ZOS_MichelleA wrote: »Hi, there! As Audigy said, in our Reddit AMA the other day, Matt Firor officially confirmed that true fullscreen mode is currently on PTS and is planned to be implemented in the future. You can see that exact answer here: http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/24h8dv/welcome_to_the_zos_aua/ch739b6
"Like wut?" Sigh....
Thank you, @ZOS_MichelleA, for the heads up for people! It's to you guys' credit that you provide customer service is so many languages. English, German, French, and whatever the original post was in.
@ZOS_MichelleA any idea if this will allow me to enable better anti aliasing in the driver settings? The current shader based AA is completly lacklusterZOS_MichelleA wrote: »Hi, there! As Audigy said, in our Reddit AMA the other day, Matt Firor officially confirmed that true fullscreen mode is currently on PTS and is planned to be implemented in the future. You can see that exact answer here: http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/24h8dv/welcome_to_the_zos_aua/ch739b6
Use the search. It works. Plenty of posts about the topic already.Akuydab14_ESO wrote: »I didn't see any mention of it on forums
@MalediktusMalediktus wrote: »any idea if this will allow me to enable better anti aliasing in the driver settings? The current shader based AA is completly lackluster
ZOS_MichelleA wrote: »Hi, there! As Audigy said, in our Reddit AMA the other day, Matt Firor officially confirmed that true fullscreen mode is currently on PTS and is planned to be implemented in the future. You can see that exact answer here: http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/24h8dv/welcome_to_the_zos_aua/ch739b6
ZOS_MichelleA wrote: »Hi, there! As Audigy said, in our Reddit AMA the other day, Matt Firor officially confirmed that true fullscreen mode is currently on PTS and is planned to be implemented in the future. You can see that exact answer here: http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/24h8dv/welcome_to_the_zos_aua/ch739b6
"reddit" "Official" I didn't know anything on reddit could be considered official. Is reddit really where ESO advertises their new stuff? Also, what do you mean exclusive fullscreen? I've had no problems with full screen at all.
Well thats really crappy, I was always under the impression that one of the advantages of DX11 over DX9 was, that MSAA is supported even when deferred lightning is used. What magic did the devs use to prevent all AA except crappy shader based ones?@MalediktusMalediktus wrote: »any idea if this will allow me to enable better anti aliasing in the driver settings? The current shader based AA is completly lackluster
I've been testing the real fullscreen on PTS for a week now and i haven't been able to force better AA on the driver level.
So unless ZOS changes something between now and when this goes live, i'm afraid the crappy AA is here to stay.
That is an excellent question and i have no answer. I've rarely been unable to force AA on any game, i'm curious as well why it doesn't work.Malediktus wrote: »What magic did the devs use to prevent all AA except crappy shader based ones?
@daneyulebub17_ESO Sorry, i have no way of testing crossfire and i haven't seen any posts in the PTS section that mentions it for this patch.daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »Does this mean crossfire will work now?
@daneyulebub17_ESO Sorry, i have no way of testing crossfire and i haven't seen any posts in the PTS section that mentions it for this patch.daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »Does this mean crossfire will work now?
Malediktus wrote: »FXAA, TXAA, SMAA etc. are just more shader based anti aliasing options, I want real anti aliasing such as MSAA or SSAA.
ZOS_MichelleA wrote: »Hi, there! As Audigy said, in our Reddit AMA the other day, Matt Firor officially confirmed that true fullscreen mode is currently on PTS and is planned to be implemented in the future. You can see that exact answer here: http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/24h8dv/welcome_to_the_zos_aua/ch739b6
"reddit" "Official" I didn't know anything on reddit could be considered official. Is reddit really where ESO advertises their new stuff? Also, what do you mean exclusive fullscreen? I've had no problems with full screen at all.
The "full screen" mode we have now is actually a maximized border-less window.
ZOS_MichelleA wrote: »Hi, there! As Audigy said, in our Reddit AMA the other day, Matt Firor officially confirmed that true fullscreen mode is currently on PTS and is planned to be implemented in the future. You can see that exact answer here: http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/24h8dv/welcome_to_the_zos_aua/ch739b6
"reddit" "Official" I didn't know anything on reddit could be considered official. Is reddit really where ESO advertises their new stuff? Also, what do you mean exclusive fullscreen? I've had no problems with full screen at all.
The "full screen" mode we have now is actually a maximized border-less window.
What? I don't believe that is the case for me or my girlfriend. She even has the minimizing dock which doesn't appear if she puts her cursor on the bottom of her screen. I've never notices anything but a legit fullscreen with this game. Perhaps you can explain how it is actually a borderless windowed mode? Are you sure you aren't playing in "maximized" instead of "fullscreen"?
I agree, one has to wonder ...Akuydab14_ESO wrote: »Are you trolling me? Or do you just not have any clue what you're talking about, like, serious?
I agree, one has to wonder ...Akuydab14_ESO wrote: »Are you trolling me? Or do you just not have any clue what you're talking about, like, serious?
ESO never had "true" fullscreen and there have been hundreds of posts for the last 9 months or so on the subject.
I guess some people simply assume that if it says "fullscreen" in the menu it has to be true fullscreen.
Akuydab is correct, the "fullscreen" option in ESO has always been a normal window without title or border that is simply scaled to the size of your desktop.
That is, however, by no means the same as an actual true fullscreen application.
Again, do a search here, there have been complaints about this for 9+ months now ...
@PVT_PartsI'm just wondering what the difference is between this fullscreen and "true fullscreen"
@PVT_PartsI'm just wondering what the difference is between this fullscreen and "true fullscreen"
True fullscreen is an actual low level display mode that allows you to have different display settings for your application that differ from the desktop settings. Different resolution, color depth or even refresh rate. All without changing any desktop settings.
You may have noticed that currently in ESO, you can *not* change the game resolution to anything larger than your current desktop setting. You also can't run ESO in a color depth or refreshrate that is different than your desktop.
All that is due to the fact that ESO simply scales a normal desktop window to the size of your desktop and the scales the content of that window to whatever "resolution" you specify.
If you specify "800x600" but your desktop resolution is 1920x1080, the ESO window will actually be 1920x1080 but the content inside that window will be a scaled up 800x600 viewport.
There are also many 3rd party implementations that require a game to run in true fullscreen mode to work properly. For example SLI and CrossFire (running multiple GPUs together), nVidia 3D Vision and nVidia Shadowplay, to name a few.