I shouldn't need an addon to do what they should have been doing from the start.
Live chat monitoring would be a start. Invisible GMs roaming the countryside, banning bots without announcing their presence would be another.
Underthing wrote: »I saw in the third of this mornings (8 May 2014) server maintenance posts at forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/94671/eso-maintenance-na-server-5-8-complete, that you are now automatically clearing our ignore lists of banned accounts. As someone who reported their ignore list filled up from ignoring gold sellers this is much appreciated. Thanks!
Reignskream wrote: »I shouldn't need an addon to do what they should have been doing from the start.
Live chat monitoring would be a start. Invisible GMs roaming the countryside, banning bots without announcing their presence would be another.
I'm confused, you need an addon for what, blocking gold sellers? I never needed an addon for it, and i have barely any spam from them, and I've been playing since day 1 of 5 days early access.
to each his own kinda thing though i guess, you know? I just know I've played atleast 5+ hrs a day since the game launched, and it hasn't been that bad in order for me to have to download an addon. If they bug ya that bad, well i dont even know how to respond to that, as its a simple click away to ignore one. And i say that with the utmost respect.
Rotherhans wrote: »1st of all kudos to Zeni for this service. I actually didn´t expect them to insert such a script into to the maintenance.
2nd of all, stop using the damn ignore list guys!
Install X4Ds chat filter addon and ignore only the leftovers from that!
And 3rd you don´t immediately ban every gold seller. Only amateurs do this.
Instead this is done in waves, so that their networks can be figured out and banned in whole.