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Vamp Hate

As a NB/Vamp specced DW/Leather let me please point one thing out to all of the Vamp haters on this forum.. Is the issue really the Vampire skill line, specifically Bats, or is it the Vampire skill line combined with a Dragon knight? I agree that it is very frustrating to have a lone enemy run into a raid and own it up with Bats but consider that what allows that ownage is heavy armor, a shield, the DK armor buff, and best of all the spammable claws.

Were a leather clad NB vamp to try these shenanigans they would die instantly. I agree that Bats needs to be looked at but I think nerfing the skill line based on how it interacts with the most powerful class in the game (DK) is putting the cart before the horse.
I will still look across the lands from my perch at Arrius, Nerf or no I will still be the Night. I may not be the hero Ebonheart Pact wanted but I will be the hero Ebonheart pact deserves.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    For the most part , it is quite clear the issue is vamps + DK and sorc.

    Problem is , many of them are DKs and sorcs , which are OP , so they dont ask for this nerf , they bash on the vampire.

    Does not matter , eventually these classes will meet the nerf hammer.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Artemiisia
    the "only" problem I believe people have with vamps, is pvp
  • concobar
    I do wonder that Vamps seem to get stronger the less you feed. This seems backwards to me. Perhaps well fed vamps should get the magicka discount on their abilities and lose it as they get hungrier.
    I will still look across the lands from my perch at Arrius, Nerf or no I will still be the Night. I may not be the hero Ebonheart Pact wanted but I will be the hero Ebonheart pact deserves.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    concobar wrote: »
    I do wonder that Vamps seem to get stronger the less you feed. This seems backwards to me. Perhaps well fed vamps should get the magicka discount on their abilities and lose it as they get hungrier.

    This is part of the ES lore , the less the vampire eat , the stronger they become in some aspects and weaker in others.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Artemiisia
    Like if you are a stage 4 vamp in banished cells, u wipe the group just because u forgot to feed.

    even harder if you actually the vampire tank there and have no fire resis gear on.

    so yeah some places its fun being stage four vamp, if its humanoid, other places where scamps are, I tent to run big circles around erm if I see them in time.
  • Reignskream
    Does not matter , eventually these classes will meet the nerf hammer.


  • Alestair
    There are 5 of us in my group.. Only 1 Enjoyed the Elder scrolls Lore, but all of us wanted ESO for the PVP... The first 2 weeks was Great! it was amazingly fun, and now 2 are unsubbing and 2 "Including me" is staying in hopes that the Vampire gets a nerf.. If one VR10 Vamp can Kill a VR10 non vamp instantly, imagine 100.. Ive seen videos where there was DK Vamps or Sorc Vamps taking on whole armies when that is NOT suppose to happen.. Vampires are not Freaking GODS, they are not the Divines, and they sure as heck are not Daedric tards, and it has nothing to do with being emperor, a non emperor/empress can easily take out up to 100 people, and if they can't kill 100 people they will surely die but is that what a OP Vampire build is for? To be decoy's to outlast an army so that reinforcements can come in and clean the rest up? NO...Vampire is broken.... Do you see Werewolves ? NO you don't.. Not in cyrodiil/PVP why? Don't care. NERF vamps, or just get rid of the whole World skill completly , that will end the suffering and torment of true PVP.
  • RedTalon
    You know I do wonder once they justice system goes into effect if unfed vampires will suffer the drawbacks other elder scrolls games do.

    Basically part of why they become stronger the less they fed is they become more monsters then mer, men or beast. So will be interesting to see if the justice system brings backdraws for werewolves and vampires.

    But basically there is a bug/exploit where you can spam bat swarm and have more then one at a time where you kill everything mainly have seen dks and sorcs use this exploit.
    Edited by RedTalon on May 4, 2014 9:08PM
  • concobar
    Alestair wrote: »
    There are 5 of us in my group.. Only 1 Enjoyed the Elder scrolls Lore, but all of us wanted ESO for the PVP... The first 2 weeks was Great! it was amazingly fun, and now 2 are unsubbing and 2 "Including me" is staying in hopes that the Vampire gets a nerf.. If one VR10 Vamp can Kill a VR10 non vamp instantly, imagine 100.. Ive seen videos where there was DK Vamps or Sorc Vamps taking on whole armies when that is NOT suppose to happen.. Vampires are not Freaking GODS, they are not the Divines, and they sure as heck are not Daedric tards, and it has nothing to do with being emperor, a non emperor/empress can easily take out up to 100 people, and if they can't kill 100 people they will surely die but is that what a OP Vampire build is for? To be decoy's to outlast an army so that reinforcements can come in and clean the rest up? NO...Vampire is broken.... Do you see Werewolves ? NO you don't.. Not in cyrodiil/PVP why? Don't care. NERF vamps, or just get rid of the whole World skill completly , that will end the suffering and torment of true PVP.

