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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Your Pet Peeves?

  • Ageless
    Anath_Q wrote: »
    Underground Bots.
    They exist? /surprised
    DK death grip...stop stealing my mob!
    Yeah sorry, even I have done that a couple of times. Nowadays I check the health of the other player first and only jump in if the other guy seems near death. Still happens once or twice during dolmen fights though, it's difficult pinpointing the thing on exactly the mob you want, as these never want to stand still.
    The fact that trophies, CE items and disguises count in inventory. I worked hard for those things, or paid money to enjoy them...they shouldn't have an inventory penalty associated with them.
    I hear ya, I want a chest for these. Or a house filled with chests I can put things like this into. If Oblivion could do your house, then why can't this game? (Although what with the amounts of money going around, it'll take absolutely forever to buy a house...)

    I've just noticed that most of the provisioning recipes in the Alik'r Desert require the user to be level 40 and level 45 to be able to use them. The Alik'r Desert is level 31-37 zone. Bangkorai is level 37-43, I saw last night while trekking through there. So uhm aren't these recipes in the wrong zone? ;)

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • Anath_Q
    Greydog wrote: »

    6. No journal or log of any kind, of books and lore you read. A lot of work has gone into these, and because of number 5 or simply because I am grouped and must crack on, I do not have time to read and remember them all. Be nice if when you read something, it is entered into a database like a lore section or something to read later away from quests and dungeons.

    This drove me crazy too, so I was happy to find the add-on "Librarian Book Manager". Among other things, this will let you pick up a book while you are on the move and read it at a later time.

    | GM Cheesemongers of Nirn |
  • Lickyo
    Soul Shriven
    the lore section is in the journal
  • cyclonus11
    But the items you read from bookshelves stay in the bookshelf. They don't stay in your lore, like the blue glowy books you find in the world.
  • Azzuria
    Pet peeves: Bots / Spammers, hyperventilating doomsayers, lack of bag space, broken quests, bots / spammers, forum trolls of doom, they that don the chapeau de buttocks, bots / spammers, anyone who uses the phrase 'F2P' or pronounces ESO 'dead' before it's even actually fully up to speed and running well.

    Oh, and bots / spammers.
    Edited by Azzuria on May 9, 2014 8:37PM
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • karmamule
    - Bots
    - No reply on e-mail
    - Quest NPCs who are supposed to follow and help you but stand there like a dolt during tough battles. (Lyris I'm glaring at you...)
    - Staff attacks that don't show any effects while using, and I'm unsure if not casting or just not showing
    - /r sometimes doesn't pick up that someone else just whispered to you
    - Players who don't bother to figure out even the most obvious puzzles in game but start whining for help after a whole minute's effort
    - Players who feel the need to declare everything they find deficient about ESO in zone chat
    - Players getting into arguments about WoW in zone chat
    - Zone chat
  • Thesiren
    1.) Teaming with chevrons
    2.) Game is overrun with botters and gold farmers
    3.) No auction house
    4.) Small guilds have no bank storage
  • cyclonus11
    Yeah, that's another one:

    6. Folks in their underoos
  • Zahne
    The containers that only show as empty after you've clicked on them has had an unexpected consequence for me, as i clear a room pressing E R, E R, E R collecting everything it means that I now set off my ultimate ability all the damn time
    My Stream
    Or watch on Honour TV
  • Sue_D_Nim
    My literal pet peeve is the overuse of pets. You don't need to take your monkey to the bank folks. I feel like I am in a zoo rather than a reputable financial establishment. Saying that I really really want a bantam guar. I will only take it on long, lonely journeys with me though and not use it while in a city.

    Are you really talking about those little vanity pets, and not summoned creatures? My pet is tiny and does nothing but follow behind me. He does not get in your way; there's no collision detection; he doesn't obscure your vision or get in the way of your reticle. I'm not going to bother putting him in my inventory every time I go into a building just because you don't like him. If he were intrusive, that would be a different story.

    I guess one of mine would be the enormous imbalance between the types of runes available to harvest, so that it's ridiculously difficult to level enchanting without depending on vendors or traders.

    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • columbineb14_ESO
    Zahne wrote: »
    The containers that only show as empty after you've clicked on them has had an unexpected consequence for me, as i clear a room pressing E R, E R, E R collecting everything it means that I now set off my ultimate ability all the damn time

    Ha! I feel your pain, but, goodness, remap Ultimate already! Having it on R is a horrible default anyway.
    I have just told you more than I know.
  • jdandrews108b14_ESO
    That the map "key" only has 3 items in it telling you what they are, and none of them ever show up on the map.

    Has anyone even seen a Caravan yet? I have yet to come accross one from Ebonheart pact side
  • Lalai
    Anath_Q wrote: »
    Greydog wrote: »

    6. No journal or log of any kind, of books and lore you read. A lot of work has gone into these, and because of number 5 or simply because I am grouped and must crack on, I do not have time to read and remember them all. Be nice if when you read something, it is entered into a database like a lore section or something to read later away from quests and dungeons.

    This drove me crazy too, so I was happy to find the add-on "Librarian Book Manager". Among other things, this will let you pick up a book while you are on the move and read it at a later time.

    Additionally, after you complete the mage guild quest line you'll get Eidetic Memory. It basically is a lore collection (that allows you to reread) all the books that aren't included in Shalidor's Library.

    Worth noting that the Librarian addon is currently more useful though, as Eidetic Memory is buggy, a lot of times books don't show up there after you've read them.. some do, some don't..some disappear. However, there is hope because it is currently in the game, just needs some fixing.

