Bugged and broken abilities of the Nightblades are really getting frustrating and we have so many broken skills I think our class should temporarily get free re-specializations until the class is fixed. Last night I invested two skill points into the passive Magicka Flood only to find out it did not work. Unless I respec, I cannot get those points back which could be useful in crafting or in any skill that actually works.
Magicka Flood <Passive> – Gives 8% max magicka at level 2 per siphoning ability that is slotted. This is not detecting siphoning abilities which I discovered last night with the morphed skill Swallow Soul
Siphoning Strikes <Leeching Strike> – Only gives an extra 2.4% health instead of the expected 4%.
Death Stroke <Incapacitating Strike> and <Soul Harvest> On occasion the animation will happen however the ability is not actually triggered.
Assassin’s Blade <Killer’s Blade> and <Impale> – On occasion the animation will happen however the ability is not actually triggered. This happens randomly and is extremely irritating so I stopped using the ability altogether
These are the abilities which I have personally used and confirmed are broken but there are other Nightblade skills which others have listed as being bugged as well.
Nah, but I would settle with a game that didn't resemble an early beta.Would you like 5,909,890 gold as well?
aipex8_ESO wrote: »
I would just settle for them fixing the "I CANT ATTACK BUG" in the middle of a fight
I agree. With so many buggy skills, buggy mechanics, horribly worded descriptions and the like you should be able to respec for free for all classes. I play NB by the way.
wrlifeboil wrote: »Many people knew nightblade class was going to be bugged after launch so for those who rolled the class despite knowing this (hoping ZOS would fix the problems early), dem's da breaks. Next time roll a dk or sorc.
Bugged and broken abilities of the Nightblades are really getting frustrating and we have so many broken skills I think our class should temporarily get free re-specializations until the class is fixed. Last night I invested two skill points into the passive Magicka Flood only to find out it did not work. Unless I respec, I cannot get those points back which could be useful in crafting or in any skill that actually works.
Magicka Flood <Passive> – Gives 8% max magicka at level 2 per siphoning ability that is slotted. This is not detecting siphoning abilities which I discovered last night with the morphed skill Swallow Soul
Siphoning Strikes <Leeching Strike> – Only gives an extra 2.4% health instead of the expected 4%.
Death Stroke <Incapacitating Strike> and <Soul Harvest> On occasion the animation will happen however the ability is not actually triggered.
Assassin’s Blade <Killer’s Blade> and <Impale> – On occasion the animation will happen however the ability is not actually triggered. This happens randomly and is extremely irritating so I stopped using the ability altogether
These are the abilities which I have personally used and confirmed are broken but there are other Nightblade skills which others have listed as being bugged as well.
No. Nobody else who gets nerfed or has broken skills gets a free respec and neither do you.
Soliduparrow wrote: »Shadow Cloak lets you interrupt every single boss in the game. you use it and they stop what ever they are doing and stare into space. it also gives you 1700 armor/spell resist when you come out of it.
"Many people knew nightblade"..
Well lol I never new this would explain allot. What bothers me is ESO reads this thread yet so far says nothing. I'm sure by patch 1.11 this will fixed or sometime in 2014. Were on 1.06 so should be any month now. Hey if I am wrong tell us when. Just asking
nope. there are enough who can see through it.Soliduparrow wrote: »Shadow Cloak lets you interrupt every single boss in the game. you use it and they stop what ever they are doing and stare into space. it also gives you 1700 armor/spell resist when you come out of it.
especially the skills in the trees.NB is not only bugged, it needs serious balancing.
Many skills/pasives are just plain crap.
NB is not only bugged, it needs serious balancing.
Many skills/pasives are just plain crap.
nope. there are enough who can see through it.Soliduparrow wrote: »Shadow Cloak lets you interrupt every single boss in the game. you use it and they stop what ever they are doing and stare into space. it also gives you 1700 armor/spell resist when you come out of it.especially the skills in the trees.NB is not only bugged, it needs serious balancing.
Many skills/pasives are just plain crap.
in my opinion they should swith "Blur and Teleport Strike" with "Cloak and Veiled Strike", then redisign Blur completely. or something else like that.
And they said this game was ready for release?
Does anything besides light and heavy attacks actually work as Intended?
I guess the only class the Dev's actually made sure was even playable was DK