Is there a forum for reporting ingame bugged quests etc?

Ok so I know there have been a lot of bugged quests doing the rounds I seem ton have regularly carried at between 1-3 at least in my journal at any 1 time... Now I raise in game tickets when o find these but as they have never replied to any of these I am asking is there a specific forum to report this issues again so other members of the community can stop banging their heads off desktops after reseting a quest over and over in vain hope it may work ( yes some of them do that's why we do it)

If there isn't can I suggest Zenimax open one.. the Known issue thread on this part of forum has become rambling moaning point that Zenimax CS staff as per usual never post or rarely post on so we have no idea what the hell they intend to fix...

I ask this as again they have released a patch to fix known bugged quests,, and whoppee 2 hours later I am sat with 5 others looking at why a quest isn't working in Greenshade (VR level) called Striking at the Heart (no keys appear to unlock next area / part of the quest line) so it seems a quest that worked before now doesn't as one of my guildmates completed it 2 days ago.
  • AlexDougherty
    Well technically this forum, but also PVE content forums, Maybe the Faction forums or the Dungeon forum there.
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