PvP Getting Boring?

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Is it just me or is cyrodiil just not enough?

It's fun in peak hours, where you can either join a zerg or find players pretty much anywhere to have smaller encounters (for a populated campagin anyway), yet off-peak hours it ends up being pveing whether it be keeps or not which is simply boring, if i can't pvp when i join the only pvp area in the game, whats the point?

Really can't enjoy situations where it may take up to an hour (or more..) to find a decent encounter, or to even find any sort of fight, and when that is over, search yet another hour for another encounter?

I'm not sure if there are simply too many different campaigns or if cyrodiil needs some additions or simply some changes or something, right now cyrodiil IMO is boring and other than pve theres nothing to do for most of the day.

I realize many people are against it (many in favour too) but I really feel that the game needs battlegrounds, or some sort of pvp where people can join up for half an hour and have some fun pvping, rather than running around aimlessly looking for something that isn't there for an hour just to not actually find anything or not have fun at all.
Cyrodiil should remain at all times the main pvp focus of the game and where the bigger rewards should be, but just as an exagerated example, if some would rather spend 6 hours in bg's to obtain the same rewards/ap or whatever than i would by spending an hour in cyrodiil (because its actually fun to do during off-peak hours) then why not let them?

I for one don't pvp for some purple pixels, i do it to have fun (not like the pvp gear sold is very appealing to me atm), and i have to say, most of the time i join cyrodiil, there is not enough going on to have fun (have tried multiple campaigns).
  • maholi
    Battlegrounds would be GREAT! It might drop the Cyrodiil populations a lot though... but I DREAM of having BG's here. And NOT like GW2/NWO. I want interactions and NOT just stand by a flag and wait for it to convert. More Wow WSG (carry the flag) or SWTOR Huttball (passing the ball to make "touchdowns")
  • Lucardes
    Welcome to my concern, I unsubbed last week. PvP is dead, I don't know if you missed my post mentioning the reasons which are someone inline with yours.

    Best part ZOS doesn't care or post any intake... I'm having a feeling all their devs are now working on console and forgot about the big issue here. Yup another failed MMO on failed promise.
    #1 Sorcerer in EP Dawnbreaker
  • maholi
    Lol, NOONE missed your post(s) Lucefer. NOONE
  • Lucardes
    maholi wrote: »
    Lol, NOONE missed your post(s) Lucefer. NOONE

    I will not leave here without making my concerns known to all. Honestly I really wish the game gets better for the players. All good intentions, and I personally cant support a lack of communication of company. I mean they even post Guild spotlights, who gives a damn about those? What a wasted money to pay someone to post stuff like that, give us daily dev progress! like how star citizen does to their players.
    #1 Sorcerer in EP Dawnbreaker
  • maholi
    I still enjoy the PVP. I am still having fun. I don't need to shove it down peoples throats though. WE GET IT, you quit.
  • Lucardes
    maholi wrote: »
    I still enjoy the PVP. I am still having fun. I don't need to shove it down peoples throats though. WE GET IT, you quit.

    Cool, and everyday someone new will get a chance to read the common people concern. You is not everyone but I love you still maholi for recognizing my name. Shows that I'm atleast making some impact
    #1 Sorcerer in EP Dawnbreaker
  • Kaskako
    I very much doubt it's a case of not caring, they have been doing a lot of work fixing a lot of issues (some will argue most of those should have been done prior to release, and they wouldn't be wrong).

    Would be nice to know what their plans are for cyrodiil or if there are any plans at all, will they be changing things in cyrodiil, will they give us bgs? What is going to happen in the pvp aspect? If i knew there was going to be something that could keep me more entertained in pvp i could survive with the pve content for a month or two perhaps in anticipation of those possible changes.

    Right now what i'd like most is information on what direction pvp might be taking.
  • maholi
    I know you from fighting against you when you were on DB/EP. You always overextended yourself if you ask me :P It was fun fighting against you guys, but you are just annoying now.
  • Lucardes
    maholi wrote: »
    I know you from fighting against you when you were on DB/EP. You always overextended yourself if you ask me :P It was fun fighting against you guys, but you are just annoying now.

