I'm thinking about to not prolong my subscription, while I had a great time with ESO there are some worrisome issues that killed my enjoyment and experience.
I bought the game to quest together with my friends and girlfriend for instance, but that's not really possible due to phasing issues (or the design principle behind the phasing), she already quit the game because of that.
Massive server-side lag (skills not responding for instance), I'm confident that it's mostly a technical server-side issue because the US players are experiencing the same. (experiencing this for over a month, beta felt smoother in some cases).
PVP seems almost dead due to people leaving at a rapid rate ?
Furthermore I've lost my trust in this game due to the lack of acknowledgement of the customer support, they even made it seem like we people are stupid and can't read, not literately but what they were saying could be very much interpreted that way (payment/subscription fee debacle), and a lot of issues shouldn't have gone live (bank bug for instance).
Though I wish everyone a pleasant experience and I just feel a little sad because I had high hopes for this game, but I'm afraid I can't support it any longer due to the above reasons.
Edited by deef85b16_ESO on May 9, 2014 3:25PM