What I mean is simply to forbit to run more than one account from the same IP. This can be done by Zeni.
jsilva.casteloub17_ESO wrote: »lets just say a phone can have more than one number ok?
stefaan.de.wasch1b16_ESO wrote: »What I mean is simply to forbit to run more than one account from the same IP. This can be done by Zeni.
That would also disable the ability for gamingstores that offer computers for people to play on to conduct their business... And as someone said, people that have 2 or more kids would have to either let one kid play, or no kids so Dad can play
stefaan.de.wasch1b16_ESO wrote: »What I mean is simply to forbit to run more than one account from the same IP. This can be done by Zeni.
That would also disable the ability for gamingstores that offer computers for people to play on to conduct their business... And as someone said, people that have 2 or more kids would have to either let one kid play, or no kids so Dad can play
As I already said: You make a white list which must be approved by Zeni. And to get on such a list you can put more obstacles like a legit adress etc.
mailb16_ESO2 wrote: »So, basically, in each family only one person should be allowed to play the game?
I don't think that's a good idea. Not even as a temporary thing.
It is definitely not easy to differentiate between multiboxing (one person playing two clients, legit or not) and two or more players playing one client each, and doing it by the "same IP" rule doesn't work at all.
What I mean is simply to forbit to run more than one account from the same IP. This can be done by Zeni.