Heavy Armor Health Recovery - Broken?

Level 6 templar, wearing 6 pieces of heavy armor. Char screen showed 6 health recovery. I put a point into Constitution. Checked my char screen again, still 6 health recovery. Unequipped and re-equipped the armor, still 6 health recovery. Logged out and in, still 6 health recovery.

I noticed on another character, a level 14 one, that it was actually half of what the description said that actually showed on the recovery part, so was expecting just 6 health recovery added rather than the 12 that the description said. But no change with 6 pieces of heavy armor and Constitution 1/2?

Edited by redwoodtreesprite on May 8, 2014 6:02AM
  • Castielle
    a small percentage of a small number probably won't even register. This skill will shine later.

  • redwoodtreesprite
    Castielle wrote: »
    a small percentage of a small number probably won't even register. This skill will shine later.


    So it is a waste of points until what level?
  • Turial
    Not a waste, just it won't be superawesomebbqwtf until the later levels, like any balanced skill, you will need to train in it before it really becomes effective/noticeable.
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    Never Forget

    I think you have not been on the internet long enough until you have been rick-rolled.
    Please check out Enchanting Alchemy - A Progression Guild
  • Kililin
    Health regeneration is not effective, but this inefficiency is independent of skill levels :-)
    Maybe with a higher softcap it would make sense to stack it.
  • redwoodtreesprite
    What I asking is, at what point do I actually see any health regen from applying a point in Constitution? With 250 health, wouldn't 12% be showing some increase under Health Recovery on my char screen?

    Or is it not really 2% per heavy armor piece?
    Is there any online guide that explains how regen works?

    At low levels in particular, points are more precious. You need to be able to morph important skills, and also be able to apply them to learning new ones. Even one wasted point can have a large impact. I do not want to waste skill points on things that don't actually help a character until higher levels. I fear that the other armor bonus ones may be just as worthless at low levels, like the light one that is supposed to increase magicka regen.
    Edited by redwoodtreesprite on May 8, 2014 5:24PM
  • mutharex
    Not at home yet to check, but I remember that swapping around my armor pieces (I use a 5/2 or 4/3 heavy/medium depending on the situation) I saw my critical and health gen change. 100% sure of the critical but I will have to check the health recovery, not so sure about it
  • Xithian
    Since your regen at that level is probably in the 10-20 range, you need a 5-10% change to get one point. Yes, it's probably not worth a whole lot at level 6. Any percentage based bonus is worth less at low levels.

    If you are really new to the game, I recommend staying away from a lot of the passives (unless it seems really awesome) and playing with active skills for a while. You can always respec later but it isn't cheap. Best to try as many skills as you can before your first reset (which is almost inevitable...you will want to reset at some point).
  • Xithian
    Is there any online guide that explains how regen works?

    Health Recovery (and all the recoveries) are a flat number and you gain that much every 2 seconds during combat. That number is what will be changing based on your passive there.
  • redwoodtreesprite
    Hmm. Do items that give you a set amount of recovery increase the amount a percentage bonus like from constitution gives? And what happens when you get to an overcharge on a recovery? Do the percentage bonuses stop applying?

    And, other than gear bonuses from rings and such, what helps my recovery go up? Is it purely level, or does it go up eventually from increasing magicka, health or stamina?
    Edited by redwoodtreesprite on May 8, 2014 5:52PM
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