    Thanks man, yup overextended to get a kill. Death is meaningless in this game and I'll chase you to the grave ;) if it was instanced or "ranked" then my strategy would change as it has been different with other MMO pvp
    #1 Sorcerer in EP Dawnbreaker
  • Lucardes
    Kaskako wrote: »
    I very much doubt it's a case of not caring, they have been doing a lot of work fixing a lot of issues (some will argue most of those should have been done prior to release, and they wouldn't be wrong).

    Would be nice to know what their plans are for cyrodiil or if there are any plans at all, will they be changing things in cyrodiil, will they give us bgs? What is going to happen in the pvp aspect? If i knew there was going to be something that could keep me more entertained in pvp i could survive with the pve content for a month or two perhaps in anticipation of those possible changes.

    Right now what i'd like most is information on what direction pvp might be taking.

    Well said, and because of that lack of communication as any logical person I would anticipate the worst. Thus I save myself the time and enjoyment for something else and have already unsubbed.. I have maybe like what 1-2 days left now before you guys won't hear from me anymore in game or outside game (forums here)
    #1 Sorcerer in EP Dawnbreaker
  • jbaslarub17_ESO
    I share your feels bro.

    Starting to get very bored on Wabbajack during the day. Just constant EB zergs stomping 10 or so of the other faction. It is not fun at all.
    Zin - The lonely Dragon Knight
  • Lucardes
    I share your feels bro.

    Starting to get very bored on Wabbajack during the day. Just constant EB zergs stomping 10 or so of the other faction. It is not fun at all.

    Another person who agrees with me, thank you my man. Hopefully we can save and make others aware of the issue. ZOS silent as usual and the updates I see news wise are guild spotlights (Who cares about your guild elitism?) and chronicals that no one reads... who are they trying to imitate EvE? Star Citizen? The lore the story they are trying to put on us is wasted efforts and money when they can reply to our concerns.
    #1 Sorcerer in EP Dawnbreaker
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Friendly fire and collision detection would help make things interesting, and stop the zergs somewhat.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Kaskako
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    Friendly fire and collision detection would help make things interesting, and stop the zergs somewhat.

    That would be pretty terrible, collision detection would bring out a tonne of trolls blocking entrances/paths, not to mention the stress it would put on the already stressed servers.

    Friendly fire? With siege only I would hope? Otherwise it's... an even worse idea than collision detection. Not only will they now block your path, you'll have groups of people team killing... yea... no.

  • OtarTheMad
    Friendly fire would just not work, I wonder how many attacks would end because a friendly ballista or two wiped a whole team. I do think that Zenimax has plans for PvP in the future, they'd have to at least be drawing up some new ideas to spice it up.

    I know I saw a post on these forums about a way to spice things up. Whoever came up with it basically said (I'd quote whoever it was but I don't remember I am sorry.) that the alliance who has a crowned Emperor will be able to storm Imperial City and take it back from Molag Bal and his army. I think that would be just epic, fighting Daedroths, Titans and all of his more powerful minions. Also I'd like to add onto the idea and say that it would be more like that last trailer where you must siege in and avoid Molag Bal's minions and their own siege.

    I think some things are coming down the line for PvP. As it stands right now you can't even get into Bravil or Kvatch (I am not sure about Anvil but I haven't run into that yet either) and also while you can go to Cloud Ruler Temple, you can't get in. That is also another opportunity for some sort of alliance versus daedra battle. PvP is like the bread and butter of this game, I don't see them just never changing or improving it honestly. Plus some of the things mentioned in the "The Road Ahead" article will impact PvP and how people play it.
  • Bergs
    As far as I am concerned, its not the zergs that kill PvP, its the lag. They need to fix that sooner rather than later.
  • Anilahation
    Guys they care but they are focused on Cyrodill atm I'm sure after the imperial city is complete we will get duels and maybe structured PvP.
  • Morticielle
    PvP in TESO is THE BEST PvP since DAoC. I really love it!