    Have you seen any vids where a NB vamp did as you describe? Perhaps the issue is not with the vamps and more with the DK/Sorc?
    I will still look across the lands from my perch at Arrius, Nerf or no I will still be the Night. I may not be the hero Ebonheart Pact wanted but I will be the hero Ebonheart pact deserves.
  • Reignskream
    Alestair wrote: »
    There are 5 of us in my group.. Only 1 Enjoyed the Elder scrolls Lore, but all of us wanted ESO for the PVP... The first 2 weeks was Great! it was amazingly fun, and now 2 are unsubbing and 2 "Including me" is staying in hopes that the Vampire gets a nerf.. If one VR10 Vamp can Kill a VR10 non vamp instantly, imagine 100.. Ive seen videos where there was DK Vamps or Sorc Vamps taking on whole armies when that is NOT suppose to happen.. Vampires are not Freaking GODS, they are not the Divines, and they sure as heck are not Daedric tards, and it has nothing to do with being emperor, a non emperor/empress can easily take out up to 100 people, and if they can't kill 100 people they will surely die but is that what a OP Vampire build is for? To be decoy's to outlast an army so that reinforcements can come in and clean the rest up? NO...Vampire is broken.... Do you see Werewolves ? NO you don't.. Not in cyrodiil/PVP why? Don't care. NERF vamps, or just get rid of the whole World skill completly , that will end the suffering and torment of true PVP.

    ZOS knows what is going on, relax. It will be fixed soon enough, and soon after, another form of skill-sets will be OP, and people will be crying/ threatening sub cancellations due to that.

    These things cannot be fixed over night.
    Edited by Reignskream on May 4, 2014 9:09PM
  • RedTalon
    Isn't the vampire fix coming Tuesday or Friday this week anyhow? Should start being fixed soon enough.

    And to the OP I have never seen a nightblade abuse vampire skills the way DK and sorcs do from my personal experience.
  • Alestair
    Alestair wrote: »
    There are 5 of us in my group.. Only 1 Enjoyed the Elder scrolls Lore, but all of us wanted ESO for the PVP... The first 2 weeks was Great! it was amazingly fun, and now 2 are unsubbing and 2 "Including me" is staying in hopes that the Vampire gets a nerf.. If one VR10 Vamp can Kill a VR10 non vamp instantly, imagine 100.. Ive seen videos where there was DK Vamps or Sorc Vamps taking on whole armies when that is NOT suppose to happen.. Vampires are not Freaking GODS, they are not the Divines, and they sure as heck are not Daedric tards, and it has nothing to do with being emperor, a non emperor/empress can easily take out up to 100 people, and if they can't kill 100 people they will surely die but is that what a OP Vampire build is for? To be decoy's to outlast an army so that reinforcements can come in and clean the rest up? NO...Vampire is broken.... Do you see Werewolves ? NO you don't.. Not in cyrodiil/PVP why? Don't care. NERF vamps, or just get rid of the whole World skill completly , that will end the suffering and torment of true PVP.

    ZOS knows what is going on, relax. It will be fixed soon enough, and soon after, another form of skill-sets will be OP, and people will be crying/ threatening sub cancellations due to that.

    These things cannot be fixed over night.

    If there was, it would be used by now... Do you believe in "Flavor of the month"? Because I don't.. Like i said.. the first 2 weeks was great, was no OP Builds, or at least we didn't see any OP Builds.. seemed like everything was Fair game. Take Vamp out of the equation, i bet ill feel Fair game again...
  • SinisterJoint
    The problem with sorc and dk vamps are quite apparent. The problem is that now there are so many vamps and all of them, in their own way are pretty OP. Bats in particular is one of the skill lines that needs the nerf bat the most. I don't think ESO pvp should be this blatently painfull and rampant with vamps. Something needs to be done, sorry to say.
  • Trenith
    RedTalon wrote: »
    But basically there is a bug/exploit where you can spam bat swarm and have more then one at a time where you kill everything mainly have seen dks and sorcs use this exploit.

