To set the screen I am in vet 7 areas I am a sorc and I run in full cloth.
What I don't understand when I have food buff on I have almost 2.5k hp and I take on a group of mobs 2 or 3, I will get hit a couple of times that takes me down to about 3/4 of my hp bar and then BOOM dead.
This happens when I've just repaired my gear and any other time in-between 1 mob alone has done this to me when I've taken on groups of 2 and had a pet tanking 1 while I was killing the other.
Is this some sort of bugged dmg on the behalf of NPC mobs or are they ment to have an out right white attack crit of 1.5 to 2k dmg? I say white because i can't see any markers to indicate I am in a special attack area.