Your computer is absolutely terrible dude that is the problem...
I run on an 8-core processor overclocked at 5.5 GHz with liquid cooling, a Sabertooth 990FX R2 motherboard, 16 gigs of ram at 2400 MHz, 4 GB video ram. In PvE I run at 60 FPS constantly but in PvP sieges I run at about 15 - 25 FPS.
F***k I hate these threads!
People with outdated crappy systems crying because they can't play above bare minimum settings.
Tell your mummy and daddy to by you a new pc for christmas and stop sooking and stating the game is broken.
krilleyy95 wrote: »Low fps - *** pc
Freezing - *** pc
Not sure if troll, or el stupido.
Smasherx74 wrote: »Your computer is absolutely terrible dude that is the problem...I run on an 8-core processor overclocked at 5.5 GHz with liquid cooling, a Sabertooth 990FX R2 motherboard, 16 gigs of ram at 2400 MHz, 4 GB video ram. In PvE I run at 60 FPS constantly but in PvP sieges I run at about 15 - 25 FPS.
This computer can run World of Warcraft 100% Fine, just as any other computer I've had can. This computer can ALSO run OBLIVION AND MORROWIND (without tons of mods) completely and 100% without issues. Skyrim, I dont have as STEAM wants to steal 60 dollars from me when I already bought the game in the real world.
So, if this game is SOOOO demanding, why isn't it posted ANYWHERE? I mean seriously, the game is decent, but it's definitely not WORTH 60 dollars and an additional 15 a month. Due to the over pricing of this game, they should create a version the utilizes resources as effectively as possible so I'm not dieing in the middle of mob battles because I freeze for a whole 30seconds.F***k I hate these threads!
People with outdated crappy systems crying because they can't play above bare minimum settings.
Tell your mummy and daddy to by you a new pc for christmas and stop sooking and stating the game is broken.
Sorry son, but I work my ass off unlike you spoiled mainstream middle class family. The game is broken, if it is going to freeze every 5 seconds and give me script errors (without even having any addons). This computer isn't outdated, it was built in 2009 I believe. You should stop trying to provoke people before someone lashes back at you, and believe me you don't want that from some of the people outkrilleyy95 wrote: »Low fps - *** pc
Freezing - *** pc
Not sure if troll, or el stupido.
You're obviously the troll here.
Freezing = *** Game, not PC. I've never had a problem with any games actually freezing and hardcore game to server delays as much as this one. We aren't in the beta anymore, these things should not be happening.
Seriously, zenimax you have to clean your forum support up. This is absolutely ridiculous on your behalf. You guys are representing bethesda, and I was always a Bethesda fanboy, until ESO that is.
There's a bunch of idiots in this forum that loves to shove their high specs and diminish others. My dinossaur pc can make same as your supercomputer and for the likes of it even better since I run Cyrodiil without a bit of lag. My specs:
Athlon II X2 250
GT 440 1GB
4GB Ram (not entirely used)
Windows 7 32-bit
No overclock, no overheat, no crash, can bring up any browser to look for game information whilst playing it and even watch youtube videos about economics at the same time, messengers, etc etc.
The game was said to be optimized for old machines and I'm proof of that. Some *** will spend their entire savings on super computers and tell others go buy too, you suck! It's pretty ridiculous really, my PC 5 years old run this game on ultra like a silk, as all other ES.
I advice you buy a desktop PC, the cheapest you can afford with some decent graphic cards, don't have to be a supercomputer, I can't tell you about prices because I don't live in US, but since the technologies came from there should be cheaper than most places.
If you can't, tuning down all settings should help, maybe clean up your system, optimize it. Some tweaks can do miracles.
Here my suggestions:
See to my thread about possible freezes:
A simple change in the ini file transformed my game experience.
Also find a program called Wise Game Booster, is a freeware that optimizes your system and get rid of useless or memory consuming processes, all can be done with one click. So you don't have to be a computer genius without a life.
Don't let people push you against a wall because of your PC specs or assume stuff about your life since they don't even know you, a person that makes such statement is likely be the spoiled brat with a rich family.
I do same or better of what you do with less than you have to use. That's the best answer to those elitists.
There's a bunch of idiots in this forum that loves to shove their high specs and diminish others. My dinossaur pc can make same as your supercomputer and for the likes of it even better since I run Cyrodiil without a bit of lag. My specs:
Athlon II X2 250
GT 440 1GB
4GB Ram (not entirely used)
Windows 7 32-bit
No overclock, no overheat, no crash, can bring up any browser to look for game information whilst playing it and even watch youtube videos about economics at the same time, messengers, etc etc.
The game was said to be optimized for old machines and I'm proof of that. Some *** will spend their entire savings on super computers and tell others go buy too, you suck! It's pretty ridiculous really, my PC 5 years old run this game on ultra like a silk, as all other ES.
I advice you buy a desktop PC, the cheapest you can afford with some decent graphic cards, don't have to be a supercomputer, I can't tell you about prices because I don't live in US, but since the technologies came from there should be cheaper than most places.
If you can't, tuning down all settings should help, maybe clean up your system, optimize it. Some tweaks can do miracles.
Here my suggestions:
See to my thread about possible freezes:
A simple change in the ini file transformed my game experience.
Also find a program called Wise Game Booster, is a freeware that optimizes your system and get rid of useless or memory consuming processes, all can be done with one click. So you don't have to be a computer genius without a life.
Don't let people push you against a wall because of your PC specs or assume stuff about your life since they don't even know you, a person that makes such statement is likely be the spoiled brat with a rich family.
I do same or better of what you do with less than you have to use. That's the best answer to those elitists.
This dude must be his brother? rofl.
@Joolio .. He doesn't meet MINIMUM gpu or cpu specs. Nothing can save his junk laptop. Needs to go in a bin
Now...let me get back to enjoying max capped frames in ultra settings with max view distance...ahhhhhhh eso is so much better for us "spoilt rich people" lol
Desktop would certainly be better I think. I built my desktop about six years ago and it runs ESO fine on highest settings. Graphics card upgraded a couple years ago, but not to an elite model.
Shed some light on the 5yo cpu you're running. This dude is claiming he should be able to run eso but his cpu doesn't even meet minimum req. It's because his laptop was never meant for gaming even when it went on sale in 2009.
e-450 1.6ghz. phone has a stronger processor...
I'm running the AMD Phenom II 965, which came out in 2009. 3.4 GHz. I've also got 8 GB RAM. The graphics card is a GeForce GTX 650. So even though the computer is relatively old (except the graphics card), it's got what it needs to run ESO well.