    Its not an exploit; its not a bug. Ultimate cost reduction is an intended feature by ESO I think the proof is obvious since one of the new set items coming with craglorn is 15% ultimate reduction.

    The problem is that vamp's are too strong or overpowered or even broken and "using an exploit". The problem is how people play and then get mad because they died because of how they played.

    If a vamp turns on bats and runs out you the answer should not be to run at it; the answer to that is run away and keep a distance, if you are distant then they can't cast ultimate building skill to have another go at bats nor are they able to heal. This isn't something players do they. Bat vamp pops up, they run at it, the bat is leeching that life and people are dying and cry about it. The issue is purely in how people handle themselves.

    Another issue is that not all the classes skills are working properly and fully yet. Nightblades for example from what I have read on tamrielfoundry-they have a running thread of what skills are broken and how they are broken- and talking with nightblades that entire class is just broken.

    I think the vamp hate comes purely from the fact that players are playing poorly in PvP and would rather blame something else then admit it. It is like in most PvP games people think of themselves as the greatest and if they die then whoever killed them hacked, cheated or did something else out of line. The player doesn't take a look at how they played or what they did wrong and could of done better.
  • Seabhacgra
    My biggest concern is that they don't do as other MMO's have and start balancing to make it completely fair in PvP only to mess up PVE players.. there's a fine line, a balance between pve and pvp,.. if you focus too much balancing on one, the other suffers
  • Reignskream
    I believe in flavor of the month to a very small extent in this game. I do not follow builds like that, but people and guilds like to talk about what works best and what doesn't. But things like this happen, which will make some things more op than others, and people will flock to it. It happens in all MMO's. Not saying it doesn't deserve the nerf, just saying, don't speak like ZOS isn't even looking into it, as a fix is coming very soon.

    New patches, bring new problems, more bugs, possibly a glitch in a skill, etc. Just because one skill isn't even useful right now, doesn't mean it won't be OP at a later date.
    Edited by Reignskream on May 4, 2014 9:21PM
  • RedTalon
    My recomendation for dealing with vampires in pvp is fighter guild skills, though at times it feels like those skills need a buff...but they do work wonders at times. ;)

    Just take time to build up, trying to get mine to rank nine for dawnbreaker. (rank 8 is going slow.)
    Edited by RedTalon on May 4, 2014 9:21PM
  • Hexi
    The hate, as usual, come purely out of ignorance. Poeple, like me for example, have tried to repeat over and over and over and over again, that the problem isn't Vampirism, it's the BUGS with it so what does Zeni do? Nerf the *** out of skills but do they fix the bugs? No, just nerf to placate morons who are clueless about game mechanics.

    When the nerf hits and absolutely *nothing* changes, I'll be laughing my ass off and trolling these forums SO hard. Mark my words, nothing will change.

    I'll give an example and point this out. Even when the reduction is bugged and not applying, meaning my ulti costs 160 ultimate, I can still use batswarm with every pack of mobs in PvE. If I can be bothered to get fed and get the ulti reduction, I can use batswarm twice every pack. I don't have any ulti reduction items or emperor bonuses.

    What this means is that you can still get ulti down to 60ish after the nerf with the proper items/emperor, meaning you can still have batswarm up 24/7 if built for it.

    But hey, keep nerfing THE WRONG *** THING. Untill Ulti reduction stacking from OTHER sources is fixed, nothing will change.
    Edited by Hexi on May 4, 2014 9:40PM
  • SinisterJoint
    @Trenith No, The problem is that it is far too powerful. It truly is. Swarm should not be providing THAT MUCH sustainability, period. You say run away but stamina only goes so far and its hard to run away from a vamp with batswarm and chaining mistform or Batswarm, Mistform, Bolt Excape all at the same time. One player should NEVER be able to take out an entire *** large group... EVER. That is far too much incoming damage for any ONE player to be able to sustain... PERIOD!

