function similar to werewolves: that is to say, a toggle-ble transformation. Also, magic capabilities in Lich form only. No melee for balance and draw-back's sake.

    I half agree, summons could last for a minute or so before dying, however at the same time should they require a corpse? A toggle summon COULD work, the Sorcerer line has them and they are reasonably useful (up until a point), so I think they should be toggle with a 10% reduction in heal due to the necromantic nature of the spell.

    There are a few other things we changed on the other forums, namely dark symbiosis gives a small magicka boost instead of a stamina % when a monster dies to compensate for essence barrier and we're in the process of change the spirit walk passive to potentially undeath mastery which gives summons / spectres an additional attack. More over, we discussed potentially buffing the Savant line as the Death Knight is currently vastly superior. Lastly I feel deep freeze + morphs should be an AoE spell with brittle ice having a higher chance to proc. and potentially adding a DoT to the spell.. but that might be a bit much.

    I don't think you should toggle between Lich form, because you're always a Lich, as someone suggested potentially make it so you levitate while sprinting or something.
    Edited by The_Sadist on May 11, 2014 1:14AM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • navystylz_ESO
    I like this discussion.
  • Tessitura
    I was just coming to the forums to post the same idea about being able to turn into a Lich as an alternative to Vamp/WW.

    I like your Lich. however I have a few notes I would like to share.

    1- Essence Barrier would destroy the lich as a caster imo, If you took out Death Knight and instead replaced with some form of magic regen, ( lets be honest, liches are casters not Knights. ) then this would be more feasible.

    2- Deep Freeze is ok, But I would rather see a magic siphon skill ( Like the Vamp's health siphon but with Mana. ) It could drain the enemy's Mana or health and Increase your mana. This would make Essence Barrier much more feasible.

    3- Potions should still heal you. I like the less healing from all out side sources ( Including potions ) but alchemy part of the magical lich thing in TES lore. I would accept this if they added a new ingredient that made necrotic healing potions; potion heals should be a thing for lichs.

    4- The healing received could be twiked to 20% but 25% is still fine, But I feel the heals from the Entropy and Consuming Soul Trap skills should still heal fully and maybe Dark Exchange ( Just because it is a dark and not holy heal. ) Maybe a qualifier could be added to let damage and unholy based heals still take full effect. Could also add a passive to let non-holy skills still heals you.

    5- Could add a mana restore to the Plague effect along with the healing, that could make it OP, but I thought I would just throw it in there; most certainly want the healing effect more then the mana effect.

    6- Could do with out Spirit Walk. Maybe a passive that converts corpses into mana or health. That could be an active too.

    7- Another Skill idea, The lich could turn corpses into mana or health wells that allies including the lich can draw mana or health from, maybe stamina too. could call it Flesh Well or something like that.

    8- The Ultimate could be a toggle full lich transformation that replaces weapon attacks with dark bolts and increases your mana regen ( maybe health regen too, could be too OP though ) or your spell power; could also spawn multiple weak skeletons when you transform. ( Maybe explode on their death. ) would like this to last some amount of time so I don't feel rushed. ( Maybe run it like the Overload Ultimate from the storm calling tree. Which only drains ultimate when you use an attack, but this could also be OP. Would still like to see something better then a few secounds maybe a timer that last for a minute or two).

    9- Defile should also pull you into the earth like the attack from the liches in the game. Hands should be bone too also like the lich's ability in the game.

    10- Instead of Dreugh Frostmage a Wraith would be much cooler and a little more suitable; as they cast frost based magics in the game, but that is just my opinion.

    11- A disfigurement to display your nature would not be necessary as most liches are fully capable of hiding their true nature ( and do so, such as Mannimarco does ) in TES lore. Only Feral or Uncaring liches don't hide their true appearance. So like the Werewolf you should not show any signs that you are a lich.

