the discrepancy between DK's and the rest is just not funny anymore
its makes us who put thought and planning into our chars look like fools.
Nightblade : cmon guys those are victims no:1 , 3/4 of their skills dont work and the
ones that do work are mostly useless.
Sorcerer: Dark Magic ultimate totally borked or better its not working
Overall damage done is redicule compared to DK's
Reminder: DKs damn why we need any classes if we got these 1,2,3 guys running it in pve or pvp .....cheesy and easy .
Better they moan even about the Sorc get away skill ,and demand nerfs so they can ultimatly *** them too to their liking.
im not trying to disrespect any of those dedicated DK's, but the truth is theyre way way overpowered . i dont call in nerfs ...lets get it straight , but theres gotta be some fixing and balancing to be done , else socializing in this game is rendered to almost useless