As I said, twice now, it is GETTING fixed. Wait for the patch. Then this is no longer a thing to complain about, no point bumping this thread again seeing as it's getting fixed.if i'm only supposed to open it on certain alts then don't send the mail to all my toons. more shoddily implemented features ftl. and for the record this is not fixed. i opened that bag and it vanished an hour ago.
I answered in the first post in this thread. And the second. You're just trolling your own thread and needlessly bumping it.
All the crafting bags have been playing up since the last patch, there have been numerous threads about it in the last few days (it also affects clothier and enchanter bags), have a look on the first few pages. Hireling bags disappearing or being empty is a recent 'feature', the OP is not doing anything wrong.
All the crafting bags have been playing up since the last patch, there have been numerous threads about it in the last few days (it also affects clothier and enchanter bags), have a look on the first few pages. Hireling bags disappearing or being empty is a recent 'feature', the OP is not doing anything wrong.
The coming patch says the issue is people picking up the chest on alts without the skills, which they'll be fixing to idiot-proof against people doing that.