    Really truly happy to see that I am not the only one wanting to be a lich in the game. Gives me hope that I might actually see it put int the game. i would still like to see a Necromancy skill line, seperate from the lich line, but would love be be a lich more then anything. Having the Lich skill line would make an even balance of Stealth, ( Vampire ) Strength, ( Werewolf ) and Magic ( Lich ) in the world bracket. Which would give all play styles a dark transformation option.
  • Tessitura
    I would love to be a lich of some sort. though I wouldn't want to look full blown ancient undead decaying lich...just some sunken eyes, some glowing here and there, and of course a hollowed voice. I know that liches are supposed to be undead and what not, but nobody has fought a fresh lich in lore have they? (I may have missed something.)

    Liches Are capable of fully hiding their true nature and appearance in TES lore. So looking all corpse like, all the time should not be a problem. Really it should be like the Werewolf in that there is no way for people to know until you want to them to know.
    Edited by Tessitura on May 11, 2014 4:39AM
  • Tessitura

    I would love to be a lich of some sort. though I wouldn't want to look full blown ancient undead decaying lich...just some sunken eyes, some glowing here and there, and of course a hollowed voice. I know that liches are supposed to be undead and what not, but nobody has fought a fresh lich in lore have they? (I may have missed something.)

    Considering players would be turning into fresh liches, that's a possibility.

    "Often such a creature is the result of a transformation, as a powerful magician or king striving for eternal life uses spells or rituals to bind his intellect to his animated corpse and thereby achieve a form of immortality"

    And if you want to be technical. A lich is a person who stores their soul in an object, usually a phylactery, so that they stay immortal. That would mean every single person prior to veteran levels are liches. And we all looked normal!

    Considering the soul thing. You should not be able to become a lich until after you get your soul back. You know, so you can have a soul to put into a vessel. :P
  • Lord_Hev
    Tessitura wrote: »
    I would love to be a lich of some sort. though I wouldn't want to look full blown ancient undead decaying lich...just some sunken eyes, some glowing here and there, and of course a hollowed voice. I know that liches are supposed to be undead and what not, but nobody has fought a fresh lich in lore have they? (I may have missed something.)

    Liches Are capable of fully hiding their true nature and appearance in TES lore. So looking all corpse like, all the time should not be a problem. Really it should be like the Werewolf in that there is no way for people to know until you want to them to know.

    Exactly. Me drawing analogy to how Werewolves function is just mechanically speaking. Lore-wise, think illusions spells. You need your *human* form to interact with the populace and do many quests that require mortal interaction. You show your *true* form in the wild, or when battle gets ramped up to the next stage, so-to-speak.
    Edited by Lord_Hev on May 11, 2014 5:15AM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Lord_Hev
    Double-post fail
    Edited by Lord_Hev on May 11, 2014 5:15AM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • The_Sadist
    Tessitura wrote: »
    I was just coming to the forums to post the same idea about being able to turn into a Lich as an alternative to Vamp/WW.

    I like your Lich. however I have a few notes I would like to share.

    1- Essence Barrier would destroy the lich as a caster imo, If you took out Death Knight and instead replaced with some form of magic regen, ( lets be honest, liches are casters not Knights. ) then this would be more feasible.

    2- Deep Freeze is ok, But I would rather see a magic siphon skill ( Like the Vamp's health siphon but with Mana. ) It could drain the enemy's Mana or health and Increase your mana. This would make Essence Barrier much more feasible.

    3- Potions should still heal you. I like the less healing from all out side sources ( Including potions ) but alchemy part of the magical lich thing in TES lore. I would accept this if they added a new ingredient that made necrotic healing potions; potion heals should be a thing for lichs.

    4- The healing received could be twiked to 20% but 25% is still fine, But I feel the heals from the Entropy and Consuming Soul Trap skills should still heal fully and maybe Dark Exchange ( Just because it is a dark and not holy heal. ) Maybe a qualifier could be added to let damage and unholy based heals still take full effect. Could also add a passive to let non-holy skills still heals you.

    5- Could add a mana restore to the Plague effect along with the healing, that could make it OP, but I thought I would just throw it in there; most certainly want the healing effect more then the mana effect.

    6- Could do with out Spirit Walk. Maybe a passive that converts corpses into mana or health. That could be an active too.

