Death causes them to stop working completely. All of them. It's consistent as well. Death instantly kills any vampire passives every single time.
Why is this still broken? It's been almost a month now. I shouldn't have to log out every time I die just to keep my resistances and movement bonuses as a vampire. It's especially bad in PvP where relogging can take a very long time.
This needs to be fixed. I shouldn't have to avoid PvP because my character is far more vulnerable than he should be due to a bug. As it is now I'm at such a disadvantage that it's not worth playing the PvP portion of the game.
I realize that vamp gives me certain weaknesses, but this is far beyond that. One death renders me just as vulnerable as a lvl 1 vampire with no damage mitigation, resistances, or movement bonuses and extremely stunted attribute recovery that should be mitigated by passive abilities.
I get that the game is relatively new, but it's been out long enough that glaring issues like this should have been fixed by now. It's been a month now and we're beyond the point that 'new game bugs' can be used as an excuse for it.
An entire skill line being broken is a big problem that should be a high priority and should have been addressed by now.
Edited by Contrabardus on May 4, 2014 5:20AM