Concerning horses, sprinting, and the announced horse races.

I have recently come to realize that horses have infinite sprint if you just continue to hold down the sprint button, even after your horses stamina reaches 0. This needs to be addressed BEFORE horse racing is released please. Stamina is supposed to determine how long your horse can run, but if it stays as is, everyone will just be piling their points into speed and we will just have a stalemate constantly. Just thought id post this here, since I cannot post topics in the developer forums.
  • PVT_Parts
  • Jade1986
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    Lol, sorry, it needs to be addressed, this is obviously an oversight that people like, but it would ruin the horse racing.

  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yeap it can and it is meant to be that way. This is not some secret the devs did not notice.

    What stamina does is another thing.

    While your horse still got stamina , if you get hit , you wont drop from the horse , it just loses stamina.

    If you horse is on 0 stamina and running , any hit you take and i mean any , like 1 dmg even , you will drop from the horse.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Jade1986
    Yeap it can and it is meant to be that way. This is not some secret the devs did not notice.

    What stamina does is another thing.

    While your horse still got stamina , if you get hit , you wont drop from the horse , it just loses stamina.

    If you horse is on 0 stamina and running , any hit you take and i mean any , like 1 dmg even , you will drop from the horse.
    No, that is only half of what stamina does. If you read the description, it is also supposed to effect how long your horse can sprint. This is an oversight / and or glitch that needs to be addressed. If horse racing were not going to happen, it would not be a big deal. but since it is coming, this needs to be addressed before hand.

  • PVT_Parts
    laced wrote: »
    Yeap it can and it is meant to be that way. This is not some secret the devs did not notice.

    What stamina does is another thing.

    While your horse still got stamina , if you get hit , you wont drop from the horse , it just loses stamina.

    If you horse is on 0 stamina and running , any hit you take and i mean any , like 1 dmg even , you will drop from the horse.
    No, that is only half of what stamina does. If you read the description, it is also supposed to effect how long your horse can sprint. This is an oversight / and or glitch that needs to be addressed. If horse racing were not going to happen, it would not be a big deal. but since it is coming, this needs to be addressed before hand.

    Honestly though, time your horse before putting this down. Your horse does run faster when you have stamina and does slow down from sprint to run when you run out of stamina. It is a small difference, but it is there. Also, you sure the horse racing is a zenimax add or just an add on? This is the first I've heard of it.

    Source: I sprint my horse everywhere and it doesn't have stamina for long.
  • Jade1986
    Just so you don't call me a liar, and to show that not falling off is not the only thing that stamina does. Here is the description of what feeding your horse hay does. nvnlfhmmobuz.bmp
  • Jade1986
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    laced wrote: »
    Yeap it can and it is meant to be that way. This is not some secret the devs did not notice.

    What stamina does is another thing.

    While your horse still got stamina , if you get hit , you wont drop from the horse , it just loses stamina.

    If you horse is on 0 stamina and running , any hit you take and i mean any , like 1 dmg even , you will drop from the horse.
    No, that is only half of what stamina does. If you read the description, it is also supposed to effect how long your horse can sprint. This is an oversight / and or glitch that needs to be addressed. If horse racing were not going to happen, it would not be a big deal. but since it is coming, this needs to be addressed before hand.

    Honestly though, time your horse before putting this down. Your horse does run faster when you have stamina and does slow down from sprint to run when you run out of stamina. It is a small difference, but it is there. Also, you sure the horse racing is a zenimax add or just an add on? This is the first I've heard of it.

    Source: I sprint my horse everywhere and it doesn't have stamina for long.
    I will find a link, give me a minute, its in there with the chat bubble update.

  • Saerydoth
    Horses have had infinite sprint since the beta where they first put them in. I reported it in beta and the first day the game was live, so I'm sure they know about it. But noone has ever given an answer whether this is the intended behavior or not. So unless a ZOS rep posts in here saying it's a bug, or it's intended, we'll still be in the dark.
  • PVT_Parts
    thanks, hadn't heard anything about a chat bubble either. Kinda sad to see the system go. Sure a chat bubble was requested, but I like how it is now. Sometimes I don't even know who is an NPC and who is a character and I like that.
  • Saerydoth
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    thanks, hadn't heard anything about a chat bubble either. Kinda sad to see the system go. Sure a chat bubble was requested, but I like how it is now. Sometimes I don't even know who is an NPC and who is a character and I like that.