    7- Another Skill idea, The lich could turn corpses into mana or health wells that allies including the lich can draw mana or health from, maybe stamina too. could call it Flesh Well or something like that.

    8- The Ultimate could be a toggle full lich transformation that replaces weapon attacks with dark bolts and increases your mana regen ( maybe health regen too, could be too OP though ) or your spell power; could also spawn multiple weak skeletons when you transform. ( Maybe explode on their death. ) would like this to last some amount of time so I don't feel rushed. ( Maybe run it like the Overload Ultimate from the storm calling tree. Which only drains ultimate when you use an attack, but this could also be OP. Would still like to see something better then a few secounds maybe a timer that last for a minute or two).

    9- Defile should also pull you into the earth like the attack from the liches in the game. Hands should be bone too also like the lich's ability in the game.

    10- Instead of Dreugh Frostmage a Wraith would be much cooler and a little more suitable; as they cast frost based magics in the game, but that is just my opinion.

    11- A disfigurement to display your nature would not be necessary as most liches are fully capable of hiding their true nature ( and do so, such as Mannimarco does ) in TES lore. Only Feral or Uncaring liches don't hide their true appearance. So like the Werewolf you should not show any signs that you are a lich.

    Really truly happy to see that I am not the only one wanting to be a lich in the game. Gives me hope that I might actually see it put int the game. i would still like to see a Necromancy skill line, seperate from the lich line, but would love be be a lich more then anything. Having the Lich skill line would make an even balance of Stealth, ( Vampire ) Strength, ( Werewolf ) and Magic ( Lich ) in the world bracket. Which would give all play styles a dark transformation option.

    1. My solution was make Essence Barrier drain stamina for a Savant and Magicka for a Death Knight. Another fix was changing the Dark Symbiosis passive to gain magicka when an enemy dies as opposed to giving Magicka / Stamina regeneration in combat (which was changed on the other forum but not here)

    2. I think Deep Freeze should change to 'Chains of Oblivion', basically an AoE spell which deals frost damage and snares the target, potential morphs could include magicka drain per target hit or something. Deep Freeze is pretty lacklustre given there are several better crowd control spells out there. Alternatively give it an AoE and a DoT while reducing the stun time.

    3. I agree and stated the same thing, just a reduced heal from potions would suffice. I don't agree there should be lich specific potions though, that's a bit silly.

    4. I disagree, the healing received should go up to 50% or something, making plague paramount and actually providing a pretty bad debuff alongside mediocre 25% fire weakness. The key aspect is Plague, once you get it on several targets you're fine.. but I think the debuff should count for ALL heals, regardless of spell type.

    5. I agree, OP, probably won't happen. The magicka regeneration while fighting plague targets might be iffy but you gain magicka from their death which should suffice, like previously mentioned changing how essence barrier works in an option.

    6. I think on the other forums we agreed an 'undead mastery' passive would be a good replacement for spirit walk.. spirit walk is a bit odd for a lich and seems pretty bad as a passive. Basically all summons and spectres gain additional spells and potentially other abilities. No more actives, so far the rule of thumb is 2 actives, 1 ultimate and 6 passives (7 in this case due to the decision)

    7. Interesting concept but I don't think it would work, I can see it being a decent spell to replace the lacklustre deep freeze.. but eh, given how the current corpses work and whatnot I don't know.

    8. Disagree, you're already a full lich, I like the ultimate + morphs already in place (granted 5% damage needs to be buffed as spectres v flat damage.. I know which one I'd pick). Furthermore this is another way of adding Plague, which as a lich you'd need pretty badly. The key here is balance, and I think going 'lich mode' would be pretty OP. Like I mentioned earlier you're already a lich, the idea of having to toggle lich mode means all your passives and whatnot probably shouldn't have any impact while you're in 'human' form.. like the werewolves.

    9. I don't see why not, purely visual and whatnot.

    10. Either or, they are both relatively suitable but I agree, Wraiths make a bit more sense as you're plucking a soul from somewhere and not finding a random dead Nord.