    Yes, the ultimate reduction, batswarm stacking, and mistform spamming is a problem. But ALL Ultimates,ALL OF THEM, need progressive cooldowns, Also, mistform, and bolt escape also need progressive cooldowns. No sorc or any class should be able to teleport consecutively from one keep to another, i've seen it done, And I play a sorc.

    Also, being able to use teleporting abilities while carrying a scroll needs to be completely stopped. Why this was ever allowed to be used while carrying a scroll is beyond me. Its supposed to be a collective effort to gain a scroll and simply allowing a single sorc to teleport from one keep to another is simply put, *** ***.

    Another thing, Adding a morph to make a vamp invisible and untargetable while using bat swarm?? Really?? I mean how hard would it have been for any one of us to say... "Uhh, this is going to be farrrrrr too OP in PVP" Guess what?? IT WAS SAID IN PTS AND BETA.

    What I mean by progressive cooldowns is simple, use it once and it gets its normal cooldown, use it again in succession and the cooldown gains 5 seconds, so on and so forth. This will prevent the spamming of one OP ability over and over.

    It's not only vamps that need MAJOR balancing, sorcs do too, and so do DK's. Werewolf's need buffing. There is SO MUCH balancing for pvp needed right now it's not funny. It's pretty sad honestly because this games pvp setting and ideas have such potential.
    Edited by SinisterJoint on May 4, 2014 10:29PM
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    Hexi wrote: »
    The hate, as usual, come purely out of ignorance. Poeple, like me for example, have tried to repeat over and over and over and over again, that the problem isn't Vampirism, it's the BUGS with it so what does Zeni do? Nerf the *** out of skills but do they fix the bugs? No, just nerf to placate morons who are clueless about game mechanics.

    When the nerf hits and absolutely *nothing* changes, I'll be laughing my ass off and trolling these forums SO hard. Mark my words, nothing will change.

    I'll give an example and point this out. Even when the reduction is bugged and not applying, meaning my ulti costs 160 ultimate, I can still use batswarm with every pack of mobs in PvE. If I can be bothered to get fed and get the ulti reduction, I can use batswarm twice every pack. I don't have any ulti reduction items or emperor bonuses.

    What this means is that you can still get ulti down to 60ish after the nerf with the proper items/emperor, meaning you can still have batswarm up 24/7 if built for it.

    But hey, keep nerfing THE WRONG *** THING. Untill Ulti reduction stacking from OTHER sources is fixed, nothing will change.

    says the moron that didn't read the part about the aoe nerf that is causing the problem in the first place. When it changes to 6 people instead of 30 plus, that'll fix a lot of it. Learn to read before you start swearing at people.

  • ElliottXO
    Well apart from the ultimate abusing: I hate vampires in ESO because of the weak implementation.

    Vampires should be stronger during the night and weaker during the day.

    Vampires should be stronger when being well fed instead of being stronger when starving to death.

    My two cents on basic vampire lore. This right now is team Edward implementation. Sorry for using this term.
  • Hexi
    Hexi wrote: »
    The hate, as usual, come purely out of ignorance. Poeple, like me for example, have tried to repeat over and over and over and over again, that the problem isn't Vampirism, it's the BUGS with it so what does Zeni do? Nerf the *** out of skills but do they fix the bugs? No, just nerf to placate morons who are clueless about game mechanics.

    When the nerf hits and absolutely *nothing* changes, I'll be laughing my ass off and trolling these forums SO hard. Mark my words, nothing will change.

    I'll give an example and point this out. Even when the reduction is bugged and not applying, meaning my ulti costs 160 ultimate, I can still use batswarm with every pack of mobs in PvE. If I can be bothered to get fed and get the ulti reduction, I can use batswarm twice every pack. I don't have any ulti reduction items or emperor bonuses.

    What this means is that you can still get ulti down to 60ish after the nerf with the proper items/emperor, meaning you can still have batswarm up 24/7 if built for it.

    But hey, keep nerfing THE WRONG *** THING. Untill Ulti reduction stacking from OTHER sources is fixed, nothing will change.

    says the moron that didn't read the part about the aoe nerf that is causing the problem in the first place. When it changes to 6 people instead of 30 plus, that'll fix a lot of it. Learn to read before you start swearing at people.

    That doesn't change the fact that you can keep it up 24/7 as long as you have 6 people in melee range if you use a 2 hander and just spam the cleave with ulti generation. Even with just 6 people, you can generate 2k or so hp/s with it if you're in heavy armour.