    I'm pretty sure the chat bubble will be an option you can disable if you don't want it. :P
  • Jade1986
    Saerydoth wrote: »
    Horses have had infinite sprint since the beta where they first put them in. I reported it in beta and the first day the game was live, so I'm sure they know about it. But noone has ever given an answer whether this is the intended behavior or not. So unless a ZOS rep posts in here saying it's a bug, or it's intended, we'll still be in the dark.
    Regardless if it is intended or not, it will need to be tweaked BEFORE horse racing is introduced, otherwise again, people will pile all their points into speed, and there will be no depth to it a tall.

  • Jade1986
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    thanks, hadn't heard anything about a chat bubble either. Kinda sad to see the system go. Sure a chat bubble was requested, but I like how it is now. Sometimes I don't even know who is an NPC and who is a character and I like that.
    From what I read I believe it will be 100 percent toggleable ( is that even a word? lol ). On topic though, I cant wait for racing =D. Something else to do aside from QUESTING >_<.

  • Jade1986
    I wonder....if they will make horse racing arenas..... :smile:
  • nudel
    The OP does make a good point. At least if stamina affected sprint, then there would be a little depth and strategy to the race. Some players would still dump all their upgrades into stamina and hope that an early lead could be maintained. Some players might dump more into stamina with some speed hoping to be able to overtake before the race is over due to being able to sprint for longer.

    The way it stands, it will largely be a game of 'who breaks first'. The winner will be decided literally in the 1st second of play. In that case, might as well make the race 5 feet long. That's all you really need to call a winner.
  • PVT_Parts
    "As an example, we might introduce horse racing. For those players who have fed their horses and think they are ready to test their riding skills…"

    It seems like it was meant as more of a joke in the context of it.
  • PVT_Parts
    Key words like "might"
  • Jade1986
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    Key words like "might"
    You didn't read the official statement.

    "Along with fixing bugs, combatting black market gold farmers, and balance tweaks, we have a long list of features and updates we’re working on that will be coming throughout 2014 and beyond. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming up. For most of these, we don’t know yet which update they’ll be in, but they’re under active development right now:

    •A system that allows grouped players to see each other even when they’re in different phases

    •A justice system—steal from and kill NPCs and deal with the consequences if you are caught

    •Migration of European Megaserver to our European datacenter.

    •Field of View (FOV) adjustment

    •Armor dyeing and tinting

    •Two new Veteran Dungeons: Crypt of Hearts and City of Ash

    •New region of Craglorn with a new Trial (the Serpent)

    •Increased ability to pick up items in the world

    •Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood storyline and quests.


    •Horse Racing

    •Dragonstar Arena—similar to Trials, but built for a group of four

    •Improvements to fishing

    •Crafting system improvements

    •Improved Looking for Group system
    •Better NPC facial animations

    •Guild functionality updates: guild store interface updates, customizable guild insignias, tabards, and guild ranks, and Guild Kiosks—guild stores open to everyone that are available to the highest-bidding guild.

    •Auto-leveling dungeons that level to your group leader

    •Awards when you repeat dungeons

    •Imperial City PvP dungeon''

    Its coming, and I cant wait.

  • PVT_Parts
    As for chat bubbles, I searched the page for "chat" "Bubble" and "Message" and it returned no responses. But I don't mind if they add or don't for that, just as long as there is an option to turn it off.
  • PVT_Parts
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    "As an example, we might introduce horse racing. For those players who have fed their horses and think they are ready to test their riding skills…"

    It seems like it was meant as more of a joke in the context of it.

    Sorry, in one link it said they were coming in future updates and in the other it said might in a joking fashion. I guess they will be added.
  • PVT_Parts
    There is a horse racing add on already out.
  • Jade1986
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    "As an example, we might introduce horse racing. For those players who have fed their horses and think they are ready to test their riding skills…"

    It seems like it was meant as more of a joke in the context of it.