    11. Eh, not all liches are 'feral' but are skeletal and I think there should be some sort of visual aspect to it. I recall reading a lore book that Mannimarco looked alien due to his transformation and while he maintained his appearance via magic it was still.. not quite right and he looked different

    Love the idea of being a lich and want a necromancer class, not a guild skill line, an actual class.
    Edited by The_Sadist on May 11, 2014 5:37AM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • navystylz_ESO
    Oronell wrote: »

    Haha... well I didn't even know that was up when I came up with the concept. :)
  • navystylz_ESO
    Tessitura wrote: »
    I was just coming to the forums to post the same idea about being able to turn into a Lich as an alternative to Vamp/WW.

    I like your Lich. however I have a few notes I would like to share.

    1- Essence Barrier would destroy the lich as a caster imo, If you took out Death Knight and instead replaced with some form of magic regen, ( lets be honest, liches are casters not Knights. ) then this would be more feasible.

    2- Deep Freeze is ok, But I would rather see a magic siphon skill ( Like the Vamp's health siphon but with Mana. ) It could drain the enemy's Mana or health and Increase your mana. This would make Essence Barrier much more feasible.

    3- Potions should still heal you. I like the less healing from all out side sources ( Including potions ) but alchemy part of the magical lich thing in TES lore. I would accept this if they added a new ingredient that made necrotic healing potions; potion heals should be a thing for lichs.

    4- The healing received could be twiked to 20% but 25% is still fine, But I feel the heals from the Entropy and Consuming Soul Trap skills should still heal fully and maybe Dark Exchange ( Just because it is a dark and not holy heal. ) Maybe a qualifier could be added to let damage and unholy based heals still take full effect. Could also add a passive to let non-holy skills still heals you.

    5- Could add a mana restore to the Plague effect along with the healing, that could make it OP, but I thought I would just throw it in there; most certainly want the healing effect more then the mana effect.

    6- Could do with out Spirit Walk. Maybe a passive that converts corpses into mana or health. That could be an active too.

    7- Another Skill idea, The lich could turn corpses into mana or health wells that allies including the lich can draw mana or health from, maybe stamina too. could call it Flesh Well or something like that.

    8- The Ultimate could be a toggle full lich transformation that replaces weapon attacks with dark bolts and increases your mana regen ( maybe health regen too, could be too OP though ) or your spell power; could also spawn multiple weak skeletons when you transform. ( Maybe explode on their death. ) would like this to last some amount of time so I don't feel rushed. ( Maybe run it like the Overload Ultimate from the storm calling tree. Which only drains ultimate when you use an attack, but this could also be OP. Would still like to see something better then a few secounds maybe a timer that last for a minute or two).

    9- Defile should also pull you into the earth like the attack from the liches in the game. Hands should be bone too also like the lich's ability in the game.

    10- Instead of Dreugh Frostmage a Wraith would be much cooler and a little more suitable; as they cast frost based magics in the game, but that is just my opinion.

    11- A disfigurement to display your nature would not be necessary as most liches are fully capable of hiding their true nature ( and do so, such as Mannimarco does ) in TES lore. Only Feral or Uncaring liches don't hide their true appearance. So like the Werewolf you should not show any signs that you are a lich.

    Really truly happy to see that I am not the only one wanting to be a lich in the game. Gives me hope that I might actually see it put int the game. i would still like to see a Necromancy skill line, seperate from the lich line, but would love be be a lich more then anything. Having the Lich skill line would make an even balance of Stealth, ( Vampire ) Strength, ( Werewolf ) and Magic ( Lich ) in the world bracket. Which would give all play styles a dark transformation option.

    7. I actually LOVE this idea. Sorta like the Templar spell.
    Death Tap: Caster drains X amount of magicka from nearby corpses. Each corpse may only be used once for this effect.


    Unholy Well: Caster turns nearby corpses into a well of magicka. Friendly players within 5 yards of corpse will gain 30% magicka regen.
    Transient Veil: Caster rips the souls from nearby corpses, gaining soul rush charges for 45 seconds. Casting a spell will expend one charge of soul rush to cause an additional instance of the spell for 15% of it’s effect. (The souls would come to orbit around the lich. A spell will cast the effect again at 15% of the dmg or healing done.)

