You don't need a large group of people. You just need to learn people's tendencies and know when to bail on a bad spot. It's not a scenario where you stand on a flag and wait for whatever controlled numbers said scenario allows to throw themselves at you.beravinprb19_ESO wrote: »Regardless of whatever else you choose to do in Cyrodiil, you are at constant risk of being run over by said zerg. Besides, you kind of need to team up to take objectives.
Welcome to my concern, I unsubbed last week. PvP is dead, I don't know if you missed my post mentioning the reasons which are someone inline with yours.
Best part ZOS doesn't care or post any intake... I'm having a feeling all their devs are now working on console and forgot about the big issue here. Yup another failed MMO on failed promise.
frwinters_ESO wrote: »
Bye! dont forget to delete your forum account so we dont have to read your posts.
Infraction wrote: »You don't need a large group of people. You just need to learn people's tendencies and know when to bail on a bad spot. It's not a scenario where you stand on a flag and wait for whatever controlled numbers said scenario allows to throw themselves at you.
So says the close minded guy. I rather here criticizers than just hear what I want to hear. Shows your level of intelligence.
BrassRazoo wrote: »This is good news.
I do hope more PvP players find it boring and quit.
I should then be able to play my game without the fear of skills being nerfed because the crybaby PvPers.
I love PvP in all its forms. I agree this game needs more variety.
I am subbed but I haven't logged in for three nights because I only had an hour each night, I wasn't in the mood for pve, and I knew that an hour wasnt enough in AvA. Instead I loaded up battlegrounds in the Wildstar beta. I really like TESO but they need to either introduce more PvP content or reduce the number of campaigns/add bonuses to underpopulated groups/improve experience for non-VR etc. To make AvA more fun and active.
They honestly don't care man. It's ridiculous how slow things get fixed in this game or let alone a single communication form the developers.
So says the close minded guy. I rather here criticizers than just hear what I want to hear. Shows your level of intelligence.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »
Considering how many of the pointless threads you started to say "I'm leaving, bye" that ZOS has closed, saying you don't get a single communication from them is quite hilarious. They've commented on 6 threads alone that you've started.
Developer vs moderator. Big difference
Lord_Draevan wrote: »
They all work at ZOS. Besides, the developpers are a tad busy working on/patching the game. You expect them to respond to all these threads? Ridiculous, the mods bring them what's said in here. This is evidenced by the fact we asked on the forums for Vamps to be changed/nerfed, and they were. We asked for Scroll carriers to be forbidden from using Bolt Escape, and they were. We asked for Werewolf Ultimate cost to be reduced, and it will be. We asked for NPC Keep guards to include archers, and there will be in patch 1.1.
Plenty of stuff we asked for on the forums have been implemented in the game.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »
They all work at ZOS. Besides, the developpers are a tad busy working on/patching the game. You expect them to respond to all these threads? Ridiculous, the mods bring them what's said in here. This is evidenced by the fact we asked on the forums for Vamps to be changed/nerfed, and they were. We asked for Scroll carriers to be forbidden from using Bolt Escape, and they were. We asked for Werewolf Ultimate cost to be reduced, and it will be. We asked for NPC Keep guards to include archers, and there will be in patch 1.1.
Plenty of stuff we asked for on the forums have been implemented in the game.
Till this day we been asking a fix on the campaign imbalances, what have they done? or are they even conceptualizing a fix at least?
Lord_Draevan wrote: »
In the patch 1.1 notes it says they'll be implementing a population underdog bonus, but it's unclear if this will be score/AP only or if it'll be buffs. But it shows they know the problem is present and that are working on it.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »
In the patch 1.1 notes it says they'll be implementing a population underdog bonus, but it's unclear if this will be score/AP only or if it'll be buffs. But it shows they know the problem is present and that are working on it.
I love your logic of "they didn't fix it in the first month ergo they will NEVER FIX IT EVER."Woopty doo I get more AP!! who cares. you don't use AP ON ANYTHING important, and they will fix the imbalances? Dude how did you get sold on that, THEY ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING TO FIX THE IMBALANCES PERIOD. Wackist game i played i swear, never felt so lied to ever. GW2 was more fun in the first month that went by than this.
SBR_QuorTek wrote: »I love the PvP as it is now... no thank you to mini-games of any sort at all, SW-ToR = Horrible PvP for an instance because of that... and it get very boring, Open World PvP in Cyr. is just excelent as it is, grand scale fights is the way.
SBR_QuorTek wrote: »Remember PvP is a team effort if you want to do big stuff.. you group up with alot of people having cordinated groups.... if you want 1v1 you can still do that, by sneaking around taking on stragglers here and there... you can still run smaller groups for take over of smaller objectives... and even getting away with a keep or two as well if everyone else is busy elsewhere, or at just that point no one will be able to reach you in time...
There lies the problem, cyrodiil is not much fun if the campaign is empty, nor is it fun when it's too laggy. There are very little incentives to actually do pvp as keeps and resources really don't matter. If they release the imperial city with the current state of campaigns, that won't fix anything, ppl will just join whatever campaign their faction is steamrolling in order to have access to it. If the cyrodiil changes coming in 1.1 only adjust ap gain then nothing is likely to change in that regard either.SBR_QuorTek wrote: »having fun either way.
I love PvP in all its forms. I agree this game needs more variety.
I am subbed but I haven't logged in for three nights because I only had an hour each night, I wasn't in the mood for pve, and I knew that an hour wasnt enough in AvA. Instead I loaded up battlegrounds in the Wildstar beta. I really like TESO but they need to either introduce more PvP content or reduce the number of campaigns/add bonuses to underpopulated groups/improve experience for non-VR etc. To make AvA more fun and active.
JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO wrote: »So let me get this straight, we want structured PVP and we get told to leave.
DAOC fanboys keep comparing ESO to DAOC and aren't playing DAOC.
Ohh ok... Nostalgia at its best, I am actually extremely dissapointed that this is the same RVR we have been getting over the last decade you would expect changes to be added but ohh well.
With that attitude, have fun playing alone... The only thing that comments like these show, is your short-sightedness. As well as any comment just telling people to leave because they didn't like certain things or would like to see something added. If someone thinks this game is perfect as is, sorry but they'd clearly be delusional.
How about adding something constructive to the conversation instead?
As mentioned in my initial post, at the very least they need to reduce the amount of campaigns, they're doing exactly the same as swtor did with their realms, empty servers were kept around for too long before merging. In this case it's happening with campaigns.
Been saying this all week and last week, nothing from ZOS or devs yet. They honestly don't care man. It's ridiculous how slow things get fixed in this game or let alone a single communication form the developers.