    Sorry, in one link it said they were coming in future updates and in the other it said might in a joking fashion. I guess they will be added.
    No worries, I put both up just cuz the first one was the first one I found ^_^

    I found the chat bubble one for you too =).
  • PVT_Parts
    "Auto-leveling dungeons that level to your group leader" any lvl 3 want to dung with me? lol jk
  • Jade1986
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    There is a horse racing add on already out.
    I prefer official additions to the game. I don't use a single add on. Just like Skyrim, only used the unofficial patches.

  • Jade1986
    nudel wrote: »
    The OP does make a good point. At least if stamina affected sprint, then there would be a little depth and strategy to the race. Some players would still dump all their upgrades into stamina and hope that an early lead could be maintained. Some players might dump more into stamina with some speed hoping to be able to overtake before the race is over due to being able to sprint for longer.

    The way it stands, it will largely be a game of 'who breaks first'. The winner will be decided literally in the 1st second of play. In that case, might as well make the race 5 feet long. That's all you really need to call a winner.
    My thoughts exactly. Horse racing could add a very welcome new layer to the end game ( and even beginning game ), I play SWTOR and we have been BEGGING for pod racing for the last 2 years, and so far nothing. This right here would make me a very loyal customer to ZoS for a long long time.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ , or anyone that sees this, please pass along this thread to the dev team =). Would be greatly appreciated.

    Edited by Jade1986 on May 3, 2014 9:56PM
  • PVT_Parts
    laced wrote: »
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    There is a horse racing add on already out.
    I prefer official additions to the game. I don't use a single add on. Just like Skyrim, only used the unofficial patches.

    Nice, as for me. I like add-ons. Skyshard locations, multi-quest tracker, minimap, node locations that i've already found, etc. All very helpfull
  • Jade1986
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    laced wrote: »
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    There is a horse racing add on already out.
    I prefer official additions to the game. I don't use a single add on. Just like Skyrim, only used the unofficial patches.

    Nice, as for me. I like add-ons. Skyshard locations, multi-quest tracker, minimap, node locations that i've already found, etc. All very helpfull
    Hey, to each is their own. =). I'm a purist so to speak =P.

    This has a lot of potential though, here is hoping they see it through and continue to build on it =D.

    Edited by Jade1986 on May 3, 2014 10:01PM
  • Sakiri
    laced wrote: »
    Saerydoth wrote: »
    Horses have had infinite sprint since the beta where they first put them in. I reported it in beta and the first day the game was live, so I'm sure they know about it. But noone has ever given an answer whether this is the intended behavior or not. So unless a ZOS rep posts in here saying it's a bug, or it's intended, we'll still be in the dark.
    Regardless if it is intended or not, it will need to be tweaked BEFORE horse racing is introduced, otherwise again, people will pile all their points into speed, and there will be no depth to it a tall.

    People don't already pile their horses into speed?
  • Jade1986
    Sakiri wrote: »
    laced wrote: »
    Saerydoth wrote: »
    Horses have had infinite sprint since the beta where they first put them in. I reported it in beta and the first day the game was live, so I'm sure they know about it. But noone has ever given an answer whether this is the intended behavior or not. So unless a ZOS rep posts in here saying it's a bug, or it's intended, we'll still be in the dark.
    Regardless if it is intended or not, it will need to be tweaked BEFORE horse racing is introduced, otherwise again, people will pile all their points into speed, and there will be no depth to it a tall.

    People don't already pile their horses into speed?
    As of right now it doesn't matter if you pile it into speed, because there are no horse races yet, that's not the problem. The problem will be in the future when horse races are added. Again, feeding your horse hay increases the time your horse is supposed to be able to sprint. So using logical reasoning, one would conclude that being able to sprint forever was not an intended mechanic.

  • Sakiri
    Time your horse can sprint can also be how long it takes to dismount you. Besides. Stacking speed you sprint faster, and nothing is stopping you from raising a speed horse.

    Only reason to ever feed for stamina is to prevent dismount. Thats it.
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