    Though the above spell would move away from being either Death Knight or Savant style and really favor just straight up caster the most. I love liches, and undead caster types... but I also love the Death Knight style, from D&D and World of Warcraft style that gave them new flavor and fun.

    9. That’s the effect I meant. Like the guy in Vault of Madness I think.

    10. Wanted to vary the summons. Spectres which are wraiths, for Savant and Ult. Bone colossus or flesh atronoch for one more, then either skeletal or dreugh frostmage for other. Probably skeletal would fit better. Then just make the tank one a flesh Atronoch.

    11. I think regardless of look, they Lich player would have to have the glowing blue eyes of the powerful animated lich.
  • AlexDougherty
    Haha... well I didn't even know that was up when I came up with the concept. :)
    Possibly the thread in Racial Skills about Could there be more bited racials such as spiderman or snakeman or naga Since lichs have been discussed there.
    Edited by AlexDougherty on May 11, 2014 11:43AM
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • The_Sadist

    7. It makes sense actually, I retract my earlier statement, it could be a great replacement for deep freeze. Unholy well seems pretty lacklustre in my opinion. Magicka regeneration is pretty.. iffy, unless there are like 10 dead enemies which would mean gaining 300% magicka which is probably like an extra 110 or so per tick, which is awesome.. but that's best case scenario and assuming there's no cap in place. I can't think of an alternative currently.

    10. I think a Flesh Atronach would be more suited for a necromancer, but so would a Bone Colossus, so either or could be decent. Do you mean a Draugr? A Draugr frostmage? I'd prefer a Draugr over a Wraith but they both work. How is the spirit walk replacement looking?!

    11. Agree, it can be subtle, or skeletal, just make it happen!
    Edited by The_Sadist on May 11, 2014 12:17PM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • navystylz_ESO
    The_Sadist wrote: »

    7. It makes sense actually, I retract my earlier statement, it could be a great replacement for deep freeze. Unholy well seems pretty lacklustre in my opinion. Magicka regeneration is pretty.. iffy, unless there are like 10 dead enemies which would mean gaining 300% magicka which is probably like an extra 110 or so per tick, which is awesome.. but that's best case scenario and assuming there's no cap in place. I can't think of an alternative currently.

    10. I think a Flesh Atronach would be more suited for a necromancer, but so would a Bone Colossus, so either or could be decent. Do you mean a Draugr? A Draugr frostmage? I'd prefer a Draugr over a Wraith but they both work. How is the spirit walk replacement looking?!

    11. Agree, it can be subtle, or skeletal, just make it happen!

    7. Could boost the regen, or makes wells do something else for group utility. And Transient Veil more for personal.

    10. Well there'd be some crossover. I imagine necro class would be undead, and poison dmg?

    11. Working it.
  • The_Sadist
    The_Sadist wrote: »

    7. It makes sense actually, I retract my earlier statement, it could be a great replacement for deep freeze. Unholy well seems pretty lacklustre in my opinion. Magicka regeneration is pretty.. iffy, unless there are like 10 dead enemies which would mean gaining 300% magicka which is probably like an extra 110 or so per tick, which is awesome.. but that's best case scenario and assuming there's no cap in place. I can't think of an alternative currently.

    10. I think a Flesh Atronach would be more suited for a necromancer, but so would a Bone Colossus, so either or could be decent. Do you mean a Draugr? A Draugr frostmage? I'd prefer a Draugr over a Wraith but they both work. How is the spirit walk replacement looking?!

    11. Agree, it can be subtle, or skeletal, just make it happen!

    7. Could boost the regen, or makes wells do something else for group utility. And Transient Veil more for personal.

    10. Well there'd be some crossover. I imagine necro class would be undead, and poison dmg?

    11. Working it.

    7. Regeneration would shine in big groups if there's no cap, otherwise the other morph is vastly superior, or at least in my opinion.

    10. Cross over for sure, most Liches are powerful mages, typically dabbling in necromancy. My 'ideal' necromancer tree would be disease DoT tree / frost nukes and snares tree / undead summoning (using hp % instead of magicka % if they're toggles) tree.

