We are currently investigating issues some players are having on the megaservers. We will update as new information becomes available.
We are currently investigating issues some players are having with the ESO Store and Account System. We will update as new information becomes available.
In response to the ongoing issue, the North American and European megaservers are currently unavailable while we perform maintenance.
In response to the ongoing issue, the ESO Store and Account System have been taken offline for maintenance.

Whisper Gamemaster

I've seen Gamemaster's come on twice today and I cannot whisper them. Well I guess it isn't working because they never go to the massive bot group and deal with them. I used /w Gamemaster Name, bots in xyz location. Is that the proper format? Thanks!
  • Seravi
    Well bots are out of control. Running around Fort Arand Wayshrine and surrounding areas there are literally 10-12 bots per jute node. Tired of reporting them every single day. If anyone can help me with the whisper command I would appreciate it. I will try that in game but not wasting anymore time reporting bots every day from the same locations through /help in game.
  • Seroczynski
    Whispering a GM is most likely disabled by default. Put yourself in his or her shoes and you should get the idea why.

    Either report them, or don't. I assume ZOS knows about them, and are hopefully working on an automated system to get rid of them. But for now there isn't much we players can do about it.
    “To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” ― Homer J. Simpson
  • KerinKor
    I assume ZOS knows about them, and are hopefully working on an automated system to get rid of them.
    You have more faith in ZOS' abilities than I do .. and since ZOS refuse to ban BUYERS then I also question their desire.

  • Seravi
    Oh I know they don't accept whispers when they are not on. I am talking about when they make the server announcement to whisper them about bots so they can ban them. Nothing I tried yesterday seemed to work when they were on the server.
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