    Collections for it are listed here for anyone interested:

    Another pet peeve of mine. Fishing being bugged. I don't even really mind that it's near useless.. but not getting achievements for areas, not getting rare fish that you catch.. hopefully it really will be fixed soon. Minor annoyance, but still an annoyance.
    Edited by Lalai on May 10, 2014 1:54AM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Moonclaw
    Terrible community ingame. Most immature and obnoxious folks I have seen in many MMOs. Was great in earlier beta - but is is pretty bad now. Between Gold spam, trolling and general 13 year old boy trying to be funny dialogue - it is bad. First game I have ever played where I have run out of ignore slots
  • cyclonus11
    I would like to add this as a pet peeve. It isn't just an ESO peeve, but one that I see a lot in MMOs - especially the more recent ones. It sometimes is a deal breaker when it comes to whether or not I continue playing a game. Some might consider it trivial, but for some reason it is a big deal for me:

    7. The inability to swim under water.

    Seriously. Why is this so difficult to implement? The original EverQuest had this from the get-go... back in 1999. EverQuest 2 has this. All of the Elder Scrolls games I've played had this, and it was a fun part of the game. I enjoyed exploring under water dungeons and discovering hidden chests and stuff. It part of the reason why I always preferred playing as Argonians. What gives??
  • ExiledKhallisi
    Internet bad asses who think they are better than everyone who you can see doing half your DPS with combat mod

    Doing fairly well progressing through a quest and get to a boss that wipes the floor with you...random difficulty spike FTL.

    Being able to finish mage and fighters guild finales at lvl 34. Way to easy.

    People who get butthurt when they are wrong.

    Party members who run away out of my heal range in dungeons and die then blame me.

    Tanks whocan't hold aggro or seem to be wearing g paper armour.

    Killing a objective npc and listening to npc talk only to have the objective npc respawn and attack you...goodbye immersion loot real point in doing them...exp? In the time u wait for dolmen to spawn or start you could get more.
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Reivax
    When I'm in the bank and I can hear the door open/close/open/close/open/close/open/close.... with every person coming in and going from the bank.

    Vampires. God I am sick to death of vampires. Whether their Stoker, Rice or Twilight vampires, I don't care. So tired of hearing people talk about them.

    If I can have magical email that ships items to another player, why can't I have magical email that ships things in to my bank, or in to my other characters inventories?

    Can't see what provisioning recipes I know unless standing at the cooking fire.
  • kewl
    The word peeves.
  • zaria
    Jumping, hate how hard it is to control direction and distance then jumping.

    the more funny ones:
    Each time you use an crafting station you take off your helmet. Or is it only my character. The cooking animation however is cute.

    Then you switch to the Oblivion type dialogue view you don't see other characters however you still see their pet and summons, why is it an pack of clanfears in the bank.

    My clanfear standing on top of enemies I want to loot.

    How so many helmets and hoods get resized to double size to fit Khajiit heads, probably also argonian and might be worse for them.
    This affect all hoods and helmets covering the face except the Breton one.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO

    There is skill involved. I come from shooters and I know I can make sections of those games, get kills in PvP, that many cannot. it's because I am good.

    I am learning about MMOs now. The various hard bits, multiple opponents etc, are there to teach you. I used to just go, 'oh well it's just the game, I'll come back in a while when I'm stronger'. Now I try harder. I trust Zenimax and I just take these events as training. 'What am I getting wrong' is my constant refrain these days.

    It's working. All of my fighting chars are punching well above their level, and a few mobs 4 above is routine now. It's a difficult game to play well, I recommend Foundry Tactical Combat

    as an excellent addon that will show you the numbers realtime. It's enlightening.
  • Sue_D_Nim
    Reivax wrote: »
    Can't see what provisioning recipes I know unless standing at the cooking fire.
    There are a couple of good mods for that at ESOUI: Recipe Book and Sous Chef. I use them both.
    zaria wrote: »
    Jumping, hate how hard it is to control direction and distance then jumping.
    I found out that this is MUCH easier in first person. Also, if you only want to jump a short distance, look down at the ground. Basically, look at your target.
    Edited by Sue_D_Nim on May 19, 2014 3:31AM
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • PlundersYourDungeon
    Soul Shriven
    I think my biggest one is that I'm a nightblade and I use my siphon ability all the time, but people attack me because they think I'm an enemy! I can understand why, because of the red glow but its still really annoying. Especially with veteran players who should know better.

    I've been saying that about pets and horses in town to my brother!! He still does it because he knows it annoys me ^_^
    I was going to get a pet too but when i saw them all in town...
  • Dahkoht
    I think my biggest one is that I'm a nightblade and I use my siphon ability all the time, but people attack me because they think I'm an enemy! I can understand why, because of the red glow but its still really annoying. Especially with veteran players who should know better.

    I've been saying that about pets and horses in town to my brother!! He still does it because he knows it annoys me ^_^
    I was going to get a pet too but when i saw them all in town...

  • Moonshadow66
    Dahkoht wrote: »
    I think my biggest one is that I'm a nightblade and I use my siphon ability all the time, but people attack me because they think I'm an enemy! I can understand why, because of the red glow but its still really annoying. Especially with veteran players who should know better.

    I've been saying that about pets and horses in town to my brother!! He still does it because he knows it annoys me ^_^
    I was going to get a pet too but when i saw them all in town...


    Necroed, but still valid, unfortunately.
    Venus Ocean - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Gixia - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Frances Demnevanni - Breton Dragonknight VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Raygee - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Lady Olivieri - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Donna Demnevanni - Breton Templar VR16, DC, Tamriel Hero
    Elaine Benes - Breton Templar VR16, EP | Ray McCluck - Breton Sorcerer VR16, EP
    Moonshadow Demnevanni - Dunmer Dragonknight Lvl 50, EP | Jamie Stacey - Redguard Templar Lvl 50, EP
    Caia Cosades - Imperial Nightblade, EP

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