    11. Cool bananas!

    I still think the heal reduction needs to be increased some and the potion restriction should be removed but subject to said reduction. 30-50% reduction in heals, 25% weakness to fire.. or something.
    Edited by The_Sadist on May 11, 2014 2:46PM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • Oronell
    Haha... well I didn't even know that was up when I came up with the concept. :)

    I think they might be sending us a message! Something may be in the works. Hope they incorporate some of the great ideas coming from the community. Lich isn't my thing but would be cool to see some running around.
  • Lord_Hev
    Liches(as other undead) are generally weak to fire. Liches are more resistant to fire than stage 4 vampires and other lesser undead. So, 35% seems alright for me.

    For a further drawback, in balance of them faring better than vampires against fire... perhaps counter-act this by making them weaker to fighters guild stuff than vampires... Because they are the purest of undead after-all. Like, literal undeath. Vampires still keep a lot of their mortal functions. Though this may require the Vampirs to get a slight buff to fighters guild skills. I'll leave the exact numbers to the programmers though.
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • navystylz_ESO
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Liches(as other undead) are generally weak to fire. Liches are more resistant to fire than stage 4 vampires and other lesser undead. So, 35% seems alright for me.

    For a further drawback, in balance of them faring better than vampires against fire... perhaps counter-act this by making them weaker to fighters guild stuff than vampires... Because they are the purest of undead after-all. Like, literal undeath. Vampires still keep a lot of their mortal functions. Though this may require the Vampirs to get a slight buff to fighters guild skills. I'll leave the exact numbers to the programmers though.

    Fighter guild damage is nothing special. It's just act of being fighter guilds targetting undead and daedra that make them do more damage for flavor. Undead is undead, whether by the liches own will or someone else's I see no reason to make them take more damage from FG abilities... esp since said FG abilities can already 1 shot a vampire. Vampires are "less" dead and thus have lower health regen and drink blood to heal. Liches are just straight up dead, hence the heal resistance and regening from plague effect.
  • navystylz_ESO
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    7. Could boost the regen, or makes wells do something else for group utility. And Transient Veil more for personal.

    10. Well there'd be some crossover. I imagine necro class would be undead, and poison dmg?

    11. Working it.

    7. Regeneration would shine in big groups if there's no cap, otherwise the other morph is vastly superior, or at least in my opinion.

    10. Cross over for sure, most Liches are powerful mages, typically dabbling in necromancy. My 'ideal' necromancer tree would be disease DoT tree / frost nukes and snares tree / undead summoning (using hp % instead of magicka % if they're toggles) tree.

    11. Cool bananas!

    I still think the heal reduction needs to be increased some and the potion restriction should be removed but subject to said reduction. 30-50% reduction in heals, 25% weakness to fire.. or something.

    7. Don't see why not, since they have to be stationary on the well to get the effect anyway.

    10. I've seen necromancer get poison, disease, unholy, undead summoning, bone shields and on occasion blood magic. Don't really see them wielding frost. Chill and frost and fear effects have been the purview of Liches/Death Knights more.
  • Tessitura
    The_Sadist wrote: »

    7. It makes sense actually, I retract my earlier statement, it could be a great replacement for deep freeze. Unholy well seems pretty lacklustre in my opinion. Magicka regeneration is pretty.. iffy, unless there are like 10 dead enemies which would mean gaining 300% magicka which is probably like an extra 110 or so per tick, which is awesome.. but that's best case scenario and assuming there's no cap in place. I can't think of an alternative currently.

    10. I think a Flesh Atronach would be more suited for a necromancer, but so would a Bone Colossus, so either or could be decent. Do you mean a Draugr? A Draugr frostmage? I'd prefer a Draugr over a Wraith but they both work. How is the spirit walk replacement looking?!

    11. Agree, it can be subtle, or skeletal, just make it happen!

    11- Hmm, Maybe a dim glowing ritual mark on the the body, or hazed over eyes. I would certainly prefer subtle over dramatic. The Vamp was too much, and I would like to avoid that.
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