    Educate yourself on game mechanics before you start calling people morons.

    I play a Sorc myself. 2 hander with medium armour with cleave, charge mform lightinin form and critical surge slotted. Trust me, people just melt away.

    Edited by Hexi on May 4, 2014 10:52PM
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    Hexi wrote: »
    Hexi wrote: »
    The hate, as usual, come purely out of ignorance. Poeple, like me for example, have tried to repeat over and over and over and over again, that the problem isn't Vampirism, it's the BUGS with it so what does Zeni do? Nerf the *** out of skills but do they fix the bugs? No, just nerf to placate morons who are clueless about game mechanics.

    When the nerf hits and absolutely *nothing* changes, I'll be laughing my ass off and trolling these forums SO hard. Mark my words, nothing will change.

    I'll give an example and point this out. Even when the reduction is bugged and not applying, meaning my ulti costs 160 ultimate, I can still use batswarm with every pack of mobs in PvE. If I can be bothered to get fed and get the ulti reduction, I can use batswarm twice every pack. I don't have any ulti reduction items or emperor bonuses.

    What this means is that you can still get ulti down to 60ish after the nerf with the proper items/emperor, meaning you can still have batswarm up 24/7 if built for it.

    But hey, keep nerfing THE WRONG *** THING. Untill Ulti reduction stacking from OTHER sources is fixed, nothing will change.

    says the moron that didn't read the part about the aoe nerf that is causing the problem in the first place. When it changes to 6 people instead of 30 plus, that'll fix a lot of it. Learn to read before you start swearing at people.

    That doesn't change the fact that you can keep it up 24/7 as long as you have 6 people in melee range if you use a 2 hander and just spam the cleave with ulti generation. Even with just 6 people, you can generate 2k or so hp/s with it if you're in heavy armour.

    Educate yourself on game mechanics before you start calling people morons.

    Says the moron who didn't read the part about them increasing the cost of the ultimate.

  • Draconiuos
    concobar wrote: »
    spammable claws.

    Please tell me how a 420 magicka cost ability is completely spammable. People keep using this word, but I don't think it means what they think it means.
  • Hexi
    ElliottXO wrote: »
    Well apart from the ultimate abusing: I hate vampires in ESO because of the weak implementation.

    Vampires should be stronger during the night and weaker during the day.

    Vampires should be stronger when being well fed instead of being stronger when starving to death.

    My two cents on basic vampire lore. This right now is team Edward implementation. Sorry for using this term.

    Educate yourself on the lore in Elder Scrolls regarding vampires before making such dumb posts.

  • Hexi
    Hexi wrote: »
    Hexi wrote: »
    The hate, as usual, come purely out of ignorance. Poeple, like me for example, have tried to repeat over and over and over and over again, that the problem isn't Vampirism, it's the BUGS with it so what does Zeni do? Nerf the *** out of skills but do they fix the bugs? No, just nerf to placate morons who are clueless about game mechanics.

    When the nerf hits and absolutely *nothing* changes, I'll be laughing my ass off and trolling these forums SO hard. Mark my words, nothing will change.

    I'll give an example and point this out. Even when the reduction is bugged and not applying, meaning my ulti costs 160 ultimate, I can still use batswarm with every pack of mobs in PvE. If I can be bothered to get fed and get the ulti reduction, I can use batswarm twice every pack. I don't have any ulti reduction items or emperor bonuses.

    What this means is that you can still get ulti down to 60ish after the nerf with the proper items/emperor, meaning you can still have batswarm up 24/7 if built for it.

    But hey, keep nerfing THE WRONG *** THING. Untill Ulti reduction stacking from OTHER sources is fixed, nothing will change.

    says the moron that didn't read the part about the aoe nerf that is causing the problem in the first place. When it changes to 6 people instead of 30 plus, that'll fix a lot of it. Learn to read before you start swearing at people.

    That doesn't change the fact that you can keep it up 24/7 as long as you have 6 people in melee range if you use a 2 hander and just spam the cleave with ulti generation. Even with just 6 people, you can generate 2k or so hp/s with it if you're in heavy armour.

    Educate yourself on game mechanics before you start calling people morons.

    Says the moron who didn't read the part about them increasing the cost of the ultimate.