    P.S.: Whiners get lost!
    Edited by Morticielle on May 11, 2014 2:30PM
    Lady Morticielle d'Aragòn |VR12| Sorcerer | PvP Rank 21 (Major Grade I) | EU-Megaserver | AD

    Subscription cancelled due to the following facts:

    - Zenimax implements more bugs from patch to patch
    - Zenimax does not care about the increasing instability of the game. People have more and more crashes Fix of memory bug decreased number of crashes considerably
    - Zenimax has still not fully fixed the fps drops they (!) implemented with patch1.2.3
    - Zenimax does nothing to fix the massive ability lags in PvP
    - Zenimax gives more attention to unnecassary 'content' like dyes for armors than fixing issues
    - In patchnotes Zenimax lies about bugs allegedly fixed
    - Zenimax has no plan as to how balance population in Cyrodiil campaigns
    - Support is ineffective and does not even speak in a way one can linguistically understand

  • Pablozfzw
    PvP in TESO is THE BEST PvP since DAoC. I really love it!

    P.S.: Whiners get lost!

    You forgot to add that we all can get back to this horrible abomination of a game WoW...

    Well, i told it week after the release, this game is in huge need of diversity in PvP aspect. All the reasons were put in many topics, but there is all ways a guy like one i quoted. I understand die hard fans of AvA do not want other game modes. So let it be, i logged today, this is my last day of subscription in TESO, and only 3 campaigns are full of players, other are empty. Die hard fans of AvA are happy, but other people are stopping playing this game, and this was a pricey game to develop, and people who want their money back will not be happy about current player base, so WAR scenario is upon TESO.

  • Morticielle
    Pablozfzw wrote: »

    You forgot to add that we all can get back to this horrible abomination of a game WoW...
    No, i'm not that devious. You should go to Rift. It has the small scale instanced PvP players with less then 1000 braincells will love (and at least partially understand). ;)
    Pablozfzw wrote: »
    Die hard fans of AvA are happy, but other people are stopping playing this game ...
    Why did they start playing TESO in the first place? It was well known how PvP is in this game. Or did they really think "well, i go play TESO, then whine a little in the forums and Zenimax will quickly change the PvP in a way i like"?
    Edited by Morticielle on May 11, 2014 8:32PM
    Lady Morticielle d'Aragòn |VR12| Sorcerer | PvP Rank 21 (Major Grade I) | EU-Megaserver | AD

    Subscription cancelled due to the following facts:

    - Zenimax implements more bugs from patch to patch
    - Zenimax does not care about the increasing instability of the game. People have more and more crashes Fix of memory bug decreased number of crashes considerably
    - Zenimax has still not fully fixed the fps drops they (!) implemented with patch1.2.3
    - Zenimax does nothing to fix the massive ability lags in PvP
    - Zenimax gives more attention to unnecassary 'content' like dyes for armors than fixing issues
    - In patchnotes Zenimax lies about bugs allegedly fixed
    - Zenimax has no plan as to how balance population in Cyrodiil campaigns
    - Support is ineffective and does not even speak in a way one can linguistically understand

  • Kyotee0071
    Careful bringing up battle grounds. Man I mentioned it at release and was bombarded with folks blowing a vessel over the post. I think they would be great for the game's pvp life.

    Variety is always good, and what would it hurt to add battle grounds with different objectives to mix up the fun? I know they have been done in other games, and folks want their cherished ESO to be special - but folks who don't like battle grounds don't have to do them. I for one would do both AVA and Bg's and enjoy both.
    I didn't think my hangover was that bad this morning until I spent 10 minutes trying to log into my old Etch-A-Sketch

  • Sallakat
    As much as I love this game, I've tried not to create this frame of mind about being bored about pvp in my head, but it's creeping there none the less. I was talking with guildies during beta that whoah this new type of pvp (new for me) is interesting and fun, but I'm afraid the novelty will wear off at some point. I just didn't know it would wear off at early access already :(
    I've been accustomed to doing a lot of pvp and I really enjoy it but sadly I don't enjoy this zerg pvp, I really feel it's a shame cos it means I'm missing half of the usual MMO content. This ESO type of pvp just is making me not really travel to Cyrodiil at all unless it's our friday night beer filled pvp evening with the guild. And even then I'd rather go around with the guys taking care of resources etc on our own and not even go spam aoe in the big zergs cos that's just mindless.

