Who cares if whips aren't an actual weapon in reality? Since when has reality been the gauge of what games should allow?
If you really have an issue with weapons being used in non-traditional or inappropriate ways, you had better abandon using ANY two-handed weapons in ESO.
Like every other game I've seen to date, they improperly portray the weight and fighting styles traditionally associated with two-handed weaponry. Most two-handed weaponry is not cumbersome and heavy.
Oh, and you'd better forfeit any sort of heavy armor as well! The list of inconsistencies with real armor in this and every other game I've seen is baffling. Have you done much swimming in plate armor lately? And I hope you carry some lotion around for all the chafing you'll experience by not having padding under the metal plates!
Oh, and forget using those daggers of yours against someone with a great axe! Have you ever seen somebody wielding a "viking axe" in a traditional fighting style? I don't mean those heavy, cumbersome chops you see in movies. They're elegant weapons, with horrendous reach. They're almost as long as the average person is tall, and can be kept in constant, circular movements, expending very little energy while fending off anybody from getting within 6 feet of the wielder. Anybody who does is going to take a heavy blow, which can be followed up with a heavy overhead chop that would devastate anybody. You think you're going to get within dagger range of this person?
Oh, right, but you can cast invisibility and sneak up on them, right? But invisibility has never been used in reality! What gives?
Realism has it's place in an RPG, but there are limits. If you really want to take the stance of realism on armor and weaponry, you'd better be ready to duke it out with people who have actually handled said armaments, and seen them used in their proper fighting styles. Hollywood doesn't do them justice.
In summary, can we stop shooting down peoples' ideas with the weak argument of "realism" where it has no place?
HarryWolfe wrote: »
i gave you an /agree, but i'd just like to say that me and a friend had this disagreement over long reach weapons.
So we went outside and he took up a 6 foot broom and dared me to get in range without being hit. He then proceeded to swing that broom like like his life depended on it...
I bent down and picked up a handful of loose dirt and threw it in his face
He claimed i was cheating when he finally stopped wiping dust from he's eyes and i was standing next to him....
Neither are bows meant for use in solo combat. Should we remove longbows?
As I've already said, many weapons we use in game have absolutely no place in a proper one-on-one fight. That's an absolutely ludicrous argument against crossbows -- my mind is literally blown by your continued beating of those same drum.
I'll never understand why people on the internet refuse to back down even an inch, even in the face of indomitable, hard logic. Why not just admit your opinion is just that -- an opinion, with no factual basis behind it?
Eh... why do I bother. Next thread.
As an archer I disagree. If someone came at me with a sword or a knife or some such thing, particularly if they did not have a shield, I could have them down, at least seriously disabled, before they could get to me. Even running zig-zags, I think people do not understand how fast an arrow from even a mere 50lb. bow travels and the weight with which is slams into a soft target like a body.
You can kill someone with a 25 lb. youth bow. Imagine the 100+ lb longbows that would be used in combat. Add on the absolutely viscious points, and a swordsman or spear-user is going to have a bad time.
There are people in this world who can knock arrows with relative precision at what most people would consider incredibly fast, especially in the age of firearms, by mastering instinctive shooting.
There's nothing to disagree about. I agree that some frighteningly small percentage of people are able to knock arrows fast enough to fire at multiple people in close quarters.
For 99.9% of mortals though, a bow without an arrow knocked is not the weapon you want in your hands when you have one or more people with deadly intent within several paces of you. More likely it would be used as a short lived shield or bludgeoning instrument.
I mean, I've seen footage of somebody grabbing an arrow out of mid-air with a blidnfold on. It took several tries, and a strictly structured environment, but he did it. That doesn't mean we should hold that as an example of what a human being can do in combat.
Still not a reason to remove them from the game of course, or dissuade devs from adding crossbows, but there is a reason that bows haven't traditionally been known for their close quarters efficiency in warfare.
lol! I've often wondered what I would reach for if someone ever broke into my house... my bow, my knife, or my sword. I'm like friggin' Xena.
The idea of just popping the idiot from down the hall has always been appealing, but what if he got the jump on me?