    They didn't. They decreased reduction. And that, as I explained in my post that you didn't bother read, is irrelevant in the end.

  • Noth
    concobar wrote: »
    Alestair wrote: »
    There are 5 of us in my group.. Only 1 Enjoyed the Elder scrolls Lore, but all of us wanted ESO for the PVP... The first 2 weeks was Great! it was amazingly fun, and now 2 are unsubbing and 2 "Including me" is staying in hopes that the Vampire gets a nerf.. If one VR10 Vamp can Kill a VR10 non vamp instantly, imagine 100.. Ive seen videos where there was DK Vamps or Sorc Vamps taking on whole armies when that is NOT suppose to happen.. Vampires are not Freaking GODS, they are not the Divines, and they sure as heck are not Daedric tards, and it has nothing to do with being emperor, a non emperor/empress can easily take out up to 100 people, and if they can't kill 100 people they will surely die but is that what a OP Vampire build is for? To be decoy's to outlast an army so that reinforcements can come in and clean the rest up? NO...Vampire is broken.... Do you see Werewolves ? NO you don't.. Not in cyrodiil/PVP why? Don't care. NERF vamps, or just get rid of the whole World skill completly , that will end the suffering and torment of true PVP.

    Have you seen any vids where a NB vamp did as you describe? Perhaps the issue is not with the vamps and more with the DK/Sorc?

    Yet you will never ever see a non vampire DK or Sorc do those things. The vampire is the problem in that case as without it those classes are no where near as powerful. After this nerf those classes as vamps won't be doing it either. The classes will get balanced as time goes on, don't try and blame vampire OPness on another class when without the vampire those classes are much much weaker and could never do what the vampires can.
  • Adernath
    For the most part , it is quite clear the issue is vamps + DK and sorc.

    Problem is , many of them are DKs and sorcs , which are OP , so they dont ask for this nerf , they bash on the vampire.

    Does not matter , eventually these classes will meet the nerf hammer.

    I really hope that the staff ignores such 'nerf class' posts. I find it stupid that just because others perform well people think they dont deserve it, go to the forum and call for a nerf.

    The staff should adjust the various skills carefully. Even sorcs have certain useless skills which could need a buff. I can not see the OPness in DKs and sorcs.

    Edited by Adernath on May 4, 2014 11:08PM
  • Wizzo91
    Just a small suggestion until it get's nerved.

    Group should spread out and outrange the bats. Ranged dps will take the vamp down in no-time. Never engage with melee.

    Probably just works with organised group

    Wizzo - Stamina DK - 50 - DC
    Wizzox - Magicka NB - 50 - DC
    Vilest Wizz - Magicka Sorc - 50 - DC
    Wiser Wizz - Magicka NB - 50 - DC
    Wizzo X - Magicka NB - 50 - AD
    In Rainbows - Stam Sorc - 50 - AD
    Fake Plastic Tree - Stamplar - 50 - EP

    6XX CP

  • Gilvoth
    concobar wrote: »
    Alestair wrote: »
    There are 5 of us in my group.. Only 1 Enjoyed the Elder scrolls Lore, but all of us wanted ESO for the PVP... The first 2 weeks was Great! it was amazingly fun, and now 2 are unsubbing and 2 "Including me" is staying in hopes that the Vampire gets a nerf.. If one VR10 Vamp can Kill a VR10 non vamp instantly, imagine 100.. Ive seen videos where there was DK Vamps or Sorc Vamps taking on whole armies when that is NOT suppose to happen.. Vampires are not Freaking GODS, they are not the Divines, and they sure as heck are not Daedric tards, and it has nothing to do with being emperor, a non emperor/empress can easily take out up to 100 people, and if they can't kill 100 people they will surely die but is that what a OP Vampire build is for? To be decoy's to outlast an army so that reinforcements can come in and clean the rest up? NO...Vampire is broken.... Do you see Werewolves ? NO you don't.. Not in cyrodiil/PVP why? Don't care. NERF vamps, or just get rid of the whole World skill completly , that will end the suffering and torment of true PVP.

    Have you seen any vids where a NB vamp did as you describe? Perhaps the issue is not with the vamps and more with the DK/Sorc?

    you are correct, the nightblades do not have the same overpowered skills as the dragonknights and the sorcerers

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