    I'm really afraid that despite all the threads and pleas made about the battlegrounds, they will never happen. Because for my gaming enjoyment it would mean that the end game content would come in plenty that I have actually stuff to do in the game. This game is not really supporting much altoholism so with my 2 toons I will not be questing forever either so end game I would hope to be amazing if Cyrodiil is the only pvp we get.

    But I want to at least try and be optimistic about this still and who knows what the game has in store for us in the future, one can only hope it's some new type of pvp setting :)
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • Cydone
    maholi wrote: »
    Battlegrounds would be GREAT! It might drop the Cyrodiil populations a lot though... but I DREAM of having BG's here. And NOT like GW2/NWO. I want interactions and NOT just stand by a flag and wait for it to convert. More Wow WSG (carry the flag) or SWTOR Huttball (passing the ball to make "touchdowns")

    I'm sorry but your point was completely invalidated by the bolded statement. Everything in regards to SWTOR pvp is fail.
  • Bryce
    Normally, PvP is just about to deal with others. "Nothing" else. Move, Fight, Die or Win, thats all about it. It's a infinite part.

    A PvP-System will "never be good" if:
    - there is Lag
    - there is no statscap for everyone
    - there is equipment someone can't get in an easy way to cap stats
    - there are alot of different class abillitys for different factions

    So the difference should only be in your decisions made and your tactics.
    Group play should always forced in a slight way, the solo players will therefore form a zerg, play a paladin, or meet other solo's at a bridge.

    Yes, DAoC is the grandfather of PvP as it was designed around PvP.

    For the non-DAoC'ers: Cyrodiil is an "exact" copy of a RvR Zone there (not hard if the Producer made both). Keeps and Towers, AP, Scrolls, Ranks, Transit System and PvE parts. There are also some nice additions that where made of experiences with thoose systems, like rezzing, instancing and groups.

    To compare that, in DAoC, a class was able to rezz the whole group as long as you got mana, additionally there was an AE rezz item. The soulgem system in ESO prevent's alot of infinite fighting scenarios.

    Some DAoC Servers proved, that you need to handle factions in some way, thats what campaigns in ESO are for. Campaigns also allow the rules that are not assigned yet, but think of a new campaign where classes or class skill trees are limited, only 4 keeps are activated, etc.

    A group in DAoC was of 8 players and without a raid option. That made group search sometimes hard, didn't allowed two groups of 8 and made organization harder.

    For me personally, i can think about some conflicts inside the ESO team, between the classic ES franchise and the online part, especially PvP. We allready have nice basics, it just needs tuning.

    Sry for that crap english.
  • knaveofengland
    yes some loving care is needed ,but all mmos are mostly geared towards end content , game has been made the way it is they wont change it all , they will do some tweaks but what you see is what you get ,
    it is better to make suggestions the game has class great breeding they just on a extended tea break .
  • Gisgo
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    Friendly fire and collision detection would help make things interesting, and stop the zergs somewhat.

    LoL in a game where there are more campaigns than players do you think collision detection is the problem?
    Merge the freaking campaigns and let us have some fun.

    Edited by Gisgo on May 12, 2014 9:58AM
  • Infraction
    If you don't like zergs quit running in them.....
  • Infraction
    Lucardes wrote: »

    Cool, and everyday someone new will get a chance to read the common people concern. You is not everyone but I love you still maholi for recognizing my name. Shows that I'm atleast making some impact

    You know there is some hypocrisy here....

    You are not everyone either snowflake.
  • nukeyoo
    Infraction wrote: »
    If you don't like zergs quit running in them.....
    - done w/ it
  • beravinprb19_ESO
    Infraction wrote: »
    If you don't like zergs quit running in them.....
    Regardless of whatever else you choose to do in Cyrodiil, you are at constant risk of being run over by said zerg. Besides, you kind of need to team up to take objectives.
    Edited by beravinprb19_ESO on May 12, 2014 11:35AM
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