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Vampire Nerf increases Mist Form/Drain costs 3x, doesn't fix ultimate cost reduction on Bat Swarm

  • Hozec
    Aphilas wrote: »
    You mean it was perfectly fine to be able with proper skill line and gear and passives to spam bolt escape indefinatly with occasional pot chug?
    Yeah, right.

    fixed for you dude.

    Edited by Hozec on May 6, 2014 3:29PM
  • limeli8
    DK nightblade etc all class wich can generate ultimate quickly trought spell can spam this ability with ease even at a 200 cost. with reduction from gear we still end up with a huge joke (sap essence 5 time spam carve do anything that generate ulti and you perma in it)

    In order to generate ULT fast you need to aoe a lot of targets and a lot of targets that aren't dumb will drop you along with your batswarm because 1 stack of it wont save you vs so many. Also as you start aoe most people will scatter away from any aoeing fool and so there goes your ult generation and targets for your batswarm after u manged to get enough. The real point here is that 1 stack of batswarm with 6 target cap will not keep you alive vs those 6 targets if they aren't terrible even if you manage to keep casting it. There are in fact better options for similar ult cost or even cheaper like DK standart, sorc power overload/crit surge and NB veil of blades.
    I have to give a credit to AD pack of Vampires with VR10 Night Mistress leading them (seriously VR10 10 days after the official release?).

    Night Mistress - v12 Former Empress Sorcerer AD
    Night Mistress II - v12 Night Blade AD
  • Thechemicals
    Lets remove the word "Mist" and just ask:

    Is an ability that can give you 75% damage mitigation from all damage sources including protection from an inherent weakness of fire+50% movement speed that can be spammed repeatedly when added with gear and other skills from other classes/guild trees, fair?

    Bat swarm, as i said before is fixed fairly. It was not meant to be a piece of crap ultimate. Pre-nerf it was stacking damage and players would take damage at 3-4-5 ticks a second. Now its only 1 tick. If you cant survive that then youll be spending a lot of time on your back in Cyrodiil.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Veakoth
    The real fun begins when people start to unlock to combat frenzy passive in the alliance war assault skill line. how does it make you feel to know this tactic hasn't hit it's peak yet
  • NikG
    Mist form doesn't actually do the 75% damage mitigation or protect from control effects so the speed was the most useful thing about it.
  • ChairGraveyard
    The damage reduction is ***. The speed was the only useful thing.

    Anyone saying it's some sort of "god-skill" is full of it, and a total noob who doesn't know crap about this game, considering YOU CAN INTERRUPT PEOPLE OUT OF MIST FORM GENIUSES!
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on May 6, 2014 3:59PM
  • by_saidoeb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    The pvp that I'm doing today is billion times better than the batspamzerg from days ago. No more zergs of stage 4 + akaviri + infinite bat stack. Thanks Zenimax.
  • ChairGraveyard
    The pvp that I'm doing today is billion times better than the batspamzerg from days ago. No more zergs of stage 4 + akaviri + infinite bat stack. Thanks Zenimax.

    Nice whine - thanks for not bothering to read the thread.
  • Kymyth
    Soul Shriven
    Way to go, break the whole class you people suck!
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    Sadly it looks like right out the gate, ZOS is going to be approaching balance passes with a sledgehammer instead of a scalpel with heavy handed nerfing and poor understanding of where the problem truly lies. *sigh*
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    I'd like to recommend that balance in PVE and PVP be done separately. Without fail every cool idea a dev ever comes up with suffers because of the necessity of keeping PVP fair, this is a good example of that, Vamp has been mutilated because of pvp whine. Just make everyone the absolute same in pvp so no one can cry anything is unfair (because if one class has a graphic that is slightly shinier than another, someone in PVP will whine about it and get it nerfed.). This way cool ideas can be realized without worrying if they are going to break pvp, even though in this case it is a skill line literally everyone can get for themselves.
  • Sharakor
    The worst part about the vampire nerf is that it was done because dumb people complained, you know, like the reject that stood beside the guy with bat swarm instead of keeping a distance and then crying on forums "ME IS DIE, ME IS MAD, IS NEED NERF"
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