Sometimes unable to loot corpses and more weird stuff in Covenant storyline gameplay

Soul Shriven
Is it just me, or is the gameplay in the Daggerfall Covenant glitched like hell ?

Never had any serious troubles - apart from the known ones - playing the other two factions, but since I started a character in the Covenant, things went apeshit.

By far the worst problem is that I'm unable to loot corpses at random intervals. The yellow glowing outline clearly indicates a lootable corpse, but trying to get my well-deserved reward results in the error sound. The only way to get the loot is to have area loot activated and kite another victim nearby to loot him and the previously unlootable corpse.

Apart from that very annoying feature I encountered two Skyshards by now who weren't emitting their usual pillar of light, although I had not collected them yet.

And the weirdest stuff I have encountered so far happened in the Vale of the Guardians, when the NPC's started talking to German.

Anyone else having similar issues with the Covenant ?
  • Crassius
    It's not just the Covenant zone. It's a game thing.

    Looting? Yes.
    Skyshards? Yes, but I've only seen one.
    German Language? Yep, but it's only those NPC's in that one particular place. Been like that since release.

    All in all, I don't think "ape..." is the best way to describe it. More inconvenient.
    Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll...
    Everything I say is just my opinion. Like it or not - that's all it is.
  • HandofBane
    I regularly run into skyshards with no visible pillars of light. I had assumed it was a problem with running the game on medium, but it may well be something more. Not run into the issue with unlootable bodies, though your workaround is likely the best solution for the time being.

    The guardians talking in German is a much-reported issue, though, and can cause serious problems for people who don't have an addon providing subtitles, as later parts of that questline rely pretty heavily on the verbal prompts from them to prevent a very unpleasant series of player-deaths.
  • Crassius
    The English is available in the chatbox. You don't need an addon.
    Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll...
    Everything I say is just my opinion. Like it or not - that's all it is.
  • HandofBane
    Crassius wrote: »
    The English is available in the chatbox. You don't need an addon.

    The chatbox is worthless when you have to not only go out of your way to turn it on (NPC chatter is off by default in the main window), but you also need to keep track of which of the guardians just lit up and is yelling at you. This is much more manageable with a subtitle bar in the middle of the screen.
  • Crassius
    Yea because pushing a couple of buttons is hard. How do you set up your options for you computer if doing that is such a major hassle? Come on, I'm not arguing with you but I had no problems with that quest. I just used my head. The ones outside I read in the chatbox. This isn't a contest, I was just providing a counter argument.

    Which guardian is lit up on the inside? I think you use your eyes, no? To each their own though.
    Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll...
    Everything I say is just my opinion. Like it or not - that's all it is.
  • HandofBane
    Crassius wrote: »
    The ones outside I read in the chatbox. This isn't a contest, I was just providing a counter argument.

    Which guardian is lit up on the inside? I think you use your eyes, no? To each their own though.

    Usually the one behind me or out of my field of vision, since I play a nightblade, and needed to be in melee to deal with that corrupted spirit. Also doesn't help that the first time doing that was at veteran level, so there was no room for error after taking one hit from the final boss. The earlier ones were far enough from the mob spawn that they were outside of subtitle/chat range from being up in melee with the spirits, so I got to eat some pretty big hits, despite the guardians shouting at me to eisenjager my sauerkraut with a flammenwurfer.
  • Cry_Wolfe
    I've been alting on AD faction and found that when I used the knock back from flame destro staff I was having trouble looting.

    My workaround was to stand behind the body (in relation to where i was when it died), and move backwards till the yellow outline turned off, then take a step back till it turns back on. Looting at that point was 100%

    In my case inability to loot a corpse seems to be a disagreement between the server and my client about where the lootable corpse was.
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